blob: 896f8cf5b32a40ff052292fadde1d98bc6ab711a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Add appmgr to core
children: [
name: "appmgr",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
on_terminate: "reboot",
capabilities: [
// These protocols are services from the v1 component runtime being made available to the v2
// component runtime. They are defined here in `core` rather than `appmgr` because they
// get proxied from the `svc_from_sys` directory. (See the accompanying comment in
// `core.cml`.)
// The presence of these protocols creates a dependency cycle between v1 and v2. For this
// reason, when you offer these protocol you typically mark them `weak_for_migration` to
// break the cycle. Be aware that when you do this, you can expect the target component to
// lose access to the protocol at some point when the system is shut down.
protocol: [
// TODO( delete fuchsia.tee.* below when tee_manager migrated to CFv2
// Protocols used from a child are routed to the v1 sys realm.
use: [
protocol: [
from: "#text_manager",
protocol: [
from: "parent",
protocol: "fuchsia.devicesettings.DeviceSettingsManager",
from: "#device_settings",
protocol: "fuchsia.sysmem.Allocator",
from: "#sysmem_connector",
protocol: [
from: "#network",
protocol: "",
from: "#soundplayer",
protocol: "fuchsia.fonts.Provider",
from: "#font_provider",
protocol: [
from: "#hwinfo",
protocol: "fuchsia.update.CommitStatusProvider",
from: "#system-update-committer",
protocol: "fuchsia.developer.remotecontrol.RemoteControl",
from: "#remote-control",
// TODO( If there's no v1 dependencies these should not be routed here.
protocol: [
from: "#overnetstack",
protocol: "fuchsia.starnix.developer.Manager",
from: "#starnix_manager",
protocol: "fuchsia.virtualization.LinuxManager",
from: "#linux_runner",
dependency: "weak_for_migration",
protocol: "fuchsia.hardware.serial.NewDeviceProxy",
from: "#debug_serial",
protocol: "fuchsia.systemmetrics.test.SystemMetricsLogger",
from: "#system-metrics-logger",
protocol: "fuchsia.thermal.test.TemperatureLogger",
from: "#temperature-logger",
protocol: [
from: "parent",
protocol: [
from: "#pkg-resolver",
// TODO( prune these once MDNS is a CFv2 component.
protocol: [
from: "#mdns",
protocol: "fuchsia.stash.Store",
from: "#stash",
protocol: "fuchsia.stash.Store2",
from: "#stash2",
protocol: "fuchsia.stash.SecureStore",
from: "#stash_secure",
protocol: "fuchsia.vulkan.loader.Loader",
from: "#vulkan_loader",
// Used by Bluetooth shell tools via appmgr.
protocol: [
from: "#bluetooth-core",
protocol: [
from: "#activity",
protocol: "fuchsia.ui.brightness.Control",
from: "#brightness_manager",
protocol: [
from: "#cobalt",
protocol: "fuchsia.diagnostics.persist.DataPersistence-wlan",
from: "#diagnostics-persistence",
protocol: "fuchsia.ssh.AuthorizedKeys",
from: "#ssh-key-manager",
protocol: [
from: "#regulatory_region",
protocol: [
from: "#session-manager",
dependency: "weak_for_migration",
protocol: [
from: "#exceptions",
protocol: [
from: "#feedback",
offer: [
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: "#appmgr",
directory: [
from: "parent",
to: "#appmgr",
directory: "pkgfs",
from: "parent",
to: "#appmgr",
rights: [ "rx*" ],
protocol: "fuchsia.factory.MiscFactoryStoreProvider",
from: "self",
to: [ "#hwinfo" ],
dependency: "weak_for_migration",
storage: "data",
from: "self",
to: "#device_settings",
protocol: [
from: "self",
to: "#starnix_manager",
dependency: "weak_for_migration",
protocol: [
from: "self",
to: "#remote-control",
dependency: "weak_for_migration",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.sys.internal.CrashIntrospect" ],
from: "self",
to: "#exceptions",
dependency: "weak_for_migration",
protocol: "fuchsia.ui.display.internal.DisplayPower",
from: "self",
to: "#brightness_manager",
dependency: "weak",
protocol: [
from: "self",
to: "#session-manager",
protocol: [ "" ],
from: "self",
to: [
dependency: "weak_for_migration",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.bluetooth.snoop.Snoop" ],
from: "self",
to: "#bluetooth-core",
dependency: "weak_for_migration",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.settings.Privacy" ],
from: "self",
to: "#cobalt",
dependency: "weak_for_migration",
protocol: [
from: "self",
to: "#feedback",
dependency: "weak_for_migration",
expose: [
// Non-zircon services for svchost
protocol: [
from: "self",
protocol: [
from: "#appmgr",
directory: "hub-legacy",
from: "#appmgr",
protocol: [ "fuchsia.virtualization.LinuxManager" ],
from: "#linux_runner",