
symbolizer [<options>] Parses log from stdin and converts symbolizer markups into human readable stack traces using local or remote debug symbols. Options --auth Starts the authentication process for symbol servers. --build-id-dir=<path> Adds the given directory to the symbol search path. Multiple --build-id-dir switches can be passed to add multiple directories. The directory must have the same structure as a .build-id directory, that is, each symbol file lives at xx/yyyyyyyy.debug where xx is the first two characters of the build ID and yyyyyyyy is the rest. However, the name of the directory doesn't need to be .build-id. --dumpfile-output=<path> Write the dumpfile output to the given file. --help -h Prints this help. --ids-txt=<path> Adds the given file to the symbol search path. Multiple --ids-txt switches can be passed to add multiple files. The file, typically named "ids.txt", serves as a mapping from build ID to symbol file path and should contain multiple lines in the format of "<build ID> <file path>". --omit-module-lines Omit the "[[[ELF module ...]]]" lines from the output. --symbol-cache=<path> Directory where we can keep a symbol cache, which defaults to ~/.fuchsia/debug/symbol-cache. If a symbol server has been specified, downloaded symbols will be stored in this directory. The directory structure will be the same as a .build-id directory, and symbols will be read from this location as though you had specified "--build-id-dir=<path>". --symbol-index=<path> Populates --ids-txt and --build-id-dir using the given symbol-index file, which defaults to ~/.fuchsia/debug/symbol-index. The file should be created and maintained by the "symbol-index" host tool. --symbol-path=<path> -s <path> Adds the given directory or file to the symbol search path. Multiple -s switches can be passed to add multiple locations. When a directory path is passed, the directory will be enumerated non-recursively to index all ELF files. When a file is passed, it will be loaded as an ELF file (if possible). --symbol-server=<url> Adds the given URL to symbol servers. Symbol servers host the debug symbols for prebuilt binaries and dynamic libraries. --version -v Prints the version.