Writing an Accept Loop

Let's implement the scaffold of the server: a loop that binds a TCP socket to an address and starts accepting connections.

First of all, let's add required import boilerplate:

# extern crate async_std;
use async_std::{
    prelude::*, // 1
    task, // 2
    net::{TcpListener, ToSocketAddrs}, // 3

type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>; // 4
  1. prelude re-exports some traits required to work with futures and streams.
  2. The task module roughly corresponds to the std::thread module, but tasks are much lighter weight. A single thread can run many tasks.
  3. For the socket type, we use TcpListener from async_std, which is just like std::net::TcpListener, but is non-blocking and uses async API.
  4. We will skip implementing comprehensive error handling in this example. To propagate the errors, we will use a boxed error trait object. Do you know that there's From<&'_ str> for Box<dyn Error> implementation in stdlib, which allows you to use strings with ? operator?

Now we can write the server's accept loop:

# extern crate async_std;
# use async_std::{
#     net::{TcpListener, ToSocketAddrs},
#     prelude::*,
# };
# type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>;
async fn accept_loop(addr: impl ToSocketAddrs) -> Result<()> { // 1

    let listener = TcpListener::bind(addr).await?; // 2
    let mut incoming = listener.incoming();
    while let Some(stream) = incoming.next().await { // 3
        // TODO
  1. We mark the accept_loop function as async, which allows us to use .await syntax inside.
  2. TcpListener::bind call returns a future, which we .await to extract the Result, and then ? to get a TcpListener. Note how .await and ? work nicely together. This is exactly how std::net::TcpListener works, but with .await added. Mirroring API of std is an explicit design goal of async_std.
  3. Here, we would like to iterate incoming sockets, just how one would do in std:
let listener: std::net::TcpListener = unimplemented!();
for stream in listener.incoming() {

Unfortunately this doesn‘t quite work with async yet, because there’s no support for async for-loops in the language yet. For this reason we have to implement the loop manually, by using while let Some(item) = iter.next().await pattern.

Finally, let's add main:

# extern crate async_std;
# use async_std::{
#     net::{TcpListener, ToSocketAddrs},
#     prelude::*,
#     task,
# };
# type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>;
# async fn accept_loop(addr: impl ToSocketAddrs) -> Result<()> { // 1
#     let listener = TcpListener::bind(addr).await?; // 2
#     let mut incoming = listener.incoming();
#     while let Some(stream) = incoming.next().await { // 3
#         // TODO
#     }
#     Ok(())
# }
// main
fn run() -> Result<()> {
    let fut = accept_loop("");

The crucial thing to realise that is in Rust, unlike other languages, calling an async function does not run any code. Async functions only construct futures, which are inert state machines. To start stepping through the future state-machine in an async function, you should use .await. In a non-async function, a way to execute a future is to hand it to the executor. In this case, we use task::block_on to execute a future on the current thread and block until it's done.