blob: 5ffd28b2eb44fa75bf4b30d6069b3701e2e0d50a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "inspect-manager.h"
#include <lib/inspect/service/cpp/service.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fs/service.h>
namespace fio = ::llcpp::fuchsia::io;
namespace devmgr {
zx_status_t OpenNode(fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fio::Directory> root, const std::string& path,
uint32_t mode, fidl::ClientEnd<fio::Node>* result) {
auto dir = fidl::CreateEndpoints<fio::Node>();
if (!dir.is_ok()) {
return dir.status_value();
fidl::StringView path_view(fidl::unowned_ptr(&path[0]), strlen(&path[0]));
zx_status_t status =
fio::Directory::Call::Open(root, fs::VnodeConnectionOptions::ReadOnly().ToIoV1Flags(), mode,
std::move(path_view), std::move(dir->server))
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*result = std::move(dir->client);
return ZX_OK;
InspectManager::InspectManager() = default;
InspectManager::~InspectManager() = default;
fbl::RefPtr<fs::PseudoDir> InspectManager::Initialize(async_dispatcher* dispatcher) {
auto diagnostics_dir = fbl::MakeRefCounted<fs::PseudoDir>();
fbl::MakeRefCounted<fs::Service>([connector = inspect::MakeTreeHandler(
&inspector_, dispatcher)](zx::channel chan) mutable {
return ZX_OK;
return diagnostics_dir;
void InspectManager::ServeStats(const std::string& name, fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> root) {
name + "_stats",
[this, name = std::move(name), root = std::move(root)] {
inspect::Inspector insp;
fidl::ClientEnd<fio::Node> root_chan;
zx_status_t status = devmgr::OpenNode(root->GetRemote(), "/", S_IFDIR, &root_chan);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return fit::make_result_promise(fit::ok(std::move(insp)));
// Note: we are unsafely assuming that |root_chan| is a directory
// i.e. speaks ||.
fidl::ClientEnd<fio::Directory> root_dir(root_chan.TakeChannel());
FillFileTreeSizes(std::move(root_dir), insp.GetRoot().CreateChild(name), &insp);
FillStats(root->GetRemote(), &insp);
return fit::make_result_promise(fit::ok(std::move(insp)));
void InspectManager::FillStats(fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fio::Directory> dir_chan,
inspect::Inspector* inspector) {
// Note: we are unsafely assuming that the directory also speaks
// ||.
fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fio::DirectoryAdmin> dir_admin(;
auto result = fio::DirectoryAdmin::Call::QueryFilesystem(dir_admin);
inspect::Node stats = inspector->GetRoot().CreateChild("stats");
if (result.status() == ZX_OK) {
fio::DirectoryAdmin::QueryFilesystemResponse* response = result.Unwrap();
fio::FilesystemInfo* info = response->info.get();
if (info != nullptr) {
stats.CreateUint("total_bytes", info->total_bytes + info->free_shared_pool_bytes, inspector);
stats.CreateUint("used_bytes", info->used_bytes, inspector);
} else {
stats.CreateString("error", "Query failed", inspector);
} else {
stats.CreateString("error", "Query failed", inspector);
void InspectManager::FillFileTreeSizes(fidl::ClientEnd<fio::Directory> current_dir,
inspect::Node node, inspect::Inspector* inspector) {
struct PendingDirectory {
std::unique_ptr<DirectoryEntriesIterator> entries_iterator;
inspect::Node node;
size_t total_size;
// Keeps track of entries in the stack, the entry at N+1 will always be a child of the entry at N
// to be able to update the parent `total_size` and propaget the sizes up. We use the lazy
// iterator to have a single child connection at a time per node.
std::vector<PendingDirectory> work_stack;
auto current = PendingDirectory{
.entries_iterator = std::make_unique<DirectoryEntriesIterator>(std::move(current_dir)),
.node = std::move(node),
.total_size = 0,
while (!work_stack.empty()) {
auto& current = work_stack.back();
// If we have finished with this node then pop it from the stack, save it in inspect and
// continue.
if (current.entries_iterator->finished()) {
// Maintain this node alive in inspect by adding it to the inspector value list and delete the
// stack item.
current.node.CreateUint("size", current.total_size, inspector);
size_t size = current.total_size;
// The next node in the stack is the parent of this node. Increment its size by the total size
// of this node. If the work stack is emtpy, then `current` is the root.
if (!work_stack.empty()) {
work_stack.back().total_size += size;
// Get the next entry.
while (auto entry = current.entries_iterator->GetNext()) {
// If the entry is a directory, push it to the stack and continue the stack loop.
if (entry->is_dir) {
.entries_iterator = std::make_unique<DirectoryEntriesIterator>(
.node = current.node.CreateChild(entry->name),
.total_size = 0,
} else {
// If the entry is a file, record its size.
inspect::Node child_node = current.node.CreateChild(entry->name);
child_node.CreateUint("size", entry->size, inspector);
current.total_size += entry->size;
// Create a new lazy iterator.
DirectoryEntriesIterator::DirectoryEntriesIterator(fidl::ClientEnd<fio::Directory> directory)
: directory_(std::move(directory)), finished_(false) {}
// Get the next entry. If there's no more entries left, this method will return std::nullopt
// forever.
std::optional<DirectoryEntry> DirectoryEntriesIterator::GetNext() {
// Loop until we can return an entry or there are none left.
while (true) {
// If we have pending entries to return, take one and return it. If for some reason, we fail
// to make a result out of the pending entry (it may not exist anymore) then keep trying until
// we can return one.
while (!pending_entries_.empty()) {
auto entry_name = pending_entries_.front();
if (auto result = MaybeMakeEntry(entry_name)) {
return result;
// When there are no pending entries and we have already finished, return.
if (finished_) {
return std::nullopt;
// Load the next set of dirents.
// If we didn't find any pending entries in this batch of dirents, then we have finished.
if (pending_entries_.empty()) {
finished_ = true;
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<DirectoryEntry> DirectoryEntriesIterator::MaybeMakeEntry(
const std::string& entry_name) {
// Open child of the current node with the given entry name.
fidl::ClientEnd<fio::Node> child_chan;
zx_status_t status = OpenNode(directory_, entry_name, S_IFREG | S_IFDIR, &child_chan);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return std::nullopt;
// Get child attributes to know whether the child is a directory or not.
auto result = fio::Node::Call::GetAttr(child_chan);
if (result.status() != ZX_OK) {
return std::nullopt;
fio::Node::GetAttrResponse* response = result.Unwrap();
bool is_dir = response->attributes.mode & fio::MODE_TYPE_DIRECTORY;
return std::optional<DirectoryEntry>{{
.name = entry_name,
.node = std::move(child_chan),
.size = (is_dir) ? 0 : response->attributes.content_size,
.is_dir = is_dir,
// Reads the next set of dirents and loads them into `pending_entries_`.
void DirectoryEntriesIterator::RefreshPendingEntries() {
auto result = fio::Directory::Call::ReadDirents(directory_, fio::MAX_BUF);
if (result.status() != ZX_OK) {
fio::Directory::ReadDirentsResponse* response = result.Unwrap();
if (response->dirents.count() == 0) {
size_t offset = 0;
auto data_ptr = response->;
while (sizeof(vdirent_t) < response->dirents.count() - offset) {
const vdirent_t* entry = reinterpret_cast<const vdirent_t*>(data_ptr + offset);
std::string entry_name(entry->name, entry->size);
offset += sizeof(vdirent_t) + entry->size;
if (entry_name == "." || entry_name == "..") {
} // namespace devmgr