blob: eb3c0ae694ec8f69eea1b916b4521a73adb19d27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Utilities used by tests in both file and directory modules.
pub mod reexport {
pub use {
DirectoryEvent, DirectoryMarker, DirectoryObject, FileEvent, FileMarker, FileObject,
use {
fidl::endpoints::{create_proxy, ServerEnd, ServiceMarker},
fidl_fuchsia_io::{DirectoryProxy, FileProxy, NodeMarker, NodeProxy},
// All of the macros in this file could instead be async functions, but then I would have to say
// `assert_read(...).await`, while with a macro it is `assert_read!(...)`. As this is local to
// the testing part of this module, it is probably OK to use macros to save some repetition.
pub fn open_get_proxy<M>(proxy: &DirectoryProxy, flags: u32, mode: u32, path: &str) -> M::Proxy
M: ServiceMarker,
let (new_proxy, new_server_end) =
create_proxy::<M>().expect("Failed to create connection endpoints");
.open(flags, mode, path, ServerEnd::<NodeMarker>::new(new_server_end.into_channel()))
/// This trait is implemented by all the objects that should be clonable via clone_get_proxy(). In
/// particular NodeProxy, FileProxy and DirectoryProxy. In FIDL, Node is the protocol that
/// specifies the "Clone()" method. And File and Directory just compose it in. So if we would
/// forward this formation from FIDL, then this trait would be unnecessary.
pub trait ClonableProxy {
fn clone(&self, flags: u32, server_end: ServerEnd<NodeMarker>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
/// Calls .clone() on the proxy object, and returns a client side of the connection passed into the
/// clone() method.
pub fn clone_get_proxy<M, Proxy>(proxy: &Proxy, flags: u32) -> M::Proxy
M: ServiceMarker,
Proxy: ClonableProxy,
let (new_proxy, new_server_end) =
create_proxy::<M>().expect("Failed to create connection endpoints");
proxy.clone(flags, new_server_end.into_channel().into()).unwrap();
impl ClonableProxy for NodeProxy {
fn clone(&self, flags: u32, server_end: ServerEnd<NodeMarker>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
NodeProxy::clone(self, flags, server_end)
impl ClonableProxy for FileProxy {
fn clone(&self, flags: u32, server_end: ServerEnd<NodeMarker>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
FileProxy::clone(self, flags, server_end)
impl ClonableProxy for DirectoryProxy {
fn clone(&self, flags: u32, server_end: ServerEnd<NodeMarker>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
DirectoryProxy::clone(self, flags, server_end)
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_read {
($proxy:expr, $expected:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let (status, content) = $$expected.len() as u64).await.expect("read failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), Status::OK);
assert_eq!(content.as_slice(), $expected.as_bytes());
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_read_err {
($proxy:expr, $expected_status:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let (status, content) = $"read failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), $expected_status);
assert_eq!(content.len(), 0);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_read_fidl_err {
($proxy:expr, $expected_error:pat) => {{
match $ {
Err($expected_error) => (),
Err(error) => panic!("read() returned unexpected error: {:?}", error),
Ok((status, content)) => {
panic!("Read succeeded: status: {:?}, content: '{:?}'", status, content)
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_read_fidl_err_closed {
($proxy:expr) => {{
match $ {
Err(error) if error.is_closed() => (),
Err(error) => panic!("read() returned unexpected error: {:?}", error),
Ok((status, content)) => {
panic!("Read succeeded: status: {:?}, content: '{:?}'", status, content)
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_get_buffer {
($proxy:expr, $expected:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{Status, OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE};
let (status, buffer) =
$proxy.get_buffer(OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE).await.expect("get buffer failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), Status::OK);
let buffer = buffer.unwrap();
let mut buf = vec![0; buffer.size as usize]; buf, 0).expect("VMO read failed");
assert_eq!(buf.as_slice(), $expected.as_bytes());
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_get_buffer_err {
($proxy:expr, $flags:expr, $expected_status: expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let (status, buffer) = $proxy.get_buffer($flags).await.expect("get buffer failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), $expected_status);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_read_at {
($proxy:expr, $offset:expr, $expected:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let (status, content) =
$proxy.read_at($expected.len() as u64, $offset).await.expect("read failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), Status::OK);
assert_eq!(content.as_slice(), $expected.as_bytes());
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_read_at_err {
($proxy:expr, $offset:expr, $expected_status:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let (status, content) = $proxy.read_at(100, $offset).await.expect("read failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), $expected_status);
