blob: 76fcf49e6879f7966b9801ca44955d959adbfb72 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
#### CATEGORY=Build
### set up a build directory
## usage: fx set PRODUCT.BOARD [--with GNLABEL1,GNLABEL2,...]
## [--release] [--auto-dir] [--args ARG] [--variant VARIANT]
## [--with-base GNLABEL1,GNLABEL2,...]
## where PRODUCT is an entry from `//products` or `//vendor/*/products` and
## BOARD is an entry from `//boards` or `//vendor/*/boards`. Use the
## `fx list-products` and `fx list-boards` commands to see a list of
## possible products and boards (respectively). See the in those
## directories for a description of the various options.
## Use `fx --dir BUILD_DIR set` to specify the build directory. If it begins with
## `//` or `out/` then it's taken as relative to FUCHSIA_DIR. Otherwise it should
## be an absolute path or a path relative to the current working directory that
## winds up in `FUCHSIA_DIR/out`. It defaults to `out/default`.
## This command stores the location of the build directory in the //.fx-build-dir
## file, which causes subsequent `fx` commands to use that build directory. Use
## `fx use` to switch build directories.
## Ensures Goma is ready (if Goma is enabled).
## This is a wrapper around running `gn gen --check=system BUILD_DIR --args ...`.
## If GN fails with an error, `fx set` does not change anything.
## optional arguments:
## --args Additional argument to pass to gn. If the --args
## argument is given multiple times, all the specified
## arguments are passed to gn.
## N.B. Arguments must be expressed using GN's syntax.
## In particular this means that for strings they must
## be quoted with double-quotes, and the quoting must
## survive, for example, the shell. Thus when passing
## an argument that takes a string, pass it with
## something like --args=foo='"bar"'. E.g.,
## bash$ fx set core.x64 --args=foo='"bar"'
## More complicated arguments, e.g., lists, require
## their own special syntax. See GN documentation
## for the syntax of each kind of argument.
## --auto-dir Act like `fx --dir out/PRODUCT.BOARD set ...`.
## --ccache|--no-ccache Whether to use ccache during the build. Ccache attempts
## to make builds faster by caching build artifacts.
## Defaults to detecting whether the CCACHE_DIR environment
## variable is set to a directory.
## --fuzz-with Pass a sanitizer name, e.g. "--fuzz-with asan" to
## enable ALL supporting fuzzers. Use --variant for
## individual fuzzers, e.g. "--variant asan-fuzzer/foo".
## --goma|--no-goma Whether to use the goma service during the build. Goma
## attempts to make builds faster using remote build
## servers. Defaults to detecting whether goma has been
## set up via `fx goma`.
## --rust-rbe If set, use the remote backend (RBE) service for building
## Rust targets. RBE offloads work onto remote servers and
## offers caching benefits to accelerate builds.
## Default: disabled
## --ide Pass --ide=VALUE to gn when generating to create project
## files usable with that IDE. Useful values include "vs"
## for Visual Studio or "xcode" for Xcode.
## --json-ide-script Pass --json-ide-script=python_script to gn which runs
## the given python script after the JSON project file is
## generated when using --ide json. The path to the project
## file is given as the first argument to the script.
## The script may be a path or a gn label.
## --netboot Ensure that a network ramboot image is always built.
## --no-ensure-goma Skip ensuring that goma is started when using goma.
## --release an alias for "--args=is_debug=false"
## --variant Selects which runtime variant to use (e.g., asan) by
## passing a `select_variant=[VARIANT*,...]` argument
## to gn that collects all the --variant arguments in
## order. Variants are normal builds in most respects,
## but allow users to test different runtime settings
## for either the whole build or for a specific target.
## This can be specified by passing the variant name
## to this argument (e.g. `--variant asan`) for the
## former, or the variant name and the target name
## separated by a slash (e.g. `--variant asan/my_test`)
## for the latter.
