blob: bfdb9d9c20eb55f83489e1c2ccea20a39adfecd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package summarize
import (
const protocolKind Kind = "protocol"
// addProtocols adds the protocols to the elements list.
func (s *summarizer) addProtocols(protocols []fidlgen.Protocol) {
for _, p := range protocols {
for _, m := range p.Methods {
s.addElement(newMethod(p.Name, m))
s.addElement(protocol{named: named{name: Name(p.Name)}})
// protocol represents an element of the protocol type.
type protocol struct {
// String implements Element.
func (p protocol) String() string {
return p.Serialize().String()
func (p protocol) Serialize() ElementStr {
e := p.named.Serialize()
e.Kind = protocolKind
return e
// method represents an Element for a protocol method.
type method struct {
membership isMember
method fidlgen.Method
// newMethod creates a new protocol method element.
func newMethod(parent fidlgen.EncodedCompoundIdentifier, m fidlgen.Method) method {
return method{
membership: newIsMember(parent, m.Name, fidlgen.ProtocolDeclType),
method: m,
// Name implements Element.
func (m method) Name() Name {
return m.membership.Name()
// String implements Element. It formats a protocol method using a notation
// familiar from FIDL.
func (m method) String() string {
e := m.Serialize()
// Method serialization is custom because of different spacing.
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v%v", e.Kind, e.Name, e.Decl)
// Member implements Element.
func (m method) Member() bool {
return m.membership.Member()
// getTypeSignature returns a string representation of the type signature of
// this method. E.g. "(int32 a) -> (Foo b)"
func (m method) getTypeSignature() Decl {
var parlist []string
request := getParamList(m.method.HasRequest, m.method.Request)
if request != "" {
parlist = append(parlist, request)
response := getParamList(m.method.HasResponse, m.method.Response)
if response != "" {
if request == "" {
// -> Method(T a)
parlist = append(parlist, "")
parlist = append(parlist, "->", response)
return Decl(strings.Join(parlist, " "))
func (m method) Serialize() ElementStr {
e := m.membership.Serialize()
e.Kind = "protocol/member"
e.Decl = m.getTypeSignature()
return e
// getParamList formats a parameter list, as in Foo(ty1 a, ty2b)
func getParamList(hasParams bool, params []fidlgen.Parameter) string {
if !hasParams {
return ""
var ps []string
for _, p := range params {
ps = append(ps, fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", fidlTypeString(p.Type), p.Name))
return fmt.Sprintf("(%v)", strings.Join(ps, ","))