blob: e50540d5052e820d1a5a04f7200ece6196c61e28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
object_handle::{ObjectHandle, ObjectHandleExt},
directory::Directory, filesystem::FxFilesystem, transaction::LockKey,
transaction::TransactionHandler, HandleOptions, ObjectDescriptor, ObjectStore,
anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Error},
bincode::{deserialize_from, serialize_into},
serde::{Deserialize, Serialize},
// Volumes are a grouping of an object store and a root directory within this object store. They
// model a hierarchical tree of objects within a single store.
// Typically there will be one root volume which is referenced directly by the superblock. This root
// volume stores references to all other volumes on the system (as volumes/foo, volumes/bar, ...).
// For now, this hierarchy is only one deep.
const MAX_VOLUME_INFO_SERIALIZED_SIZE: usize = 131072;
const VOLUMES_DIRECTORY: &str = "volumes";
#[derive(Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct VolumeInfo {
root_directory_object_id: u64,
graveyard_object_id: u64,
/// RootVolume is the top-level volume which stores references to all of the other Volumes.
/// Each child volume is a direct child of the RootVolume's root directory.
/// The object ID for the directory is stored within the super-block.
pub struct RootVolume {
_root_directory: Directory,
volume_directory: Directory,
_graveyard: Directory,
filesystem: Arc<FxFilesystem>,
impl RootVolume {
/// Creates a new volume.
pub async fn new_volume(&self, volume_name: &str) -> Result<Volume, Error> {
let root_store = self.filesystem.root_store();
let volume_info_handle;
let mut transaction = self.filesystem.clone().new_transaction(&[]).await?;
let store = root_store.create_child_store(&mut transaction).await?;
let root_directory = store.create_directory(&mut transaction).await?;
let graveyard = store.create_directory(&mut transaction).await?;
volume_info_handle =
store.create_object(&mut transaction, HandleOptions::default()).await?;
let info = VolumeInfo {
root_directory_object_id: root_directory.object_id(),
graveyard_object_id: graveyard.object_id(),
// TODO(jfsulliv): Can we find out how big the object will be in advance and serialize
// directly into bufer?
let mut serialized_info = Vec::new();
serialize_into(&mut serialized_info, &info)?;
let mut buf = volume_info_handle.allocate_buffer(serialized_info.len());
volume_info_handle.txn_write(&mut transaction, 0u64, buf.as_ref()).await?;
&mut transaction,
Ok(Volume::new(store, root_directory, graveyard))
/// Returns the volume with the given name.
pub async fn volume(&self, volume_name: &str) -> Result<Volume, Error> {
let (object_id, object_type) = self.volume_directory.lookup(volume_name).await?;
let volume_info_object_id = {
if let ObjectDescriptor::Volume(object_id) = object_type {
} else {
return Err(anyhow!(FxfsError::Inconsistent).context(format!(
"Unexpected type {:?} for volume {}",
object_type, volume_name
let volume_store = {
if let Some(volume_store) = {
} else {
let handle =
volume_store.open_object(volume_info_object_id, HandleOptions::default()).await?;
let serialized_info = handle.contents(MAX_VOLUME_INFO_SERIALIZED_SIZE).await?;
let info: VolumeInfo = deserialize_from(&serialized_info[..])?;
let root_dir = volume_store.open_directory(info.root_directory_object_id).await?;
let graveyard = volume_store.open_directory(info.graveyard_object_id).await?;
Ok(Volume::new(volume_store, root_dir, graveyard))
pub async fn open_or_create_volume(&self, volume_name: &str) -> Result<Volume, Error> {
match self.volume(volume_name).await {
Ok(volume) => Ok(volume),
Err(e) => {
let cause = e.root_cause().downcast_ref::<FxfsError>().cloned();
if let Some(FxfsError::NotFound) = cause {
} else {
/// Returns the root volume for the filesystem or creates it if it does not exist.
pub async fn root_volume(fs: &Arc<FxFilesystem>) -> Result<RootVolume, Error> {
let root_store = fs.root_store();
let root_volume_info_object_id = loop {
let root_volume_object_id = fs.root_volume_info_object_id();
if root_volume_object_id != INVALID_OBJECT_ID {
break root_volume_object_id;
// The root volume is absent, so create it.
