blob: 15da1b74aacd83d4e66c8bf93dd2129ede6e78c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020 Google LLC All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::{test_error, Json5Format},
struct FormatTest<'a> {
options: Option<FormatOptions>,
input: &'a str,
error: Option<&'a str>,
expected: &'a str,
impl<'a> Default for FormatTest<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
FormatTest { options: None, input: "", error: None, expected: "" }
fn try_test_format(test: FormatTest<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let result = match ParsedDocument::from_str(test.input, None) {
Ok(parsed_document) => {
let format = match test.options {
Some(options) => Json5Format::with_options(options)?,
None => Json5Format::new()?,
Err(actual_error) => Err(actual_error),
match result {
Ok(bytes) => {
let actual_formatted_document = std::str::from_utf8(&bytes).unwrap();
match test.error {
Some(expected_error) => {
println!("Unexpected formatted result:");
println!("{}", actual_formatted_document);
println!("Expected error: {}", expected_error);
"Unexpected 'Ok()' result.\n expected: '{}'",
None => {
if actual_formatted_document == test.expected {
} else {
println!("{}", test.expected);
println!("{}", actual_formatted_document);
"Actual formatted document did not match expected."
Err(actual_error) => match test.error {
Some(expected_error) => {
let actual_error = format!("{}", actual_error);
if expected_error == actual_error {
} else {
println!("expected: {}", expected_error);
println!(" actual: {}", actual_error);
Err(test_error!("Actual error did not match expected error."))
None => Err(actual_error),
fn test_format(test: FormatTest<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
try_test_format(test).map_err(|e| {
println!("{}", e);
fn test_format_simple_objects() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{ "program": {} }"##,
expected: r##"{
program: {},
fn test_last_scope_is_array() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
program: {},
expose: [
/* and this */
} // line comment on primary object
// line comment at the end of the document
// second line comment
/* block comment at the end of the document
* block comment continues.
* end of block comment at end of doc */
expected: r##"{
program: {},
expose: [
/* and this */
} // line comment on primary object
// line comment at the end of the document
// second line comment
/* block comment at the end of the document
* block comment continues.
* end of block comment at end of doc */
fn test_comment_block() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"// Copyright or other header
// goes here
program: {},
expose: [
what happens
with this
what happens
with this
what happens
with this
what happens
with this
/* what happens
with this
/* what happens
with this
and this */
/* and this */
// and end of
// the doc comment"##,
expected: r##"// Copyright or other header
// goes here
program: {},
expose: [
what happens
with this
what happens
with this
what happens
with this
what happens
with this
/* what happens
with this
/* what happens
with this
and this */
/* and this */
// and end of
// the doc comment
fn test_end_of_line_comments() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"
{ // not an end-of-line comment
// because it's not an end of a value
program: {}, // end of line comment
expose: [
"value1",// eol comment
// is here
"value2", // eol comment 2
// is also here
"value3", // this end of line comment is followed by a comment that is not vertically aligned
// so we assume this line comment is not part of the previous end-of-line comment
/*item4*/"value4", /*item5*/"value5", /*item6*/"value6" // eol comment without comma
// here also
some_object: {
prop1: // eol comment is not here
"value1",// eol comment
// is here
prop2: "value2", // eol comment 2
// is also here
prop3: "value3", // this end of line comment is followed by a comment that is not vertically aligned
// so we assume this line comment is not part of the previous end-of-line comment
prop4: "value4", prop5: "value5", prop6: "value6" // eol comment without comma
// here also
[ // line comment after open brace for "children"
use: // line comment for "use"
// and "use" line comment's second line
offer: [
], // end of line comment for "offer"
collections: [