assert_eq!(content.len(), 0);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_write {
($proxy:expr, $content:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let (status, len_written) = $proxy.write($content.as_bytes()).await.expect("write failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), Status::OK);
assert_eq!(len_written, $content.len() as u64);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_write_err {
($proxy:expr, $content:expr, $expected_status:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let (status, len_written) = $proxy.write($content.as_bytes()).await.expect("write failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), $expected_status);
assert_eq!(len_written, 0);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_write_fidl_err {
($proxy:expr, $content:expr, $expected_error:pat) => {
match $proxy.write($content.as_bytes()).await {
Err($expected_error) => (),
Err(error) => panic!("write() returned unexpected error: {:?}", error),
Ok((status, actual)) => {
panic!("Write succeeded: status: {:?}, actual: '{:?}'", status, actual)
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_write_fidl_err_closed {
($proxy:expr, $content:expr) => {
match $proxy.write($content.as_bytes()).await {
Err(error) if error.is_closed() => (),
Err(error) => panic!("write() returned unexpected error: {:?}", error),
Ok((status, actual)) => {
panic!("Write succeeded: status: {:?}, actual: '{:?}'", status, actual)
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_write_at {
($proxy:expr, $offset:expr, $content:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let (status, len_written) =
$proxy.write_at($content.as_bytes(), $offset).await.expect("write failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), Status::OK);
assert_eq!(len_written, $content.len() as u64);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_write_at_err {
($proxy:expr, $offset:expr, $content:expr, $expected_status:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let (status, len_written) =
$proxy.write_at($content.as_bytes(), $offset).await.expect("write failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), $expected_status);
assert_eq!(len_written, 0);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_seek {
($proxy:expr, $pos:expr, Start) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{SeekOrigin, Status};
let (status, actual) = $$pos, SeekOrigin::Start).await.expect("seek failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), Status::OK);
assert_eq!(actual, $pos);
($proxy:expr, $pos:expr, $start:ident, $expected:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{SeekOrigin, Status};
let (status, actual) = $$pos, SeekOrigin::$start).await.expect("seek failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), Status::OK);
assert_eq!(actual, $expected);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_seek_err {
($proxy:expr, $pos:expr, $start:ident, $expected_status:expr, $actual_pos:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{SeekOrigin, Status};
let (status, actual) = $$pos, SeekOrigin::$start).await.expect("seek failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), $expected_status);
assert_eq!(actual, $actual_pos);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_truncate {
($proxy:expr, $length:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let status = $proxy.truncate($length).await.expect("truncate failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), Status::OK);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_truncate_err {
($proxy:expr, $length:expr, $expected_status:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let status = $proxy.truncate($length).await.expect("truncate failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), $expected_status);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_get_attr {
($proxy:expr, $expected:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let (status, attrs) = $proxy.get_attr().await.expect("get_attr failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), Status::OK);
assert_eq!(attrs, $expected);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_describe {
($proxy:expr, $expected:expr) => {
let node_info = $proxy.describe().await.expect("describe failed");
assert_eq!(node_info, $expected);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_close {
($proxy:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let status = $proxy.close().await.expect("close failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), Status::OK);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_close_err {
($proxy:expr, $expected_status:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let status = $proxy.close().await.expect("close failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), $expected_status);
// PartialEq is not defined for FileEvent for the moment.
// Because of that I can not write a macro that would just accept a FileEvent instance to
// compare against:
// assert_event!(proxy, FileEvent::OnOpen_ {
// s: Status::SHOULD_WAIT.into_raw(),
// info: Some(Box::new(NodeInfo::{File,Directory} { ... })),
// });
// Instead, I need to split the assertion into a pattern and then additional assertions on what
// the pattern have matched.
