blob: 7c4fc384c25cbcbfd7ec3c9b3ee62c6ad1c0a7ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef FS_VFS_TYPES_H_
#define FS_VFS_TYPES_H_
#include <lib/fdio/vfs.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/device/vfs.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <fuchsia/io/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/event.h>
#include <lib/zx/eventpair.h>
#include <lib/zx/handle.h>
#include <lib/zx/socket.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <fbl/bitfield.h>
// The filesystem server exposes various FIDL protocols on top of the Vnode abstractions.
// In order to achieve the following objectives:
// - the FIDL protocol and the Vnode APIs can evolve independently from each other
// - the Vnode APIs can be tested in isolation without relying on FIDL
// - the Vnode APIs structures have recursive ownership semantics, simplifying passing around
// We explicitly define a set of filesystem types to be used by the Vnode interface, as opposed to
// blindly reusing the FIDL generated types. The names of these types all begin with "Vnode"
// to reduce confusion with their FIDL counterparts.
namespace fs {
union Rights {
uint32_t raw_value = 0;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 0, 1> read;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 1, 1> write;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 2, 1> admin;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 3, 1> execute;
explicit constexpr Rights(uint32_t initial = 0) : raw_value(initial) {}
// True if any right is present.
bool any() const { return raw_value != 0; }
Rights& operator|=(Rights other) {
raw_value |= other.raw_value;
return *this;
constexpr Rights& operator=(const Rights& other) {
raw_value = other.raw_value;
return *this;
// Returns true if the rights does not exceed those in |other|.
bool StricterOrSameAs(Rights other) const { return (raw_value & ~(other.raw_value)) == 0; }
// Convenience factory functions for commonly used option combinations.
// TODO(38296) : Remove the magic numbers and go back to a style of
// '''
// constexpr static Rights FooAndBar() {
// Rights rights;
// = true;
// = true;
// return rights;
// }
// '''
// Once we have resolved the GCC issues with fbl::BitFieldMember
constexpr static Rights ReadOnly() { return Rights{0x1}; }
constexpr static Rights WriteOnly() { return Rights{0x2}; }
constexpr static Rights ReadWrite() { return Rights{0x3}; }
constexpr static Rights ReadExec() { return Rights{0x9}; }
constexpr static Rights WriteExec() { return Rights{0xa}; }
constexpr static Rights All() { return Rights{0xf}; }
constexpr Rights operator&(Rights lhs, Rights rhs) {
return Rights(lhs.raw_value & rhs.raw_value);
// Identifies the different operational contracts used to interact with a vnode.
// For example, the |kFile| protocol allows reading and writing byte contents through
// a buffer, and the |kMemory| protocol requests a VMO object to be returned during
// |GetNodeInfo|, etc.
// The members in this class have one-to-one correspondence with the variants in
// |VnodeRepresentation|.
// Note: Due to the implementation strategy in |VnodeProtocolSet|, the number of
// protocols must be less than 64. When the need arises as to support more than 64
// protocols, we should change the implementation in |VnodeProtocolSet| accordingly.
enum class VnodeProtocol : uint32_t {
// TODO(fxb/39776): change this back to 0 when the referenced compiler bug is resolved.
// Setting |kConnector| to 1 appears to workaround the issue.
kConnector = 1,
// Note: when appending more members, adjust |kVnodeProtocolCount| accordingly.
constexpr size_t kVnodeProtocolCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(VnodeProtocol::kSocket) + 1;
// A collection of |VnodeProtocol|s, stored internally as a bit-field.
// The N-th bit corresponds to the N-th element in the |VnodeProtocol| enum, under zero-based index.
class VnodeProtocolSet {
// Constructs a set containing a single protocol.
// The implicit conversion is intentional, to improve ergonomics when performing
// union/intersection operations between |VnodeProtocol| and |VnodeProtocolSet|.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
constexpr VnodeProtocolSet(VnodeProtocol protocol)
: protocol_bits_(1 << static_cast<uint32_t>(protocol)) {}
// Union operator.
constexpr VnodeProtocolSet operator|(VnodeProtocolSet other) const {
return VnodeProtocolSet(protocol_bits_ | other.protocol_bits_);
// Intersection operator.
constexpr VnodeProtocolSet operator&(VnodeProtocolSet other) const {
return VnodeProtocolSet(protocol_bits_ & other.protocol_bits_);
// Difference operator.
constexpr VnodeProtocolSet Except(VnodeProtocolSet other) const {
return VnodeProtocolSet(protocol_bits_ & ~other.protocol_bits_);
// True iff at least one element is present in the set.
constexpr bool any() const {
return protocol_bits_ != 0;
// Returns the first element in the set, if any. The ordering of elements is defined by their
// declaration order within |VnodeProtocol|.
