blob: ef4eaed3e9e392891dca7cb42ddd1b2630321fd6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/commands/verb_ps.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/message_loop.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/mock_remote_api.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/console_test.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
debug_ipc::ProcessTreeReply GetCannedProcessTreeReply() {
debug_ipc::ProcessTreeReply reply;
reply.root.koid = 1; = "root";
// Make two nested jobs with a process in it.
reply.root.children[0].koid = 100;
reply.root.children[0].name = "j1";
reply.root.children[0].component_moniker = "/some/moniker";
reply.root.children[0].component_url = "schema://url";
reply.root.children[0].children[0].koid = 101;
reply.root.children[0].children[0].name = "j2";
reply.root.children[0].children[0].children[0].type =
reply.root.children[0].children[0].children[0].koid = 102;
reply.root.children[0].children[0].children[0].name = "baz";
// And add a process at the top level. This one matches the process marked as running in the
// ConsoleTest.
reply.root.children[1].type = debug_ipc::ProcessTreeRecord::Type::kProcess;
reply.root.children[1].koid = ConsoleTest::kProcessKoid;
reply.root.children[1].name = "foo bar";
return reply;
// Implements MockRemoteAPI to return a process tree.
class PSTestRemoteAPI : public MockRemoteAPI {
void ProcessTree(const debug_ipc::ProcessTreeRequest& request,
fit::callback<void(const Err&, debug_ipc::ProcessTreeReply)> cb) override {
debug::MessageLoop::Current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, [cb = std::move(cb)]() mutable {
cb(Err(), GetCannedProcessTreeReply());
// Give control back to the test.
class VerbPSTest : public ConsoleTest {
std::string RunCommandAndGetOutput(const std::string& cmd) {
auto event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
return event.output.AsString();
virtual std::unique_ptr<RemoteAPI> GetRemoteAPIImpl() {
return std::make_unique<PSTestRemoteAPI>();
} // namespace
TEST_F(VerbPSTest, Filter) {
// "ps" by itself should show everything.
" j: 1 root\n"
" j: 100 j1 /some/moniker schema://url\n"
" j: 101 j2\n"
" p: 102 baz\n"
"▶ p: 875123541 foo bar\n");
// Both processes have a "b" in them, this should match everything.
EXPECT_EQ(RunCommandAndGetOutput("ps b"),
" j: 1 root\n"
" j: 100 j1 /some/moniker schema://url\n"
" j: 101 j2\n"
" p: 102 baz\n"
"▶ p: 875123541 foo bar\n");
// Look for just a job name.
EXPECT_EQ(RunCommandAndGetOutput("ps j2"),
" j: 1 root\n"
" j: 100 j1 /some/moniker schema://url\n"
" j: 101 j2\n"
" p: 102 baz\n");
// Look for a component name.
EXPECT_EQ(RunCommandAndGetOutput("ps moniker"),
" j: 1 root\n"
" j: 100 j1 /some/moniker schema://url\n"
" j: 101 j2\n"
" p: 102 baz\n");
// Look for just one process name with a space in it (matches "foo bar").
EXPECT_EQ(RunCommandAndGetOutput("ps o b"),
" j: 1 root\n"
"▶ p: 875123541 foo bar\n");
// Matches nothing.
EXPECT_EQ(RunCommandAndGetOutput("ps zzz"), "No processes or jobs matching \"zzz\".\n");
EXPECT_EQ(RunCommandAndGetOutput("ps some"), "No processes or jobs matching \"some\".\n");
} // namespace zxdb