Guide to the Entity APIs

This document is a guide for using the Entity APIs. See the main entity document for a conceptual overview.

What is an Entity?

Conceptually, an Entity is a blob of data, accompanied with a type, that Agents can manufacture and pass to other components (modules and agents). The data behind an Entity is owned by the Agent that created it, and the Agent is responsible for serving an Entity’s data when a component tries to access it.

Entities are the primary mechanism by which components share semantic data with each other. For instance, a Google Contacts agent could manufacture an entity describing a contact by tagging the entity with a type com.fuchsia.Contact and passing it around to other components that want an Entity of type com.fuchsia.Contact. When a component requests data out of the Entity, the framework will bring up the agent that created the Entity and ask it to provide the data for it. This means that agents ultimately own and supply the data backing an Entity.

How does an Agent make an Entity?

An Agent can create an Entity by calling AgentContext.GetReferenceFactory().CreateReference(cookie) and supplying it a cookie id. This cookie is how the Agent will identify this particular Entity. For instance, could be the cookie for a Contact whose name is Joe. When this call is made, the framework will return an opaque, persistable string reference meant for this Entity. This reference is used by a component to get the data out of the Entity. Entity references can be persisted to disk, the ledger, passed around to other components which may also do the same. Note that because these references may be persisted to the ledger, it means that you can create an Entity on one device, but dereference it on another device to get the data out.

C++ example snippet of an Agent creating an entity.

auto component_context = sys::ComponentContext::Create();
auto agent_ctx = component_context->svc()

fuchsia::modular::EntityReferenceFactory factory;
factory->CreateReference("", [] (std::string entity_reference) {
  // Pass the |entity_reference| to a Module or Agent for consumption.

How does a Module make an Entity?

A module can make an Entity by invoking ModuleContext.CreateEntity() with a type and data. This entity's data will then be the framework and its reference is valid for the duration for the Story; once the Story is deleted, all entity references manufactured by its modules also become invalid.

C++ example snippet of a Module creating an entity.

auto component_context = sys::ComponentContext::Create();
auto module_ctx = component_context->svc()

fuchsia::mem::Buffer data;
fsl::StringFromVmo("", &data);
module_ctx->CreateEntity("com.fuchsia.Contact", std::move(data).ToTransport(),
                          entity.NewRequest(), [] (std::string entity_reference) {
  // Pass the |entity_reference| to a Module or Agent for consumption.

How does a Module or Agent get data out of an Entity?

A component can get data out of an entity reference by first resolving the reference into an Entity interface, and then requesting data from it. It may do so by calling ComponentContext.GetEntityResolver().ResolveEntity(reference) which will give you an Entity interface. You can then get the supported types or data out of the Entity by calling Entity.GetTypes() or Entity.GetData(typename), respectively.

C++ Example snippet getting data out of an entity_reference:

auto component_context = sys::ComponentContext::Create();
auto component_ctx = component_context->svc()

fuchsia::modular::EntityResolverPtr resolver;
fuchsia::modular::EntityPtr entity;

resolver->ResolveEntity(entity_reference, entity.NewRequest());
entity->GetData("com.fuchsia.Contact", [] (fuchsia::mem::BufferPtr data) {
    // ...

How does an Agent provide data for an Entity?

An agent provides data for an Entity it created by implementing and exposing the EntityProvider interface to the framework. When a component calls Entity.GetData(type), the framework will first bring up the agent that created the entity reference and calls the corresponding EntityProvider.GetData(cookie, type). The cookie supplied here is the same cookie that the Agent was supplied in its EntityReferenceFactory.CreateReference() call.