constexpr std::optional<VnodeProtocol> first() const {
if (protocol_bits_ == 0) {
return std::nullopt;
return static_cast<VnodeProtocol>(static_cast<uint32_t>(__builtin_ctzl(protocol_bits_)));
// If the set contains a single element, returns that element. Otherwise, return std::nullopt.
constexpr std::optional<VnodeProtocol> which() const {
uint64_t is_power_of_two = protocol_bits_ && !(protocol_bits_ & (protocol_bits_ - 1));
if (!is_power_of_two) {
return std::nullopt;
return first();
constexpr bool operator==(const VnodeProtocolSet& rhs) const {
return protocol_bits_ == rhs.protocol_bits_;
constexpr bool operator!=(const VnodeProtocolSet& rhs) const {
return !operator==(rhs);
// The set of all defined protocols.
constexpr static VnodeProtocolSet All() {
return VnodeProtocolSet((1ul << kVnodeProtocolCount) - 1ul);
// The empty set of protocols.
constexpr static VnodeProtocolSet Empty() {
return VnodeProtocolSet(0);
constexpr explicit VnodeProtocolSet(uint64_t raw_bits) : protocol_bits_(raw_bits) {}
uint64_t protocol_bits_;
inline constexpr VnodeProtocolSet operator|(VnodeProtocol lhs, VnodeProtocol rhs) {
return VnodeProtocolSet(lhs) | VnodeProtocolSet(rhs);
// Options specified during opening and cloning.
struct VnodeConnectionOptions {
// TODO(fxb/38160): Harmonize flags and rights to express both v1 and v2 semantics.
// For now, these map to the corresponding items in io.fidl. Refer to that file for
// documentation.
union Flags {
uint32_t raw_value = 0;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 0, 1> create;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 1, 1> fail_if_exists;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 2, 1> truncate;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 3, 1> directory;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 4, 1> not_directory;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 5, 1> append;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 6, 1> no_remote;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 7, 1> node_reference;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 8, 1> describe;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 9, 1> posix;
fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 10, 1> clone_same_rights;
constexpr Flags() : raw_value(0) {}
constexpr Flags& operator=(const Flags& other) {
raw_value = other.raw_value;
return *this;
} flags = {};
Rights rights{};
constexpr VnodeConnectionOptions set_directory() { = true;
return *this;
constexpr VnodeConnectionOptions set_not_directory() {
flags.not_directory = true;
return *this;
constexpr VnodeConnectionOptions set_no_remote() {
flags.no_remote = true;
return *this;
constexpr VnodeConnectionOptions set_node_reference() {
flags.node_reference = true;
return *this;
constexpr VnodeConnectionOptions set_truncate() {
flags.truncate = true;
return *this;
constexpr VnodeConnectionOptions set_create() {
flags.create = true;
return *this;
// Convenience factory functions for commonly used option combinations.
constexpr static VnodeConnectionOptions ReadOnly() {
VnodeConnectionOptions options;
options.rights = Rights::ReadOnly();
return options;
constexpr static VnodeConnectionOptions WriteOnly() {
VnodeConnectionOptions options;
options.rights = Rights::WriteOnly();
return options;
constexpr static VnodeConnectionOptions ReadWrite() {
VnodeConnectionOptions options;
options.rights = Rights::ReadWrite();
return options;
constexpr static VnodeConnectionOptions ReadExec() {
VnodeConnectionOptions options;
options.rights = Rights::ReadExec();
return options;
// Translate the flags passed by the client into an equivalent set of acceptable protocols.
constexpr VnodeProtocolSet protocols() const {
if ( && flags.not_directory) {
return VnodeProtocolSet::Empty();
} else if ( {
return VnodeProtocol::kDirectory;
} else if (flags.not_directory) {
return VnodeProtocolSet::All().Except(VnodeProtocol::kDirectory);
} else {
return VnodeProtocolSet::All();
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Converts from v1 flags to |VnodeConnectionOptions|.
static VnodeConnectionOptions FromIoV1Flags(uint32_t fidl_flags);
// Converts from |VnodeConnectionOptions| to flags.
uint32_t ToIoV1Flags() const;
// Some flags (e.g. POSIX) only affect the interpretation of rights at the time of
// Open/Clone, and should have no effects thereafter. Hence we filter them here.