let handle;
let mut transaction = fs.clone().new_transaction(&[LockKey::RootVolume]).await?;
let root_volume_object_id = fs.root_volume_info_object_id();
// Check again in case we lost a race since the write lock was acquired.
if root_volume_object_id != INVALID_OBJECT_ID {
break root_volume_object_id;
handle = root_store.create_object(&mut transaction, HandleOptions::default()).await?;
let root_directory = root_store.create_directory(&mut transaction).await?;
let volume_directory =
root_directory.create_child_dir(&mut transaction, VOLUMES_DIRECTORY).await?;
let graveyard = root_store.create_directory(&mut transaction).await?;
let mut serialized_volume_info = Vec::new();
let info = VolumeInfo {
root_directory_object_id: root_directory.object_id(),
graveyard_object_id: graveyard.object_id(),
serialize_into(&mut serialized_volume_info, &info)?;
// TODO(jfsulliv): Can we find out how big the object will be in advance and serialize
// directly into bufer?
let mut buf = handle.allocate_buffer(serialized_volume_info.len());
handle.txn_write(&mut transaction, 0u64, buf.as_ref()).await?;
return Ok(RootVolume {
_root_directory: root_directory,
_graveyard: graveyard,
filesystem: fs.clone(),
let handle = root_store
.open_object(root_volume_info_object_id, HandleOptions::default())
.expect("Unable to open root volume info");
let info: VolumeInfo = deserialize_from(
.context("unable to read root volume info")?,
.context("unable to deserialize root volume info")?;
let root_directory = root_store
.context("Unable to open root volume directory")?;
let volume_directory_oid = root_directory
.and_then(|(object_id, object_descriptor)| {
if let ObjectDescriptor::Directory = object_descriptor {
} else {
.context("Unexpected type for volumes directory"))
.context("unable to resolve volumes directory")?;
let volume_directory = root_store
.context("unable to open volumes directory")?;
let graveyard = root_store
.context("Unable to open root volume graveyard")?;
Ok(RootVolume {
_root_directory: root_directory,
_graveyard: graveyard,
filesystem: fs.clone(),
/// Volumes are a grouping of an object store and a root directory within this object store. They
/// model a hierarchical tree of objects within a single store.
pub struct Volume {
pub object_store: Arc<ObjectStore>,
root_directory: Directory,
graveyard: Directory,
impl Volume {
pub(super) fn new(
object_store: Arc<ObjectStore>,
root_directory: Directory,
graveyard: Directory,
) -> Self {
Self { object_store, root_directory, graveyard }
pub fn root_directory(&self) -> &Directory {
pub fn graveyard(&self) -> &Directory {
// Convert from Volume to a tuple.
// TODO(jfsulliv): This isn't the most graceful interface. Consider implementing From<Volume> for FxVolume instead.
impl From<Volume> for (Arc<ObjectStore>, Directory, Directory) {
fn from(volume: Volume) -> Self {
(volume.object_store, volume.root_directory, volume.graveyard)
mod tests {
use {
filesystem::{FxFilesystem, SyncOptions},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
async fn test_lookup_nonexistent_volume() -> Result<(), Error> {
let device = Arc::new(FakeDevice::new(2048, 512));
let filesystem = FxFilesystem::new_empty(device.clone()).await?;
let root_volume = root_volume(&filesystem).await.expect("root_volume failed");
root_volume.volume("vol").await.err().expect("Volume shouldn't exist");
async fn test_add_volume() {
let device = Arc::new(FakeDevice::new(2048, 512));
let filesystem =
FxFilesystem::new_empty(device.clone()).await.expect("new_empty failed");
let root_volume = root_volume(&filesystem).await.expect("root_volume failed");
let volume = root_volume.new_volume("vol").await.expect("new_volume failed");
let mut transaction =
filesystem.clone().new_transaction(&[]).await.expect("new transaction failed");
.create_child_file(&mut transaction, "foo")
.expect("create_child_file failed");
filesystem.sync(SyncOptions::default()).await.expect("sync failed");
let filesystem = FxFilesystem::open(device.clone()).await.expect("open failed");
let root_volume = root_volume(&filesystem).await.expect("root_volume failed");
let volume = root_volume.volume("vol").await.expect("volume failed");
volume.root_directory().lookup("foo").await.expect("lookup failed");