blob: 6fc7a31cb0b53f983d6591616b512ec0fbad243d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/status.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include <fs-management/mount.h>
#include "src/storage/fshost/config.h"
#include "src/storage/fshost/fs-manager.h"
#include "src/storage/fshost/fshost-boot-args.h"
#include "src/storage/fshost/metrics.h"
namespace devmgr {
// FilesystemMounter is a utility class which wraps the FsManager
// and helps clients mount filesystems within the fshost namespace.
class FilesystemMounter {
FilesystemMounter(FsManager& fshost, const Config* config) : fshost_(fshost), config_(*config) {}
virtual ~FilesystemMounter() = default;
void FuchsiaStart() const { fshost_.FuchsiaStart(); }
// Installs the filesystem rooted at |root_directory| at |point|.
// |root_directory| can be an arbitrary Directory connection (although the fact that the) peer is
// a directory is not verified).
zx_status_t InstallFs(FsManager::MountPoint point, zx::channel root_directory) {
return fshost_.InstallFs(point, std::move(root_directory));
bool Netbooting() const { return config_.netboot(); }
bool ShouldCheckFilesystems() const { return config_.check_filesystems(); }
// Attempts to mount a block device to "/data".
// Fails if already mounted.
zx_status_t MountData(zx::channel block_device_client, const mount_options_t& options);
// Attempts to mount a block device to "/durable".
// Fails if already mounted.
zx_status_t MountDurable(zx::channel block_device_client, const mount_options_t& options);
// Attempts to mount a block device to "/install".
// Fails if already mounted.
zx_status_t MountInstall(zx::channel block_device_client, const mount_options_t& options);
// Attempts to mount a block device to "/blob".
// Fails if already mounted.
zx_status_t MountBlob(zx::channel block_device_client, const mount_options_t& options);
// Attempts to mount a block device to "/factory".
// Fails if already mounted.
zx_status_t MountFactoryFs(zx::channel block_device_client, const mount_options_t& options);
// Attempts to mount pkgfs if all preconditions have been met:
// - Pkgfs has not previously been mounted
// - Blobfs has been mounted
// - The data partition has been mounted
void TryMountPkgfs();
// Returns a pointer to the |FsHostMetrics| instance.
FsHostMetrics* mutable_metrics() { return fshost_.mutable_metrics(); }
std::shared_ptr<FshostBootArgs> boot_args() { return fshost_.boot_args(); }
void FlushMetrics() { fshost_.FlushMetrics(); }
bool BlobMounted() const { return blob_mounted_; }
bool DataMounted() const { return data_mounted_; }
bool PkgfsMounted() const { return pkgfs_mounted_; }
bool FactoryMounted() const { return factory_mounted_; }
bool DurableMounted() const { return durable_mounted_; }
// Performs the mechanical action of mounting a filesystem, without
// validating the type of filesystem being mounted.
// Returns a channel to the filesystem's root export directory.
zx::status<zx::channel> MountFilesystem(FsManager::MountPoint point, const char* binary,
const mount_options_t& options,
zx::channel block_device_client, uint32_t fs_flags);
bool WaitForData() const { return config_.wait_for_data(); }
// Actually launches the filesystem process.
// Virtualized to enable testing.
virtual zx_status_t LaunchFs(int argc, const char** argv, zx_handle_t* hnd, uint32_t* ids,
size_t len, uint32_t fs_flags);
FsManager& fshost_;
const Config& config_;
bool data_mounted_ = false;
bool durable_mounted_ = false;
bool install_mounted_ = false;
bool blob_mounted_ = false;
bool pkgfs_mounted_ = false;
bool factory_mounted_ = false;
} // namespace devmgr