blob: a2ae33910b7d6962a67fa70d8c1400eece4310de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements the syntax logic for the packet filter language.
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "filter_builder.h"
#include "parser_state.h"
namespace netdump::parser {
constexpr auto ERROR_EXPECTED_ETH_FIELD = "Expected: one of {'proto', 'dst', 'src', 'host'}.";
constexpr auto ERROR_EXPECTED_ETH_TYPE = "Expected: one of {'arp', 'ip', 'ip6', 'vlan'}.";
constexpr auto ERROR_EXPECTED_HEX = "Hex value expected.";
constexpr auto ERROR_EXPECTED_HOST = "Expected: 'host'.";
constexpr auto ERROR_EXPECTED_PORT = "Expected: 'port'.";
constexpr auto ERROR_EXPECTED_IP_ADDR = "IP address expected.";
// These errors are for when the IP address provided is inconsistent with the version specified.
// E.g. `ip6 host`.
constexpr auto ERROR_EXPECTED_IPV4_GOT_IPV6 = "IPv4 address expected, got IPv6.";
constexpr auto ERROR_EXPECTED_IPV6_GOT_IPV4 = "IPv6 address expected, got IPv4.";
constexpr auto ERROR_EXPECTED_LENGTH = "Length value expected.";
constexpr auto ERROR_EXPECTED_MAC = "MAC address expected.";
constexpr auto ERROR_EXPECTED_PORT_VALUE = "Port value expected.";
constexpr auto ERROR_EXPECTED_TRANSPORT = "Expected: one of {'tcp', 'udp', 'icmp'}.";
constexpr auto ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH = "Invalid length value.";
constexpr auto ERROR_INVALID_PORT = "Invalid port value:";
constexpr auto ERROR_MAC_LENGTH = "Wrong number of digits for MAC address.";
constexpr auto ERROR_REQUIRED_CONNECTIVE = "Logical connective required.";
constexpr auto ERROR_UNEXPECTED_R_PARENS = "Unexpected ')'.";
constexpr auto ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CONNECTIVE = "Unexpected logical connective.";
constexpr auto ERROR_UNKNOWN_KEYWORD = "Unknown keyword.";
constexpr auto ERROR_UNMATCHED_L_PARENS = "Parenthesis without matching ')'.";
template <class T>
class Syntax {
#define TOKEN (**env_)
#define ENV (*env_)
Syntax(const Tokenizer& tkz, Environment* env, FilterBuilder<T>* bld)
: tkz_(tkz), env_(env), bld_(bld), failed_(false), parens_(0) {}
// Attempt a parse by recursive descent. The parse state is tracked in `env`.
// Return null if the specification is invalid. On return, the `env` error data is updated if
// there was a syntax mistake.
std::optional<T> parse() {
OptT filter{};
ParseOpState state{}; // Need a new one for every parenthesis level.
for (auto prev = ENV.begin(); !(ENV.at_end() || failed_); prev = ENV.cur()) {
if (try_consume(tkz_.L_PARENS)) {
try_parse(&Syntax::parse, &filter, &state);
if (!ENV.at_end() && TOKEN == tkz_.R_PARENS) {
if (parens_ > 0 && filter != std::nullopt && state.op == ParseOp::NONE &&
state.negations == 0) {
// End of current level of parenthesis. Return to the level above.
return filter;
// Unmatched right parenthesis.
return set_failed(ERROR_UNEXPECTED_R_PARENS);
if (!ENV.at_end() && try_consume(tkz_.NOT)) {
if (!ENV.at_end() && TOKEN->one_of(tkz_.OR, tkz_.AND)) {
if (filter == std::nullopt || state.op != ParseOp::NONE || state.negations > 0) {
state.op = (TOKEN == tkz_.OR ? ParseOp::DISJ : ParseOp::CONJ);
// Try each type of expression in turn.
try_parse(&Syntax::frame_length_expr, &filter, &state);
try_parse(&Syntax::eth_expr, &filter, &state);
try_parse(&Syntax::host_expr, &filter, &state);
try_parse(&Syntax::trans_expr, &filter, &state);
if (failed_ && ENV.error_loc == std::nullopt) {
// If error location is not set on failure, the error happened at `prev`.