// TODO(fxb/33336): Some of these flag groups should be defined in io.fidl and use that as the
// source of truth.
static VnodeConnectionOptions FilterForNewConnection(VnodeConnectionOptions options);
#endif // __Fuchsia__
// Objective information about a filesystem node, used to implement |Vnode::GetAttributes|.
struct VnodeAttributes {
uint32_t mode = {};
uint64_t inode = {};
uint64_t content_size = {};
uint64_t storage_size = {};
uint64_t link_count = {};
uint64_t creation_time = {};
uint64_t modification_time = {};
bool operator==(const VnodeAttributes& other) const {
return mode == other.mode && inode == other.inode && content_size == other.content_size &&
storage_size == other.storage_size && link_count == other.link_count &&
creation_time == other.creation_time && modification_time == other.modification_time;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Converts from |VnodeAttributes| to v1 |NodeAttributes|.
llcpp::fuchsia::io::NodeAttributes ToIoV1NodeAttributes() const;
#endif // __Fuchsia__
// A request to update pieces of the |VnodeAttributes|. The protocol only
// allows mutating the creation time and modification time.
// When a field is present, it indicates that the corresponding field should be updated.
class VnodeAttributesUpdate {
VnodeAttributesUpdate& set_creation_time(std::optional<uint64_t> v) {
creation_time_ = v;
return *this;
VnodeAttributesUpdate& set_modification_time(std::optional<uint64_t> v) {
modification_time_ = v;
return *this;
bool any() const { return creation_time_.has_value() || modification_time_.has_value(); }
bool has_creation_time() const { return creation_time_.has_value(); }
// Moves out the creation time. Requires |creation_time_| to be present.
// After this method returns, |creation_time_| is absent.
uint64_t take_creation_time() {
uint64_t v = creation_time_.value();
creation_time_ = std::nullopt;
return v;
bool has_modification_time() const { return modification_time_.has_value(); }
// Moves out the modification time. Requires |modification_time_| to be present.
// After this method returns, |modification_time_| is absent.
uint64_t take_modification_time() {
uint64_t v = modification_time_.value();
modification_time_ = std::nullopt;
return v;
std::optional<uint64_t> creation_time_ = {};
std::optional<uint64_t> modification_time_ = {};
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Describe how the vnode connection should be handled, and provides auxiliary handles
// and information for the connection where applicable.
class VnodeRepresentation {
struct Connector {};
struct File {
zx::event observer = {};
struct Directory {};
struct Pipe {
zx::socket socket = {};
struct Memory {
zx::vmo vmo = {};
uint64_t offset = {};
uint64_t length = {};
struct Device {
zx::eventpair event = {};
struct Tty {
zx::eventpair event = {};
struct Socket {
zx::socket socket = {};
VnodeRepresentation() = default;
// Forwards the constructor arguments into the underlying |std::variant|.
// This allows |VnodeRepresentation| to be constructed directly from one of the variants, e.g.
// VnodeRepresentation repr = VnodeRepresentation::Socket{.socket = zx::socket(...)};
template <typename T>
VnodeRepresentation(T&& v) : variants_(std::forward<T>(v)) {}
// Applies the |visitor| function to the variant payload. It simply forwards the visitor into
// the underlying |std::variant|. Returns the return value of |visitor|.
// Refer to C++ documentation for |std::visit|.
template <class Visitor>
constexpr auto visit(Visitor&& visitor) -> decltype(visitor(std::declval<Connector>())) {
return std::visit(std::forward<Visitor>(visitor), variants_);
Connector& connector() { return std::get<Connector>(variants_); }
bool is_connector() const { return std::holds_alternative<Connector>(variants_); }
File& file() { return std::get<File>(variants_); }
bool is_file() const { return std::holds_alternative<File>(variants_); }
Directory& directory() { return std::get<Directory>(variants_); }
bool is_directory() const { return std::holds_alternative<Directory>(variants_); }
Pipe& pipe() { return std::get<Pipe>(variants_); }
bool is_pipe() const { return std::holds_alternative<Pipe>(variants_); }
Memory& memory() { return std::get<Memory>(variants_); }
bool is_memory() const { return std::holds_alternative<Memory>(variants_); }
Device& device() { return std::get<Device>(variants_); }
bool is_device() const { return std::holds_alternative<Device>(variants_); }
Tty& tty() { return std::get<Tty>(variants_); }
bool is_tty() const { return std::holds_alternative<Tty>(variants_); }
Socket& socket() { return std::get<Socket>(variants_); }
bool is_socket() const { return std::holds_alternative<Socket>(variants_); }
using Variants =
std::variant<std::monostate, Connector, File, Directory, Pipe, Memory, Device, Tty, Socket>;
Variants variants_ = {};
// Converts the vnode representation to a v1 NodeInfo union, then synchronously
// invoke the callback. This operation consumes the |representation|.
// Using a callback works around LLCPP ownership limitations where an extensible union
// cannot recursively own its variant payload.
void ConvertToIoV1NodeInfo(VnodeRepresentation representation,
fit::callback<void(llcpp::fuchsia::io::NodeInfo*)> callback);
#endif // __Fuchsia__
} // namespace fs
#endif // FS_VFS_TYPES_H_