macro_rules! assert_event {
($proxy:expr, $expected_pattern:pat, $expected_assertion:block) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::StreamExt;
let event_stream = $proxy.take_event_stream();
match event_stream.into_future().await {
(Some(Ok($expected_pattern)), _) => $expected_assertion,
(unexpected, _) => {
panic!("Unexpected event: {:?}", unexpected);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_no_event {
($proxy:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::StreamExt;
let event_stream = $proxy.take_event_stream();
match event_stream.into_future().await {
(None, _) => (),
(unexpected, _) => {
panic!("Unexpected event: {:?}", unexpected);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! open_get_proxy_assert {
($proxy:expr, $flags:expr, $path:expr, $new_proxy_type:ty, $expected_pattern:pat,
$expected_assertion:block) => {{
let new_proxy =
$crate::test_utils::open_get_proxy::<$new_proxy_type>($proxy, $flags, 0, $path);
assert_event!(new_proxy, $expected_pattern, $expected_assertion);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! open_get_file_proxy_assert_ok {
($proxy:expr, $flags:expr, $path:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{FileEvent, FileMarker, FileObject, NodeInfo, Status};
open_get_proxy_assert!($proxy, $flags, $path, FileMarker, FileEvent::OnOpen_ { s, info }, {
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(s), Status::OK);
Some(Box::new(NodeInfo::File(FileObject { event: None, stream: None }))),
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! open_as_file_assert_err {
($proxy:expr, $flags:expr, $path:expr, $expected_status:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{FileEvent, FileMarker, Status};
FileEvent::OnOpen_ { s, info },
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(s), $expected_status);
assert_eq!(info, None);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! open_get_directory_proxy_assert_ok {
($proxy:expr, $flags:expr, $path:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{
DirectoryEvent, DirectoryMarker, DirectoryObject, NodeInfo, Status,
DirectoryEvent::OnOpen_ { s, info },
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(s), Status::OK);
assert_eq!(info, Some(Box::new(NodeInfo::Directory(DirectoryObject))),);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! open_as_directory_assert_err {
($proxy:expr, $flags:expr, $path:expr, $expected_status:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{DirectoryEvent, DirectoryMarker, Status};
DirectoryEvent::OnOpen_ { s, info },
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(s), $expected_status);
assert_eq!(info, None);
macro_rules! clone_get_proxy_assert {
($proxy:expr, $flags:expr, $new_proxy_type:ty, $expected_pattern:pat,
$expected_assertion:block) => {{
let new_proxy = $crate::test_utils::clone_get_proxy::<$new_proxy_type, _>($proxy, $flags);
assert_event!(new_proxy, $expected_pattern, $expected_assertion);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! clone_get_file_proxy_assert_ok {
($proxy:expr, $flags:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{FileEvent, FileMarker, FileObject, NodeInfo, Status};
clone_get_proxy_assert!($proxy, $flags, FileMarker, FileEvent::OnOpen_ { s, info }, {
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(s), Status::OK);
Some(Box::new(NodeInfo::File(FileObject { event: None, stream: None }))),
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! clone_as_file_assert_err {
($proxy:expr, $flags:expr, $expected_status:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{FileEvent, FileMarker, Status};
clone_get_proxy_assert!($proxy, $flags, FileMarker, FileEvent::OnOpen_ { s, info }, {
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(s), $expected_status);
assert_eq!(info, None);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! clone_get_directory_proxy_assert_ok {
($proxy:expr, $flags:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{
DirectoryEvent, DirectoryMarker, DirectoryObject, NodeInfo, Status,
DirectoryEvent::OnOpen_ { s, info },
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(s), Status::OK);
assert_eq!(info, Some(Box::new(NodeInfo::Directory(DirectoryObject))));
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! clone_as_directory_assert_err {
($proxy:expr, $flags:expr, $expected_status:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{DirectoryEvent, DirectoryMarker, Status};
DirectoryEvent::OnOpen_ { s, info },
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(s), $expected_status);
assert_eq!(info, None);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_read_dirents {
($proxy:expr, $max_bytes:expr, $expected:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let (status, entries) = $proxy.read_dirents($max_bytes).await.expect("read_dirents failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), Status::OK);
assert_eq!(entries, $expected);
macro_rules! assert_read_dirents_one_listing {
($proxy:expr, $max_bytes:expr, $( { $type:tt, $name:expr $(,)* } ),* $(,)*) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{DirentsSameInodeBuilder, INO_UNKNOWN};
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::{
let mut expected = DirentsSameInodeBuilder::new(INO_UNKNOWN);
$(.add(assert_read_dirents_one_listing!(@expand_dirent_type $type), $name))*
assert_read_dirents!($proxy, $max_bytes, expected.into_vec());
(@expand_dirent_type UNKNOWN) => { DIRENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN };
(@expand_dirent_type DIRECTORY) => { DIRENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY };
(@expand_dirent_type BLOCK_DEVICE) => { DIRENT_TYPE_BLOCK_DEVICE };
(@expand_dirent_type FILE) => { DIRENT_TYPE_FILE };
(@expand_dirent_type SOCKET) => { DIRENT_TYPE_SOCKET };
(@expand_dirent_type SERVICE) => { DIRENT_TYPE_SERVICE };
macro_rules! assert_read_dirents_path_one_listing {
($proxy:expr, $path:expr, $max_bytes:expr, $( { $type:tt, $name:expr $(,)* } ),* $(,)*) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::OPEN_FLAG_DESCRIBE;
let path = open_get_directory_proxy_assert_ok!($proxy, flags, $path);
assert_read_dirents_one_listing!(path, $max_bytes, $( { $type, $name }, )*);
// See comment at the top of the file for why this is a macro.
macro_rules! assert_read_dirents_err {
($proxy:expr, $max_bytes:expr, $expected_status:expr) => {{
use $crate::test_utils::reexport::Status;
let (status, entries) = $proxy.read_dirents($max_bytes).await.expect("read_dirents failed");
assert_eq!(Status::from_raw(status), $expected_status);
assert_eq!(entries.len(), 0);
macro_rules! vec_string {
($($x:expr),*) => (vec![$($x.to_string()),*]);