blob: ffea931bc4c6d396f837b02088d03332e42762d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package codegen
// fragmentProtocolInterfaceTmpl contains the definition for
// fidl::WireInterface<Protocol> and fidl::WireRawChannelInterface<Protocol>
const fragmentProtocolInterfaceTmpl = `
{{- define "ProtocolInterfaceDeclaration" }}
{{ "" }}
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
// This interface uses typed channels (i.e. |fidl::ClientEnd<SomeProtocol>|
// and |fidl::ServerEnd<SomeProtocol>|).
class {{ .WireInterface }} : public ::fidl::internal::IncomingMessageDispatcher {
WireInterface() = default;
virtual ~WireInterface() = default;
// The marker protocol type within which this |{{ .WireInterface.Self }}| class is defined.
using _EnclosingProtocol = {{ . }};
{{ "" }}
{{- range .Methods }}
{{- if .HasRequest }}
{{- if .HasResponse }}
class {{ .WireCompleterBase.Self }} : public ::fidl::CompleterBase {
// In the following methods, the return value indicates internal errors during
// the reply, such as encoding or writing to the transport.
// Note that any error will automatically lead to the destruction of the binding,
// after which the |on_unbound| callback will be triggered with a detailed reason.
// See //zircon/system/ulib/fidl/include/lib/fidl/llcpp/server.h.
// Because the reply status is identical to the unbinding status, it can be safely ignored.
::fidl::Result {{ template "ReplyManagedMethodSignature" . }};
{{- if .Result }}
::fidl::Result {{ template "ReplyManagedResultSuccessMethodSignature" . }};
::fidl::Result {{ template "ReplyManagedResultErrorMethodSignature" . }};
{{- end }}
{{- if .ResponseArgs }}
::fidl::Result {{ template "ReplyCallerAllocateMethodSignature" . }};
{{- if .Result }}
::fidl::Result {{ template "ReplyCallerAllocateResultSuccessMethodSignature" . }};
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using {{ .WireCompleter.Self }} = ::fidl::Completer<{{ .WireCompleterBase.Self }}>;
{{- else }}
using {{ .WireCompleter.Self }} = ::fidl::Completer<>;
{{- end }}
{{ "" }}
{{- .Docs }}
virtual void {{ .Name }}(
{{- .RequestArgs | Params }}{{ if .RequestArgs }}, {{ end -}}
{{- if .Transitional -}}
{{ .WireCompleter.Self }}::Sync& _completer) { _completer.Close(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); }
{{- else -}}
{{ .WireCompleter.Self }}::Sync& _completer) = 0;
{{- end }}
{{ "" }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* Note that this implementation is snake_case to avoid name conflicts. */}}
::fidl::DispatchResult dispatch_message(fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn) final;
{{ "" }}
{{- if .ShouldEmitTypedChannelCascadingInheritance }}
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
// Implementing this interface is discouraged since it uses raw |zx::channel|s
// instead of |fidl::ClientEnd| and |fidl::ServerEnd|. Consider implementing
// |{{ .WireInterface }}| instead.
// TODO( Remove this interface after all users have
// migrated to the typed channels API.
class FIDL_DEPRECATED_USE_TYPED_CHANNELS {{ .WireRawChannelInterface }} : public {{ .WireInterface }} {
WireRawChannelInterface() = default;
virtual ~WireRawChannelInterface() = default;
// The marker protocol type within which this |{{ .WireRawChannelInterface.Self }}| class is defined.
using {{ .WireInterface }}::_EnclosingProtocol;
{{- range .ClientMethods }}
using {{ .WireCompleter }};
{{ "" }}
{{- if .ShouldEmitTypedChannelCascadingInheritance }}
virtual void {{ .Name }}(
{{- .RequestArgs | Params }}{{ if .RequestArgs }}, {{ end -}}
{{ .WireCompleter }}::Sync& _completer) final {
{{ .Name }}({{ template "ForwardMessageParamsUnwrapTypedChannels" .RequestArgs }}
{{- if .RequestArgs }}, {{ end -}} _completer);
// TODO( Overriding this method is discouraged since it
// uses raw channels instead of |fidl::ClientEnd| and |fidl::ServerEnd|.
// Please move to overriding the typed channel overload above instead.
virtual void {{ .Name }}(
{{- .RequestArgs | ParamsNoTypedChannels }}{{ if .RequestArgs }}, {{ end -}}
{{- if .Transitional -}}
{{ .WireCompleter }}::Sync& _completer) { _completer.Close(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); }
{{- else -}}
{{ .WireCompleter }}::Sync& _completer) = 0;
{{- end }}
{{ "" }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}