blob: c7d85ae3bf1dbe9fdd4e61a97af5877694fdf76f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::utils::{self, Either, WatchOrSetResult},
DeviceState, DeviceType, InputDeviceSettings, InputProxy, InputState, Microphone,
// TODO( Remove when clients are ported to new interface.
pub async fn command(proxy: InputProxy, mic_muted: Option<bool>) -> WatchOrSetResult {
let mut input_settings = InputDeviceSettings::EMPTY;
let mut microphone = Microphone::EMPTY;
if mic_muted.is_some() {
microphone.muted = mic_muted;
input_settings.microphone = Some(microphone);
Ok(if input_settings == InputDeviceSettings::EMPTY {
Either::Watch(utils::watch_to_stream(proxy, |p|
} else {
Either::Set(if let Err(err) = proxy.set(input_settings).await? {
format!("{:?}", err)
} else if let Some(muted) = mic_muted {
format!("Successfully set mic mute to {:?}\n", muted)
} else {
// Used to interact with the new input interface.
// TODO( Support multiple devices.
pub async fn command2(
proxy: InputProxy,
device_type: Option<DeviceType>,
device_name: Option<String>,
device_state: Option<DeviceState>,
) -> WatchOrSetResult {
let mut input_states = Vec::new();
let mut input_state = InputState::EMPTY;
if let Some(device_type) = device_type {
input_state.device_type = Some(device_type);
if let Some(device_name) = device_name.clone() { = Some(device_name);
if let Some(device_state) = device_state.clone() {
input_state.state = Some(device_state);
Ok(if input_state == InputState::EMPTY {
Either::Watch(utils::watch_to_stream(proxy, |p| p.watch2()))
} else {
if device_type.is_none() {
return Err(format_err!("Device type required"));
if device_state.is_none() {
return Err(format_err!("Device state required"));
if device_name.is_none() {
// Default device names. = match device_type.unwrap() {
DeviceType::Camera => Some("camera".to_string()),
DeviceType::Microphone => Some("microphone".to_string()),
let mut states = input_states.iter().map(|state| state.clone());
Either::Set(if let Err(err) = proxy.set_states(&mut states).await? {
format!("{:?}", err)
} else {
format!("Successfully set input states to {:#?}\n", input_states)