ENV.error_loc = prev;
if ((!failed_) && prev == ENV.cur()) {
// Did not make progress, and yet did not fail. This is an unknown token.
return set_failed(ERROR_UNKNOWN_KEYWORD);
if (failed_) {
return std::nullopt;
// A few extra syntax error conditions at the end of the current parenthesis.
if (parens_ > 0) {
// Not setting error location since we want to point to the open parenthesis,
// instead of here.
failed_ = true;
return std::nullopt;
if (state.op != ParseOp::NONE || state.negations > 0) {
return filter;
// `T` is type of filter constructed.
using OptT = std::optional<T>;
// Return the current token and advance the token cursor.
inline TokenPtr consume() {
TokenPtr result = TOKEN;
return result;
// If the current token is one of those given as input, return true and advance the token cursor.
template <typename... Ts>
inline bool try_consume(TokenPtr tok, Ts... ts) {
if (TOKEN->one_of(tok, ts...)) {
return true;
return false;
// Attempt to parse a filter using the `fn` function. Combine its result with the `current`
// filter.
inline void try_parse(OptT (Syntax::*fn)(), OptT* current, ParseOpState* state) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(state != nullptr, "Got nullptr for ParseOp state.");
if (failed_) {
OptT parsed = (this->*fn)();
if (parsed == std::nullopt) {
*current = create_filter(std::move(*current), std::move(parsed), state);
// Returns the negation of `filter` if the negation count is odd, or `filter` if it is even.
// The negation count is reset to 0.
inline OptT negate_filter(OptT filter, ParseOpState* state) {
if ((state->negations) & 1) {
state->negations = 0;
return (filter == std::nullopt ? std::nullopt
: std::optional(bld_->negation(std::move(*filter))));
state->negations = 0;
return filter;
// Returns the logical composition of `left` and `right` filters with the `ParseOpState` op.
// `op` is reset to `NONE` if `left` and `right` were composed.
OptT compose_filters(OptT left, OptT right, ParseOpState* state) {
if (right == std::nullopt) {
return OptT{};
switch (state->op) {
case ParseOp::NONE:
if (left == std::nullopt) {
// Initial state where `left` is null.
return std::move(right);
// `left != nullopt` happens on a syntax error: two filters were juxtaposed
// with no logical connective.
failed_ = true;
// Not setting `error_loc` as mistake actually happened at an earlier point.
return OptT{};
case ParseOp::CONJ:
state->op = ParseOp::NONE;
return bld_->conjunction(std::move(*left), std::move(*right));
case ParseOp::DISJ:
state->op = ParseOp::NONE;
return bld_->disjunction(std::move(*left), std::move(*right));
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Unexpected ParseOp state.");
return OptT{};
// Once the parsed filter has been constructed, compose it with the current filter with
// operations given in `ParseOpState`.
inline OptT create_filter(OptT current, OptT parsed, ParseOpState* state) {
parsed = negate_filter(std::move(parsed), state);
return compose_filters(std::move(current), std::move(parsed), state);
// Set the error cause and location in the parse environment, if no failure already.
// Returns null so callers can simply return on the result of calling this function.
inline OptT set_failed(const char* cause, TokenIterator loc) {
if (!failed_) {
ENV.error_cause = cause;
ENV.error_loc = loc;
failed_ = true;
return std::nullopt;
// Helper overload that sets the error location to the current location in the environment.
inline OptT set_failed(const char* cause) { return set_failed(cause, ENV.cur()); }
// Helper for constructing length filters.
std::optional<uint16_t> length_value() {
if (ENV.at_end()) {
return std::nullopt; // Must return null explicitly for the right type.
size_t num_end;
std::string input = TOKEN->get_term();
long int num = stol(input, &num_end, 10); // Base-10 number.
