Running Camera Tests

To test the on-device functionality:

  1. fx set smart_display.sherlock --with //bundles:tests
  2. You may have to re-flash zedboot if you flashed with a different fx set command
  3. fx serve
  4. Restart your Sherlock device in the netboot cable configuration
  5. Run fx run-test camera_full_on_device_test

To test camera libraries off-device:

You can follow the directions above to test on the device, and run: fx run-test camera_full_test


  1. fx set workstation.x64 --with //bundles:tests
  2. fx build
  3. fx serve
  4. In another terminal: fx run -k -N
  5. In another terminal: fx run-test camera_full_test

To run single tests:

Single components can be tested by following the instructions above, and adding a -t test_name to the end. For example:

fx run-test camera_full_test -t gdc-task