
Note: The Modular framework is being deprecated in favor of the Session Framework.

A Module is a component that displays UI in a Modular session. Modules are added to a story (a container for Modules). Multiple modules can be added to a single story.


A module is given access to two services provided by the modular framework in its incoming namespace:

  • fuchsia.modular.ComponentContext, which gives the agent access to functionality that is shared across components run under the modular framework (e.g. modules, shells, agents).
  • fuchsia.modular.ModuleContext, which gives modules access to module specific functionality.

A module is expected to provide three services to the modular framework in its outgoing namespace:

  •, which is used to display the module's UI.
  • fuchsia.modular.Lifecycle, which allows the framework to signal the module to terminate gracefully.


A module's lifecycle is bound to the lifecycle of the story it is part of. In addition, a given module can have multiple running instances in a single story.

Communication Mechanisms

Modules can acquire services from agents by connecting to those services from the module's incoming directory.