if (num < 0 || num_end < input.length()) {
return std::nullopt;
return static_cast<uint16_t>(num);
OptT frame_length_expr() {
if (ENV.at_end() || !TOKEN->one_of(tkz_.LESS, tkz_.GREATER)) {
return std::nullopt;
TokenPtr comparator = consume();
std::optional<uint16_t> length = length_value();
if (length == std::nullopt) {
return std::nullopt;
return bld_->frame_length(*length, comparator);
OptT eth_expr() {
if (ENV.at_end()) {
return std::nullopt;
if (!try_consume(tkz_.ETHER)) {
return net_expr();
if (ENV.at_end()) {
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_ETH_FIELD);
if (try_consume(tkz_.HOST)) {
return mac_expr(tkz_.HOST);
if (TOKEN->one_of(tkz_.DST, tkz_.SRC)) {
TokenPtr type = consume();
if (ENV.at_end() || !try_consume(tkz_.HOST)) {
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_HOST);
return mac_expr(type);
if (try_consume(tkz_.PROTO)) {
OptT filter = net_expr(); // Must succeed;
if (filter != std::nullopt) {
return filter;
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_ETH_TYPE);
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_ETH_FIELD);
OptT mac_expr(TokenPtr type) {
if (ENV.at_end()) {
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_MAC);
std::string mac_str = TOKEN->get_term();
// Erase all delimiters.
mac_str.erase(std::remove(mac_str.begin(), mac_str.end(), ':'), mac_str.end());
if (mac_str.length() != ETH_ALEN * 2) {
return set_failed(ERROR_MAC_LENGTH);
std::array<uint8_t, ETH_ALEN> mac;
std::array<unsigned int, ETH_ALEN> tmp;
size_t mac_length = std::sscanf(mac_str.c_str(), "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", &tmp[5], &tmp[4],
&tmp[3], &tmp[2], &tmp[1], &tmp[0]);
if (mac_length < ETH_ALEN) {
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_HEX); // Some non-hex characters were found.
std::transform(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), mac.begin(),
[](unsigned int octet) { return static_cast<uint8_t>(octet); });
return bld_->mac(mac, type);
OptT net_expr() {
if (ENV.at_end()) {
return std::nullopt;
if (TOKEN->one_of(tkz_.ARP, tkz_.VLAN)) {
TokenPtr etype = consume();
return bld_->ethertype(etype->get_tag<uint16_t>());
if (TOKEN->one_of(tkz_.IP, tkz_.IP6)) {
TokenPtr ip = consume();
auto version = std::optional(ip->get_tag<uint8_t>());
if (ENV.at_end()) {
return bld_->ip_version(*version);
OptT filter = ip_pkt_length_expr(version);
if (failed_ || filter != std::nullopt) {
return filter;
filter = host_expr(version);
if (failed_ || filter != std::nullopt) {
return filter;
filter = trans_expr(version);
if (failed_ || filter != std::nullopt) {
return filter;
return bld_->ip_version(*version);
return std::nullopt;
// `ip_ver` can be either 4, 6, or null if the version was unspecified.
// Check it is one of these and return true if the version was specified.
inline bool has_ip_ver(std::optional<uint8_t> ip_ver) {
if (ip_ver == std::nullopt) {
return false;
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(*ip_ver == 4 || *ip_ver == 6, "Unsupported IP version: %u", *ip_ver);
return true;
OptT ip_pkt_length_expr(std::optional<uint8_t> ip_ver) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(has_ip_ver(ip_ver), "An IP version must be specified for IP packet length.");
if (ENV.at_end() || !TOKEN->one_of(tkz_.GREATER, tkz_.LESS)) {
return std::nullopt;
TokenPtr comparator = consume();
std::optional<uint16_t> length = length_value();
if (length == std::nullopt) {
return std::nullopt;
return bld_->ip_pkt_length(*ip_ver, *length, comparator);
OptT host_expr() { return host_expr(std::nullopt); }
OptT host_expr(std::optional<uint8_t> ip_ver) {
if (ENV.at_end() || !TOKEN->one_of(tkz_.HOST, tkz_.DST, tkz_.SRC)) {
return std::nullopt;
TokenPtr type = consume();
if (type->one_of(tkz_.DST, tkz_.SRC)) {
if (ENV.at_end()) {
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_HOST);
if (!try_consume(tkz_.HOST)) {
// This may be some other expression instead, e.g. port expression.
return std::nullopt;
if (ENV.at_end()) {
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_IP_ADDR);
std::string addrstr = TOKEN->get_term();
bool any_ip_ver = !has_ip_ver(ip_ver);
// Try parsing the IP address for IPv4 and IPv6, and see if it is consistent with `ip_ver`.