], // not just one line but this
// is a multi-line end of line comment for "collections"
// - and should have indentation preserved
// - with multiple bullet points
other: [
], /// This doc comment style should still work like any other line
/// or end-of-line comment
/// - and should also have indentation preserved
/// - also with multiple bullet points
// not an end-of-line comment because there is a newline; and end of
// the doc comment was another break,
// and the document ends without the required newline"##,
expected: r##"{
// not an end-of-line comment
// because it's not an end of a value
program: {}, // end of line comment
expose: [
"value1", // eol comment
// is here
"value2", // eol comment 2
// is also here
"value3", // this end of line comment is followed by a comment that is not vertically aligned
// so we assume this line comment is not part of the previous end-of-line comment
"value6", // eol comment without comma
// here also
some_object: {
// eol comment is not here
prop1: "value1", // eol comment
// is here
prop2: "value2", // eol comment 2
// is also here
prop3: "value3", // this end of line comment is followed by a comment that is not vertically aligned
// so we assume this line comment is not part of the previous end-of-line comment
prop4: "value4",
prop5: "value5",
prop6: "value6", // eol comment without comma
// here also
children: [
// line comment after open brace for "children"
// line comment for "use"
// and "use" line comment's second line
use: [],
offer: [], // end of line comment for "offer"
collections: [], // not just one line but this
// is a multi-line end of line comment for "collections"
// - and should have indentation preserved
// - with multiple bullet points
other: [], /// This doc comment style should still work like any other line
/// or end-of-line comment
/// - and should also have indentation preserved
/// - also with multiple bullet points
// not an end-of-line comment because there is a newline; and end of
// the doc comment was another break,
// and the document ends without the required newline
fn test_breaks_between_line_comments() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"// Copyright or other header
// goes here
// Another comment block
// separate from the copyright block.
/// doc comment
/// is here
program: {},
/// another doc comment
/* and block comment */
/// and doc comment
/// and multiple blank lines were above this line comment,
/// but replaced by one.
/// more than
/// two contiguous
/// line comments
/// are
/// here
/// including empty line comments
expose: [ // inside array so not end of line comment
// comment block
// is here
//comment block
// is here 2
//comment block
// is here 3
// and one more
/* and a block comment
[ // line comment after open brace for "children"
use: // line comment for "use"
collections: [
], // not just one line but this
// is a multi-line end of line comment for "collections"
// - and should have indentation preserved
offer: [
], // end of line comment for "offer"
// and end of
// the doc comment
// was another break"##,
expected: r##"// Copyright or other header
// goes here
// Another comment block
// separate from the copyright block.
/// doc comment
/// is here
program: {},
/// another doc comment
/* and block comment */
/// and doc comment
/// and multiple blank lines were above this line comment,
/// but replaced by one.
/// more than
/// two contiguous
/// line comments
/// are
/// here
/// including empty line comments
expose: [
// inside array so not end of line comment
// comment block
// is here
//comment block
// is here 2
//comment block
// is here 3
// and one more
/* and a block comment
children: [
// line comment after open brace for "children"
// line comment for "use"
use: [],
collections: [], // not just one line but this
// is a multi-line end of line comment for "collections"
// - and should have indentation preserved
offer: [], // end of line comment for "offer"
// and end of
// the doc comment
// was another break
fn test_format_sort_and_align_block_comment() {
test_format(FormatTest {
options: Some(FormatOptions { sort_array_items: true, ..Default::default() }),
input: r##"{
"program": {
"binary": "bin/session_manager"
"use": [
{ "runner": "elf" },
// The Realm service allows session_manager to start components.
