blob: f7447cff86bd2ab68f0a1731ae03d85cdd2c8b10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/tracing/controller/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/tracing/provider/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/string.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/vector.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/socket.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "garnet/bin/trace_manager/trace_provider_bundle.h"
#include "garnet/bin/trace_manager/tracee.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_ptr.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace tracing {
namespace controller = ::fuchsia::tracing::controller;
namespace provider = ::fuchsia::tracing::provider;
// TraceSession keeps track of all TraceProvider instances that
// are active for a tracing session.
class TraceSession : public fxl::RefCountedThreadSafe<TraceSession> {
enum class State {
// The session is ready to be initialized.
// The session has been initialized.
// The session is starting.
// The session is started.
// We transition to this after all providers have reported started.
// The session is being stopped right now.
// The session is stopped.
// We transition to this after all providers have reported stopped.
// The session is terminating.
// There is no |kTerminated| state. The session is deleted as part of
// transitioning to the "terminated" state, and thus is gone (meaning
// |TraceManager::session_| == nullptr).
using AlertCallback = fit::function<void(const std::string& alert_name)>;
// Initializes a new session that streams results to |destination|.
// Every provider active in this session is handed |categories| and a vmo of size
// |buffer_size_megabytes| when started.
// |abort_handler| is invoked whenever the session encounters
// unrecoverable errors that render the session dead.
explicit TraceSession(zx::socket destination, std::vector<std::string> categories,
size_t buffer_size_megabytes, provider::BufferingMode buffering_mode,
TraceProviderSpecMap&& provider_specs, zx::duration start_timeout,
zx::duration stop_timeout, fit::closure abort_handler,
AlertCallback alert_callback);
// Frees all allocated resources and closes the outgoing
// connection.
const zx::socket& destination() const { return destination_; }
// For testing.
State state() const { return state_; }
void set_write_results_on_terminate(bool flag) { write_results_on_terminate_ = flag; }
// Writes all applicable trace info records.
// These records are like a pre-amble to the trace, in particular they
// provide a record at the start of the trace that when written to a file
// can be used to identify the file as a Fuchsia Trace File.
void WriteTraceInfo();
// Initializes |provider| and adds it to this session.
void AddProvider(TraceProviderBundle* provider);
// Called after all registered providers have been added.
void MarkInitialized();
// Terminates the trace.
// Stops tracing first if necessary (see |Stop()|).
// If terminating providers takes longer than |stop_timeout_|, we forcefully
// terminate tracing and invoke |callback|.
void Terminate(fit::closure callback);
// Starts the trace.
// Invokes |callback| when all providers in this session have
// acknowledged the start request, or after |start_timeout_| has elapsed.
void Start(controller::BufferDisposition buffer_disposition,
const std::vector<std::string>& additional_categories,
controller::Controller::StartTracingCallback callback);
// Stops all providers that are part of this session, streams out
// all remaining trace records and finally invokes |callback|.
// If |write_results| is true then trace results are written after
// providers stop (and a flag is set to clear buffer contents if tracing
// starts again).
// If stopping providers takes longer than |stop_timeout_|, we forcefully
// stop tracing and invoke |callback|.
void Stop(bool write_results, fit::closure callback);
// Remove |provider|, it's dead Jim.
void RemoveDeadProvider(TraceProviderBundle* provider);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, TraceSession::State state);
// Provider starting processing.
void OnProviderStarted(TraceProviderBundle* bundle);
void CheckAllProvidersStarted();
void NotifyStarted();
void FinishStartingDueToTimeout();
// Provider stopping processing.
void OnProviderStopped(TraceProviderBundle* bundle, bool write_results);
void CheckAllProvidersStopped();
void NotifyStopped();
void FinishStoppingDueToTimeout();
// Provider termination processing.
void OnProviderTerminated(TraceProviderBundle* bundle);
void TerminateSessionIfEmpty();
void FinishTerminatingDueToTimeout();
// Timeout handlers.
void SessionStartTimeout(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::TaskBase* task,
zx_status_t status);
void SessionStopTimeout(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::TaskBase* task,
zx_status_t status);
void SessionTerminateTimeout(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::TaskBase* task,
zx_status_t status);
// Returns true on success or non fatal error.
// Returns false if a fatal error occurred, in which case the caller is expected to call
// |Abort()| and immediately return as |this| will be deleted.
bool WriteProviderData(Tracee* tracee);
// Abort's the trace session.
// N.B. Upon return |this| will have been deleted.
void Abort();
TransferStatus WriteMagicNumberRecord();
void TransitionToState(State state);
State state_ = State::kReady;
zx::socket destination_;
fidl::VectorPtr<std::string> categories_;
size_t buffer_size_megabytes_;
provider::BufferingMode buffering_mode_;
TraceProviderSpecMap provider_specs_;
zx::duration start_timeout_;
// The stop timeout is used for both stopping and terminating.
zx::duration stop_timeout_;
// List of all registered providers (or "tracees"). Note that providers
// may come and go while tracing is active.
std::list<std::unique_ptr<Tracee>> tracees_;
// Saved copy of Start()'s |additional_categories| parameter for tracees that
// come along after tracing has started.
std::vector<std::string> additional_categories_;
async::TaskMethod<TraceSession, &TraceSession::SessionStartTimeout> session_start_timeout_{this};
async::TaskMethod<TraceSession, &TraceSession::SessionStopTimeout> session_stop_timeout_{this};
async::TaskMethod<TraceSession, &TraceSession::SessionTerminateTimeout>
controller::Controller::StartTracingCallback start_callback_;
fit::closure stop_callback_;
fit::closure terminate_callback_;
fit::closure abort_handler_;
AlertCallback alert_callback_;
// Force the clearing of provider trace buffers on the next start.
// This is done when a provider stops with |write_results| set in
// |StopOptions|.
bool force_clear_buffer_contents_ = false;
// If true then write results when the session terminates.
bool write_results_on_terminate_ = true;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<TraceSession> weak_ptr_factory_;
TraceSession(const TraceSession&) = delete;
TraceSession(TraceSession&&) = delete;
TraceSession& operator=(const TraceSession&) = delete;
TraceSession& operator=(TraceSession&&) = delete;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, TraceSession::State state);
} // namespace tracing