uint32_t ip4addr = 0;
if (inet_pton(AF_INET, addrstr.c_str(), &ip4addr)) {
if (any_ip_ver || *ip_ver == 4) {
return bld_->ipv4_address(ntohl(ip4addr), type);
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_IPV6_GOT_IPV4);
std::array<uint8_t, IP6_ADDR_LEN> ip6addr;
if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, addrstr.c_str(), {
if (any_ip_ver || *ip_ver == 6) {
std::reverse(ip6addr.begin(), ip6addr.end()); // Put in host byte order.
return bld_->ipv6_address(ip6addr, type);
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_IPV4_GOT_IPV6);
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_IP_ADDR);
inline T trans_proto_filter(std::optional<uint8_t> ip_ver, uint8_t proto4, uint8_t proto6) {
if (has_ip_ver(ip_ver)) {
return bld_->ip_protocol(*ip_ver, (*ip_ver == 4) ? proto4 : proto6);
// Call the filter builder functions in an explicit evaluation order.
T proto_filter4 = bld_->ip_protocol(4, proto4);
T proto_filter6 = bld_->ip_protocol(6, proto6);
return bld_->disjunction(std::move(proto_filter4), std::move(proto_filter6));
OptT trans_expr() { return trans_expr(std::nullopt); }
OptT trans_expr(std::optional<uint8_t> ip_ver) {
if (ENV.at_end()) {
return std::nullopt;
bool proto_token = false;
if (try_consume(tkz_.PROTO)) {
// Once `proto_token` is set to true, we must get a transport protocol.
if (ENV.at_end()) {
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_TRANSPORT);
proto_token = true;
if (try_consume(tkz_.ICMP)) {
return trans_proto_filter(ip_ver, IPPROTO_ICMP, IPPROTO_ICMPV6);
OptT proto_filter{};
if (TOKEN->one_of(tkz_.TCP, tkz_.UDP)) {
TokenPtr proto = consume();
auto proto_num = proto->get_tag<uint8_t>();
proto_filter = trans_proto_filter(ip_ver, proto_num, proto_num);
if (proto_filter == std::nullopt && proto_token) {
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_TRANSPORT);
// There may still be a `port_expr` to come.
OptT port_filter = port_expr();
if (port_filter == std::nullopt) {
return proto_filter;
if (proto_filter == std::nullopt) {
return wrap_port_filter(ip_ver, std::move(port_filter));
return bld_->conjunction(std::move(*proto_filter), std::move(*port_filter));
// Conjoin `port_filter` with an IP version filter as necessary.
inline OptT wrap_port_filter(std::optional<uint8_t> ip_ver, OptT port_filter) {
if (has_ip_ver(ip_ver)) {
return bld_->conjunction(bld_->ip_version(*ip_ver), std::move(*port_filter));
return port_filter;
inline OptT invalid_port(TokenPtr port) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << ERROR_INVALID_PORT << " '" + port->get_term() << "'.";
return set_failed(stream.str().c_str());
OptT process_ports(const std::vector<TokenPtr>& ports, TokenPtr type) {
bool unrecognized = false;
std::vector<PortRange> ranges;
FunctionalTokenVisitor visitor(
[&unrecognized](TokenPtr /*t*/) { unrecognized = true; }, // Not a port token.
[&ranges](PortTokenPtr t) { ranges.emplace_back(t->begin(), t->end()); });
for (const TokenPtr& port : ports) {
if (unrecognized) {
return invalid_port(port);
return bld_->ports(std::move(ranges), type);
OptT port_expr() {
if (ENV.at_end() || !TOKEN->one_of(tkz_.PORT, tkz_.SRC, tkz_.DST)) {
return std::nullopt;
TokenPtr type = consume();
if (type->one_of(tkz_.DST, tkz_.SRC)) {
if (ENV.at_end() || !try_consume(tkz_.PORT)) {
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_PORT);
if (ENV.at_end()) {
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_PORT_VALUE);
std::vector<TokenPtr> ports = tkz_.mult_ports(',', TOKEN->get_term());
if (ports.empty()) {
return set_failed(ERROR_EXPECTED_PORT_VALUE);
return process_ports(ports, type);
const Tokenizer& tkz_;
Environment* env_;
FilterBuilder<T>* bld_;
// True once an error is encountered.
bool failed_;
// Count the depth of parentheses.
size_t parens_;
#undef ENV
#undef TOKEN
} // namespace netdump::parser