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Configuring remote workspaces

VS Code allows you to open a remote folder on any virtual machine, container, or environment with a running SSH server, allowing developers to interact with files and folders on the remote filesystem. Remote workspaces are helpful when using a separate environment to edit, build, or run Fuchsia.

Configuring remote workspaces involve the following steps:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Connect to remote workspace
  3. Disconnect remote workspace


Before you start, complete the following tasks:

Install SSH extension

To connect to a remote host for the first time, install Microsoft’s Remote SSH Extension in VS Code:

  1. In VS Code, launch Quick Open by running CMD/CTRL + P.

  2. Paste the following command in the text prompt and press enter:

    ext install ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh

Connect to remote workspace

After installing the SSH extension, connect to your SSH environment:

  1. Press CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + P to open Command Palette.

  2. Type in the field, Remote-SSH: Connect to Host… and press enter.

  3. Type in the domain name of your SSH environment and press enter:

    {{ '<var>' }}username{{ '</var>' }}@{{ '<var>' }}hostname{{ '</var>' }}.com
  4. If VS Code cannot detect the type of server, select the type manually.

  5. After connecting, the bottom left status bar displays your current SSH session.

Disconnect remote workspace

To close the connection with the remote host, you can either:

  • Exit VS Code.
  • In VS Code's navigation, click File then Close Remote Connection.


For additional support, VS Code provides official documentation{: .external} for troubleshooting scenarios.