blob: f529160ac3c664ba51559befabe8d9948cf80d54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package codegen
const fragmentProtocolDispatcherTmpl = `
{{- define "ProtocolDispatcherDeclaration" }}
{{- IfdefFuchsia }}
{{- EnsureNamespace "" }}
struct {{ .WireDispatcher }} final {
{{ .WireDispatcher.Self }}() = delete;
static ::fidl::DispatchResult TryDispatch({{ .WireInterface }}* impl, fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
static ::fidl::DispatchResult Dispatch({{ .WireInterface }}* impl, fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
{{- EndifFuchsia }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "ProtocolDispatcherDefinition" }}
{{- IfdefFuchsia -}}
{{ EnsureNamespace "" }}
::fidl::DispatchResult {{ .WireDispatcher.NoLeading }}::TryDispatch({{ .WireInterface }}* impl, fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
{{- if .ClientMethods }}
static const ::fidl::internal::MethodEntry entries[] = {
{{- range .ClientMethods }}
{ {{ .OrdinalName }}, {{ .WireRequest }}::Type,
[](void* interface, void* bytes, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
{{- if .RequestArgs }}
auto message = reinterpret_cast<{{ .WireRequest }}*>(bytes);
{{- end }}
{{ .WireCompleter }}::Sync completer(txn);
reinterpret_cast<{{ .Protocol.WireInterface }}*>(interface)->{{ .Name }}(
{{- range $index, $param := .RequestArgs }}
std::move(message->{{ $param.Name }}),
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
return ::fidl::internal::TryDispatch(
impl, msg, txn,
entries, entries + sizeof(entries) / sizeof(::fidl::internal::MethodEntry));
{{- else }}
return ::fidl::DispatchResult::kNotFound;
{{- end }}
{{ EnsureNamespace "" }}
::fidl::DispatchResult {{ .WireDispatcher.NoLeading }}::Dispatch({{ .WireInterface }}* impl, fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
{{- if .ClientMethods }}
::fidl::DispatchResult dispatch_result = TryDispatch(impl, msg, txn);
if (dispatch_result == ::fidl::DispatchResult::kNotFound) {
FidlHandleInfoCloseMany(msg->handles, msg->num_handles);
txn->InternalError({::fidl::UnbindInfo::kUnexpectedMessage, ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED});
return dispatch_result;
{{- else }}
FidlHandleInfoCloseMany(msg->handles, msg->num_handles);
txn->InternalError({::fidl::UnbindInfo::kUnexpectedMessage, ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED});
return ::fidl::DispatchResult::kNotFound;
{{- end }}
{{- EnsureNamespace "" }}
::fidl::DispatchResult {{ .WireInterface.NoLeading }}::dispatch_message(fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return {{ .WireDispatcher }}::Dispatch(this, msg, txn);
{{- EndifFuchsia -}}
{{- end }}