blob: edc2dd8eb3b8ed3ce10e7a168444951ca62e1b14 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from import *
import typing
__all__ = ['Comparator']
class Comparator:
def __init__(self):
self.identifier_shapes_match: typing.Dict[str, bool] = {}
self.identifier_constraints_match: typing.Dict[str, bool] = {}
# notice cycles when comparing shapes & contraints
self.shape_match_stack: typing.List[str] = []
self.constraint_match_stack: typing.List[str] = []
def shapes_match(self, before: Type, after: Type) -> bool:
Compares two types for shape
if isinstance(before, IdentifierType) and \
isinstance(after, IdentifierType) and \
before.identifier == after.identifier and \
not before.is_nullable and not before.is_nullable:
if before.identifier not in self.identifier_shapes_match:
assert before.identifier not in self.shape_match_stack
before.identifier] = self._shapes_match(before, after)
assert before.identifier == self.shape_match_stack.pop()
return self.identifier_shapes_match[before.identifier]
return self._shapes_match(before, after)
def _shapes_match(self, before: Type, after: Type) -> bool:
# identical types are identical
if before == after and not isinstance(before, IdentifierType):
return True
# different sized types are incompatible
if before.inline_size != after.inline_size:
return False
########## Handles, Protocols and Requests
# handles are compatible with handles
if isinstance(before, (ProtocolIdentifierType, RequestType, HandleType)) and \
isinstance(after, (ProtocolIdentifierType, RequestType, HandleType)):
return True
########## Primitives
# compare primitives
if isinstance(before, PrimitiveType) and \
isinstance(after, PrimitiveType):
return before.inline_size == after.inline_size and before.is_float == after.is_float
########## Enums and Bits
# compare enums, bits and integer primitives
if isinstance(before, (PrimitiveType, EnumIdentifierType, BitsIdentifierType)) and \
isinstance(after, (PrimitiveType, EnumIdentifierType, BitsIdentifierType)):
# get the primitive or underlying type
b_prim = before if isinstance(before,
PrimitiveType) else before.primitive
a_prim = after if isinstance(after,
PrimitiveType) else after.primitive
assert b_prim.inline_size == a_prim.inline_size
return b_prim.is_float == a_prim.is_float
########## Arrays
if isinstance(before, ArrayType) != isinstance(after, ArrayType):
# arrays and not-arrays are incompatible
return False
if isinstance(before, ArrayType) and isinstance(after, ArrayType):
if before.count != after.count:
# changing the size is incompatible
return False
# compatibility is based on the member types
return self.shapes_match(before.element_type, after.element_type)
########## Vectors and Strings
if isinstance(before, (VectorType, StringType)) and \
isinstance(after, (VectorType, StringType)):
return self.shapes_match(before.element_type, after.element_type)
########## Identifiers
if isinstance(before, IdentifierType) and \
isinstance(after, IdentifierType):
if type(before) != type(after):
# identifier types changing is a different shape
return False
if before.identifier != after.identifier:
# TODO: deal with renames?
return False
if isinstance(before, (XUnionIdentifierType, TableIdentifierType)):
# never a shape change
return True
if before.is_nullable or after.is_nullable:
if before.is_nullable != after.is_nullable:
if isinstance(before, XUnionIdentifierType):
# Nullability is soft change for xunions
return True
# No other types should have nullability
assert isinstance(
(StructIdentifierType, UnionIdentifierType))
# Nullability changes layout for structs and unions
return False
# both nullable, no layout change
return True
# both not-nullable
if isinstance(before, StructIdentifierType) and \
isinstance(after, StructIdentifierType):