"protocol": "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
"from": "framework",
/* indented block
* is here
* ok
"protocol": [
"from": "realm",
expected: r##"{
program: {
binary: "bin/session_manager",
use: [
runner: "elf",
// The Realm service allows session_manager to start components.
protocol: "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
from: "framework",
/* indented block
* is here
* ok
protocol: [
from: "realm",
fn test_property_name_formatting() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
unquotedName: 1,
$_is_ok_$: 2,
$10million: 3,
_10_9_8___: 4,
"remove_quotes_$_123": 5,
"keep quotes": 6,
"multi \
line \
is \
valid": 7,
"3.14159": "pi",
"with 'quotes'": 9,
'with "quotes"': 10,
expected: r##"{
unquotedName: 1,
$_is_ok_$: 2,
$10million: 3,
_10_9_8___: 4,
remove_quotes_$_123: 5,
"keep quotes": 6,
"multi \
line \
is \
valid": 7,
"3.14159": "pi",
"with 'quotes'": 9,
'with "quotes"': 10,
fn test_parse_error_missing_property_value() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property: {
sub_property_1: "value",
sub_property_2: ,
error: Some(
"Parse error: 4:25: Property 'sub_property_2' must have a value before the next \
comma-separated property:
sub_property_2: ,
fn test_parse_error_missing_property_value_when_closing_object() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property: {
sub_property_1: "value",
error: Some(
"Parse error: 5:5: Property 'sub_property_2' must have a value before closing an \
fn test_parse_error_incomplete_property() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property: {
sub_property_1: "value1"
sub_property_2: "value2",
error: Some(
r#"Parse error: 4:9: Properties must be separated by a comma:
sub_property_2: "value2",
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property: {
sub_property_2: "value2",
error: Some(
r#"Parse error: 4:9: Properties must be separated by a comma:
sub_property_2: "value2",
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property: {
sub_property_1: ,
sub_property_2: "value2",
error: Some(
"Parse error: 3:25: Property 'sub_property_1' must have a value before the next \
comma-separated property:
sub_property_1: ,
fn test_parse_error_property_name_when_array_value_is_expected() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property: [
sub_property_1: "value",
error: Some(r#"Parse error: 4:9: Invalid Object token found while parsing an Array of 1 item (mismatched braces?):
sub_property_1: "value",
fn test_parse_error_bad_non_string_primitive() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
non_string_literals: [
error: Some(
"Parse error: 52:9: Unexpected token:
fn test_parse_error_expected_object() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property: [}
error: Some(r#"Parse error: 2:16: Invalid Object token found while parsing an Array of 0 items (mismatched braces?):
property: [}
fn test_parse_error_expected_array() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property: {]
error: Some(r#"Parse error: 2:16: Invalid Array token found while parsing an Object of 0 properties (mismatched braces?):
property: {]
fn test_parse_error_mismatched_braces() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property_1: "value1",
property_2: "value2","##,
error: Some(
r#"Parse error: 3:25: Mismatched braces in the document:
property_2: "value2",
fn test_property_name_separator_missing() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property_1 "value1",
error: Some(
r#"Parse error: 2:5: Unexpected token:
property_1 "value1",
fn test_parse_error_quoted_property_name_separator_missing() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
"property_1" "value1",
error: Some(
r#"Parse error: 2:17: Property name separator (:) missing:
"property_1" "value1",
fn test_parse_error_extra_comma_between_properties() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property_1: "value1",
property_2: "value2",
error: Some(
"Parse error: 3:5: Unexpected comma without a preceding property:
fn test_parse_error_comma_before_first_property() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property_1: "value1",
property_2: "value2",
error: Some(
"Parse error: 2:5: Unexpected comma without a preceding property:
fn test_parse_error_extra_comma_between_array_items() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"[
error: Some(
"Parse error: 3:5: Unexpected comma without a preceding array item value:
fn test_parse_error_comma_before_first_array_item() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"[
error: Some(
"Parse error: 2:5: Unexpected comma without a preceding array item value:
fn test_parse_error_quoted_property_name_and_comma_looks_like_a_value() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property_1: "value1",
error: Some(
r#"Parse error: 3:13: Property name separator (:) missing:
fn test_parse_error_value_without_property_name() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property_1: "value1",
error: Some(
"Parse error: 3:5: Object values require property names:
fn test_parse_error_unclosed_string() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"{
property: "bad quotes',
error: Some(
r#"Parse error: 2:16: Unclosed string:
property: "bad quotes',
fn test_parse_error_not_json() {
test_format(FormatTest {
input: r##"
# Fuchsia
Pink + Purple == Fuchsia (a new operating system)
