blob: 05d3de60f045ca82384b9c913c3a69c405b612b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use super::{ConfigFile, TestData};
// If we don't include at least a {} then the reader library re-fetches instantly
// and spoils the test.
const INSPECT_EMPTY: &str = "[ {} ]";
const CONFIG: &str = r#"
select: {
// Need a selector or it won't try to get Inspect data and the test won't terminate.
meaningless: "INSPECT:missing:root:missing",
act: {
always: {
trigger: "3 > 2",
type: "Snapshot",
repeat: "Seconds(1)",
signature: "yes"
pub fn test_with_enable() -> TestData {
let config = ConfigFile { name: "file.triage".to_string(), contents: CONFIG.to_string() };
let enable = ConfigFile {
name: "config.json".to_string(),
contents: "{enable_filing: true}".to_string(),
TestData {
name: "With Enable".to_string(),
inspect_data: vec![INSPECT_EMPTY.to_string()],
config_files: vec![config, enable],
snapshots: vec![vec!["fuchsia-detect-yes".to_string()]],
bails: false,
pub fn test_bad_enable() -> TestData {
let config = ConfigFile { name: "file.triage".to_string(), contents: CONFIG.to_string() };
let disable =
ConfigFile { name: "config.json".to_string(), contents: "{enable_filing: 1}".to_string() };
TestData {
name: "Bad Format Enable".to_string(),
// Detect should never try to fetch Inspect data. If it does, providing
// data will ensure that the test fails.
inspect_data: vec![INSPECT_EMPTY.to_string()],
config_files: vec![config, disable],
snapshots: vec![],
bails: true,
pub fn test_false_enable() -> TestData {
let config = ConfigFile { name: "file.triage".to_string(), contents: CONFIG.to_string() };
let disable = ConfigFile {
name: "config.json".to_string(),
contents: "{enable_filing: false}".to_string(),
TestData {
name: "Bad Format Enable".to_string(),
// Detect will fetch data and decide that it would have filed, but will not file.
inspect_data: vec![INSPECT_EMPTY.to_string()],
config_files: vec![config, disable],
snapshots: vec![vec![]],
bails: false,
pub fn test_no_enable() -> TestData {
let config = ConfigFile { name: "file.triage".to_string(), contents: CONFIG.to_string() };
let disable = ConfigFile { name: "config.json".to_string(), contents: "{}".to_string() };
TestData {
name: "Without Enable".to_string(),
// Detect will fetch data and decide that it would have filed, but will not file.
inspect_data: vec![INSPECT_EMPTY.to_string()],
config_files: vec![config, disable],
snapshots: vec![vec![]],
bails: false,
pub fn test_without_file() -> TestData {
let config = ConfigFile { name: "file.triage".to_string(), contents: CONFIG.to_string() };
TestData {
name: "Without Program Config File".to_string(),
// Detect will fetch data and decide that it would have filed, but will not file.
inspect_data: vec![INSPECT_EMPTY.to_string()],
config_files: vec![config],
snapshots: vec![vec![]],
bails: false,