# TODO: support shape-compatible struct member changes here? like joins & splits?
b_members = before.declaration.members
a_members = after.declaration.members
if len(b_members) != len(a_members):
return False
if len(b_members) == 0:
# all empty structs are the same
return True
return all(
self.shapes_match(b.type, a.type)
for b, a in zip(b_members, a_members))
if isinstance(before, UnionIdentifierType) and \
isinstance(after, UnionIdentifierType):
b_union_members = before.declaration.members
a_union_members = after.declaration.members
if len(b_union_members) != len(a_union_members):
return False
return all(
self.shapes_match(b.type, a.type)
for b, a in zip(b_union_members, a_union_members))
raise NotImplementedError(
"Don't know how to compare shape for %r (%r) and %r (%r)" %
(type(before), before, type(after), after))
def constraints_match(self, before: Type, after: Type) -> bool:
Compares two types for constraints
if isinstance(before, IdentifierType) and \
isinstance(after, IdentifierType) and \
before.identifier == after.identifier:
if before.identifier not in self.identifier_constraints_match:
if before.identifier in self.constraint_match_stack:
# hit a cycle
return True
self.identifier_constraints_match[before.identifier] = \
self._constraints_match(before, after)
assert before.identifier == self.constraint_match_stack.pop()
return self.identifier_constraints_match[before.identifier]
return self._constraints_match(before, after)
def _constraints_match(self, before: Type, after: Type) -> bool:
if not self.shapes_match(before, after):
# shape is the ultimate constraint
return False
if type(before) != type(after):
# changing the type of the type breaks constraints
return False
########## Primitives
if isinstance(before, PrimitiveType) and \
isinstance(after, PrimitiveType):
return before.subtype == after.subtype
########## Strings
if isinstance(before, StringType) and isinstance(after, StringType):
return before.limit == after.limit and \
before.is_nullable == after.is_nullable
########## Vectors
if isinstance(before, VectorType) and isinstance(after, VectorType):
return before.limit == after.limit and \
before.is_nullable == after.is_nullable and \
self.constraints_match(before.element_type, after.element_type)
########## Arrays
if isinstance(before, ArrayType) and isinstance(after, ArrayType):
assert before.count == after.count
return self.constraints_match(before.element_type,
########## Handles
if isinstance(before, HandleType) and isinstance(after, HandleType):
return before.handle_type == after.handle_type and \
before.is_nullable == after.is_nullable
if isinstance(before, NullableType) and \
isinstance(after, NullableType):
# nullability changes are constraints changes
if before.is_nullable != after.is_nullable:
return False
if isinstance(before, RequestType) and isinstance(after, RequestType):
return before.protocol == after.protocol
if isinstance(before, ProtocolIdentifierType) and \
isinstance(after, ProtocolIdentifierType):
return before.identifier == after.identifier
if isinstance(before, StructIdentifierType) and \
isinstance(after, StructIdentifierType):
b_struct_members = before.declaration.members
a_struct_members = after.declaration.members
assert len(b_struct_members) == len(a_struct_members)
if len(b_struct_members) == 0:
# all empty structs are the same
return True
return all(
self.constraints_match(b.type, a.type)
for b, a in zip(b_struct_members, a_struct_members))
if isinstance(before, TableIdentifierType) and \
isinstance(after, TableIdentifierType):
b_table_members: typing.Dict[int, TableMember] = {
m.ordinal: m
for m in before.declaration.members
a_table_members: typing.Dict[int, TableMember] = {
m.ordinal: m
for m in after.declaration.members
for ordinal, b_member in b_table_members.items():
a_member = a_table_members.get(ordinal)
if a_member is None:
# leaving out an ordinal breaks constraints
return False
if b_member.reserved or a_member.reserved:
# changing to/from reserved is fine
if not self.constraints_match(b_member.type, a_member.type):
return False
# it's fine if more members were added to after
return True
if isinstance(before, UnionIdentifierType) and \
isinstance(after, UnionIdentifierType):
b_union_members = before.declaration.members
a_union_members = after.declaration.members
if len(b_union_members) != len(a_union_members):
return False
# empty unions are illegal
assert len(b_union_members) != 0
return all(
self.constraints_match(b.type, a.type)
for b, a in zip(b_union_members, a_union_members))
if isinstance(before, XUnionIdentifierType) and \
isinstance(after, XUnionIdentifierType):
# Note: this is applying a strict-mode interpretation
b_xunion_members = before.declaration.members
a_xunion_members = after.declaration.members
if len(b_xunion_members) != len(a_xunion_members):
return False
# empty xunions are illegal
assert len(b_xunion_members) > 0
# members by ordinal
b_members = {m.ordinal: m for m in b_xunion_members}
a_members = {m.ordinal: m for m in a_xunion_members}
# they both have the same set of ordinals
if frozenset(b_members.keys()) != frozenset(a_members.keys()):
return False
return all(
self.constraints_match(b_members[o].type, a_members[o].type)
for o in b_members.keys())
if isinstance(before, EnumIdentifierType) and \
isinstance(after, EnumIdentifierType):
# this is the strict-mode interpretation of enums
assert len(before.declaration.members) == \
before_member_values = set(
m.value for m in before.declaration.members)
after_member_values = set(
m.value for m in after.declaration.members)
return before_member_values == after_member_values
if isinstance(before, BitsIdentifierType) and \
isinstance(after, BitsIdentifierType):
# this is the strict-mode interpretation of bits
return before.declaration.mask == after.declaration.mask
raise NotImplementedError(
"Don't know how to compare constraints for %r (%r) and %r (%r)" %
(type(before), before, type(after), after))