Packet Capture on Fuchsia

Packet capture is a fundamental tool for developing, debugging, and testing networking.

netdump is a Fuchsia's packet capture tool, and is bundled into the Fuchsia image as a base package. You can run this command on the Fuchsia target, or you may run this command via fx shell from the development host. See the corresponding topic below.

Quick how-to

First, decide which network interface you want to capture

A Fuchsia device has multiple network interfaces in general.

[target] $ net if list       # Take note of `filepath`
[target] $ net if list wlan  # Show WLAN interfaces only
[target] $ net if list eth   # Show Ethernet interfaces only

Capture all and dump to stdout for 10 sec

Specify the interface using filepath found in the above step. -t {sec} for duration. A more convenient way of specifying the network interface is planned to be done. (See

[target] $ netdump -t 10 /dev/class/ethernet/000

Dump to a file

Use -w {filename}.

[target] $ netdump -t 10 -w /tmp/my_precious_packets.pcapng /dev/class/ethernet/000

Copy packet dump files from the target

[host] $ fx scp "[$(fx get-device-addr)]:/tmp/my_precious_packets.pcapng" .

Give me a hexadump

Use --raw

[target] $ netdump -t 10 --raw /dev/class/ethernet/000

Filter out all IPv6 packets and TCP packets whose port is either 22 or IANA-assigned http (80)

Use -f filter syntax.

[target] $ netdump -t 10 -f "not ( ip6 or tcp port 22,http )" /dev/class/ethernet/000

Watch ARP, DHCP, DNS packets only

[target] $ netdump -t 10 -f "arp or port dns,dhcp" /dev/class/ethernet/000

Can I run with fx shell?

While a better support is coming soon, in the meantime, yes - use this recipe. Note the escaping sequence magics. Also make sure to filter out “port 22” to avoid an infinite loop.

[host] $ fx shell sh -c '"netdump -t 10 -f \"not ( port 22 )\" /dev/class/ethernet/000"'

Full syntax for filters

The packet filter language syntax is as follows. Keywords are in bold. Optional terms are in [square brackets]. Placeholders for literals are in <angle brackets>. Binary logical operators associate to the left. All keywords and port aliases should be in lower case.

  • <len>: Packet length in bytes. Greater or less comparison is inclusive of len.
  • <mac_addr>: MAC address, e.g. DE:AD:BE:EF:D0:0D. Hex digits are case-insensitive.
  • <ip_addr>: IP address consistent with the IP version specified previously. E.g., 2001:4860:4860::8888.
  • <port_lst>: List of ports or port ranges separated by commas, e.g. 13,ssh,6000-7000,20. The following aliases for defined ports and port ranges can be used as an item in the list, but not as part of a range (3,dhcp,12 is allowed, http-100 is not):
dbglogNetboot debug log port
dbgackNetboot debug log ack port


The following aliases may be used instead of the keywords listed in the syntax:


Reference: fx workflow packet signatures

There are many different kinds of services running between the Fuchsia development host and the target. Those are usually invoked by fx commands. Most of times, you are not interested in those packets incurred by the fx workflows. The following table lists up noteworthy signatures.

Loggerport 33337DEBUGLOG_PORT
Loggerport 33338DEBUGLOG_ACK_PORT
Bootserverport 33330NB_SERVER_PORT
Bootserverport 33331NB_ADVERT_PORT
Bootserverport 33332NB_CMD_PORT_START
Bootserverport 33339NB_CMD_PORT_END
Bootserverport 33340NB_TFTP_OUTGOING_PORT
Bootserverport 33341NB_TFTP_INCOMING_PORT
Package Serverport 8083docs/
fx shellport 22devshell/shell
target addrfe80::xxxx:xx4d:fexx:xxxx%XXfx netaddr
target addrfe80::xxxx:xxff:fexx:xxxx%XXfx netaddr --local
target addrfe80::xxxx:xxff:fexx:xxxx%XXfx netaddr --fuchsia
zxdbport 2345devshell/contrib/debug
-port 65026
-port 65268

How do I test if netdump is broken?

You can run some sanity checks locally.

[host] $ fx set core.x64 --with //src/connectivity:tests,//src/connectivity/network/netdump:netdump_unit_tests
# (After running your target)
[host] $ fx run-test netdump_unit_test          # unit test
[host] $ fx run-test netdump_integration_tests  # integration test