## How can I build and run Fuchsia?
See [Getting Started](
## Where can I learn more about Fuchsia?
See [](
error: Some(
r#"Parse error: 2:1: Unexpected token:
# Fuchsia
fn test_options() {
let options = FormatOptions { ..Default::default() };
assert_eq!(options.indent_by, 4);
assert_eq!(options.trailing_commas, true);
assert_eq!(options.collapse_containers_of_one, false);
assert_eq!(options.sort_array_items, false);
let options = FormatOptions {
indent_by: 2,
trailing_commas: false,
collapse_containers_of_one: true,
sort_array_items: true,
options_by_path: hashmap! {
"/*" => hashset! {
"/*/use" => hashset! {
"/*/use/service" => hashset! {
assert_eq!(options.indent_by, 2);
assert_eq!(options.trailing_commas, false);
assert_eq!(options.collapse_containers_of_one, true);
assert_eq!(options.sort_array_items, true);
let path_options = options
.expect("Expected to find path options for the given path");
match path_options
.expect("Expected to find a PathOption::TrailingCommas setting")
PathOption::TrailingCommas(trailing_commas) => assert_eq!(*trailing_commas, false),
_ => panic!("PathOption enum as key should return a value of the same type"),
match path_options
.expect("Expected to find a PathOption::CollapseContainersOfOne setting")
PathOption::CollapseContainersOfOne(collapsed_container_of_one) => {
assert_eq!(*collapsed_container_of_one, false)
_ => panic!("PathOption enum as key should return a value of the same type"),
match path_options
.expect("Expected to find a PathOption::SortArrayItems setting")
PathOption::SortArrayItems(sort_array_items) => assert_eq!(*sort_array_items, true),
_ => panic!("PathOption enum as key should return a value of the same type"),
match path_options
.expect("Expected to find a PathOption::PropertyNameOrder setting")
PathOption::PropertyNameOrder(property_names) => assert_eq!(property_names[1], "url"),
_ => panic!("PathOption enum as key should return a value of the same type"),
fn test_duplicated_key_in_subpath_options_is_ignored() {
let options = FormatOptions {
options_by_path: hashmap! {
"/*/use" => hashset! {
match options.options_by_path.get("/*/use") {
Some(path_options) => {
match path_options.get(&PathOption::TrailingCommas(true)) {
Some(path_option) => match path_option {
PathOption::TrailingCommas(trailing_commas) => {
assert_eq!(*trailing_commas, false);
_ => panic!("PathOption enum as key should return a value of the same type"),
None => panic!("Expected to find a PathOption::TrailingCommas setting"),
match path_options.get(&PathOption::CollapseContainersOfOne(true)) {
Some(path_option) => match path_option {
PathOption::CollapseContainersOfOne(collapsed_container_of_one) => {
assert_eq!(*collapsed_container_of_one, false);
_ => panic!("PathOption enum as key should return a value of the same type"),
None => panic!("Expected to find a PathOption::CollapseContainersOfOne setting"),
match path_options.get(&PathOption::SortArrayItems(true)) {
Some(path_option) => match path_option {
PathOption::SortArrayItems(sort_array_items) => {
assert_eq!(*sort_array_items, true);
_ => panic!("PathOption enum as key should return a value of the same type"),
None => panic!("Expected to find a PathOption::SortArrayItems setting"),
match path_options.get(&PathOption::PropertyNameOrder(vec![])) {
Some(path_option) => match path_option {
PathOption::PropertyNameOrder(property_names) => {
assert_eq!(property_names[1], "url");
_ => panic!("PathOption enum as key should return a value of the same type"),
None => panic!("Expected to find a PathOption::PropertyNamePriorities setting"),
None => panic!("Expected to find path options for the given path"),
fn test_format_options() {
test_format(FormatTest {
options: Some(FormatOptions {
collapse_containers_of_one: true,
