This FTP is rejected

Rejection rationale

Messages without responses (be it events, or fire-and-forget calls) have a transaction id set to 0, and therefore could not be distinguished using the proposed scheme.

Some uses leverage zx_channel_call(), which assigns transaction id in the kernel, and waits for a reply. (This pattern allows concurrent callers to rely on kernel synchronization, avoiding a user space lock for transaction id assignment.) Again, the proposed scheme would not be able to distinguish those.

It's expected that kernel tracing support provide the telemetry sought by this review, and there is a preference to improve this mechanism rather than push this in FIDL bindings.

Finally, in the SDK dependency pecking order, using FIDL and using FIDL bindings is very close to the top due to the pervasive use of FIDL on Fuchsia. Including telemetry and metrics in bindings would therefore raise such concerns to that order, which is not something we are comfortable with. Some build and opt-in trickery would be conceivable, and would need to be part of a future proposal.

FTP-035: Automatic Flow Tracing



Adding tracing events to our FIDL bindings enables end-to-end flows across processes on Fuchsia without hand-rolling custom IDs.


There are an abundance of hacks to enable flow-events across process boundaries on Fuchsia. We can automate most of these in a way that doesn't complicate our API surfaces and requires less manual work.


A standard attribute for Fuchsia FIDL functions that adds flow begin/end events to their respectively generated bindings.

The attribute sets the category for the tracing and uses the protocol function for the name. Tracing on Fuchsia only supports one category at this time, so while the attribute could potentially contain N categories, we expect only one to be used and will use the first in the list.

protocol Example {
    [Trace = "CATEGORY"]
    ExampleFn(bool test) -> (bool status);

The unique cross-process ID is the ordinal ID, transaction ID (contained within every message) and an ID for the transport mechanism (for zircon channels: the koid of the sending process channel handle, and the related koid of the receiving process handle) hashed together with a non-cryptographic hash.

Example Stable Trace IDs for FIDL over zx channels

We propose to combine a few identifiers:

How these three identifiers are assembled should strive to reduce possible trace ID collision, in the following priority:

  1. Between two distinct messages, with the same ordinal, and between the same client and server;
  2. Between two distinct messages, with different ordinals, and between the same client and server;
  3. Between two distinct messages, with different ordinals, and between different client and server.

Currently, koid assignment is mostly sequential. As a result, the lowest bits of koids will have more entropy than the highest bits. Similarly, transaction IDs are sequentially assigned, hence offer more entropy in the lowest bits. Method ordinals are cryptographically hashed, and despite the highest bit being reserved for system usage, it is safe to assume that all bits have the same entropy.

As a result, a reasonable algorithm given current conditions is to OR:

  • koid & OxFFFF << 48
  • ordinal & 0xFFFFFFFF << 16
  • transaction ID & 0xFF << 0

A trace duration is also started on the receive side of the FIDL bindings. With languages like C++/Rust this is scoped using RAII and allows the event to be stitched with another flow event.


This makes our tracing system much easier to use, which is a huge win for our infrastructure as well.

Documentation and examples

The documentation should be updated to show how to add traces (as outlined above).

Backwards compatibility

This change is API compatible and ABI compatible.


This will have a small cost when the tracing category is disabled, less than 5 nanoseconds per testing (on a NUC). We can also strip the tracing annotations from the IR assuming more performance is required.


No Security implications.

Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns


Kernel Trace Mechanisms

Leverage existing ktrace flow events on channel read and channel write.

In the absence of this feature, it would be possible to attempt to accomplish this by using existing ktrace flow events on the underlying channel reads and writes. This is undesirable however, as the channels are common to all FIDL interfaces, meaning that only one category may be specified. This means that in order to actually be used, users have to enable the channel read and channel write categories, meaning that all channel read and write events (rather than just the ones being used for the FIDL interface of interest) would be present. This results in harder to read trace viewer output, unnecessary ktrace buffer usage, and also relies on FIDL implementation detail.