sort_array_items: true, // but use options_by_path to turn this off for program args
options_by_path: hashmap! {
"/*" => hashset! {
"/*/program" => hashset! {
"/*/program/args" => hashset! {
"/*/*/*" => hashset! {
input: r##"{
offer: [
runner: "elf",
from: "framework",
to: "#elements",
protocol: "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
to: "#elements",
protocol: [
from: "realm",
collections: [
use: [
runner: "elf",
protocol: "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
from: "framework",
to: "#elements",
from: "realm",
protocol: [
children: [
program: {
binary: "bin/session_manager",
expected: r##"{
program: {
binary: "bin/session_manager",
children: [],
collections: [ "elements" ],
use: [
{ runner: "elf" },
protocol: "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
from: "framework",
protocol: [
from: "realm",
to: "#elements",
offer: [
{ runner: "elf" },
protocol: "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
from: "framework",
to: "#elements",
protocol: [
from: "realm",
to: "#elements",
fn test_no_trailing_commas() {
test_format(FormatTest {
options: Some(FormatOptions { trailing_commas: false, ..Default::default() }),
input: r##"{
offer: [
runner: "elf",
from: "framework",
to: "#elements",
protocol: "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
to: "#elements",
protocol: [
from: "realm",
collections: [
use: [
runner: "elf",
protocol: "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
from: "framework",
from: "realm",
to: "#elements",
protocol: [
children: [
program: {
binary: "bin/session_manager",
expected: r##"{
offer: [
runner: "elf"
from: "framework",
to: "#elements",
protocol: "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm"
to: "#elements",
protocol: [
from: "realm"
collections: [
use: [
runner: "elf"
protocol: "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
from: "framework"
from: "realm",
to: "#elements",
protocol: [
children: [],
program: {
binary: "bin/session_manager"
fn test_collapse_containers_of_one() {
test_format(FormatTest {
options: Some(FormatOptions { collapse_containers_of_one: true, ..Default::default() }),
input: r##"{
offer: [
runner: "elf",
from: "framework",
to: "#elements",
protocol: "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
to: "#elements",
protocol: [
from: "realm",
collections: [
use: [
runner: "elf",
protocol: "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
from: "framework",
from: "realm",
to: "#elements",
protocol: [
children: [
program: {
binary: "bin/session_manager",
expected: r##"{
offer: [
{ runner: "elf" },
from: "framework",
to: "#elements",
protocol: "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
to: "#elements",
protocol: [
from: "realm",
collections: [ "elements" ],
use: [
{ runner: "elf" },
protocol: "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
from: "framework",
from: "realm",
to: "#elements",
protocol: [
children: [],
program: { binary: "bin/session_manager" },
fn test_validate_example_in_documentation() {
test_format(FormatTest {
options: Some(FormatOptions {
options_by_path: hashmap! {
"/*" => hashset! {
"/*/name" => hashset! {
"/*/*/*" => hashset! {
"/*/*/*/work" => hashset! {
input: r##"{
name: {
last: "Smith",
first: "John",
middle: "Jacob",
address: {
city: "Anytown",
country: "USA",
state: "New York",
street: "101 Main Street",
contact_options: [
other: {
email: "",
home: {
email: "",
phone: "212-555-4321",
home: {
email: "",
phone: "212-555-2222",
work: {
email: "",
phone: "212-555-1234",
expected: r##"{
name: {
first: "John",
middle: "Jacob",
last: "Smith",
address: {
city: "Anytown",
country: "USA",
state: "New York",
street: "101 Main Street",
contact_options: [
home: {
email: "",
phone: "212-555-4321",
other: {
email: "",
work: {
phone: "212-555-1234",
email: "",
home: {
email: "",
phone: "212-555-2222",