## --with GNLABEL Labels of additional packages to include in the
## 'universe' set of available packages. These packages
## can be run ephemerally. Multiple labels can be
## provided delimited by commas or the --with argument
## can be provided multiple times.
## --with-base GNLABEL Labels of additional packages to include in the
## 'base' set of packages. These packages are included in
## the system image and can be updated only with an OTA.
## Multiple labels can be provided delimited by commas
## or the --with-base argument can be provided multiple
## times.
## --with-cache GNLABEL Labels of additional packages to include in the
## 'cache' set of packages. These packages are made
## available on disk immediately after paving and in
## factory flows. These packages are not updated with
## an OTA, but are instead updated ephemerally. This
## cache of software can be evicted by the system if
## storage pressure arises or other policies indicate.
## Multiple labels can be provided delimited by commas
## or the --with-cache argument can be provided
## multiple times.
## --with-host GNLABEL Labels of additional host-only targets to be
## produced by the build. Multiple labels can be
## provided delimited by commas or the --with-host
## argument can be provided multiple times.
## --cargo-toml-gen Enable generation of Cargo.toml files
## --dev Always recompile fx-set from source.
## Example:
## $ fx set core.x64 --with //bundles:tests
## -> build directory: out/default
## board: //boards/x64.gni
## product: //products/core.gni
## universe: //bundles:tests (all test packages)
source "$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)"/lib/ || exit $?
set -e
function main {
fx-standard-switches "$@"
set -- "${FX_ARGV[@]}"
# Check if the --dev flag is set. If it is, then we'll always build fx-set
# from source.
local dev=false
for arg; do
if [ "$arg" = --dev ]; then
# Include every arg besides --dev in the args we pass to fx-set.
set -- "$@" "$arg"
# Cache the compiled executable for later invocations.
readonly exe_path="${FX_CACHE_DIR}/fx-set"
readonly revision_file="${FX_CACHE_DIR}/fx-set-revision"
local current_revision
current_revision="$(git --no-optional-locks -C "$FUCHSIA_DIR" rev-parse HEAD)"
# Determine whether we need to rebuild the fx-set executable. We'll only
# rebuild if the --dev flag is set, or if the cached version of fx-set was
# built at a revision other than the current revision. We determine that by
# storing the current HEAD of fuchsia.git in a cached version file whenever
# we build fx-set, and then we rebuild if the current HEAD differs from the
# revision referenced in the cached file.
local should_rebuild=true
if ! $dev && [ -f "$exe_path" ] && [ -f "$revision_file" ]; then
local fx_set_revision
fx_set_revision="$(head -n 1 "$revision_file")"
if [ "$fx_set_revision" = "$current_revision" ]; then
if $should_rebuild; then
# Build in a temporary directory where we can arrange the module.
# Avoid "TMPDIR" since Go looks at that environment variable.
BUILD_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
trap 'rm -rf $BUILD_DIR' EXIT
pushd "$BUILD_DIR" > /dev/null
for target in go.{mod,sum} vendor; do
ln -s "$FUCHSIA_DIR"/third_party/golibs/$target .
# fx-set's only local imports (direct and transitive) are from //tools. We
# can symlink more top-level directories as necessary if fx-set ever needs
# to import their code.
ln -s "$FUCHSIA_DIR"/tools .
# GOPROXY=off enforces that we only use vendored dependencies and don't
# download anything.
# GO111MODULE=on ensures that we use modules for the build even if the
# user has GO111MODULE=off in their local environment.
if ! GOPROXY=off GO111MODULE=on fx-command-run go build -o "$exe_path" ./tools/build/fx-set/cmd; then
if ! $dev; then # If running in dev mode, compilation failures are expected.
fx-error "Failed to build fx set."
fx-error "Please file a bug using \`fx report-bug set\` with the full error copy-pasted."
return 1
popd > /dev/null
# Record the current HEAD *after* building fx-set so that we always try
# to rebuild on subsequent attempts if compilation fails the first time.
echo "$current_revision" > "$revision_file"
"$exe_path" "$@"
# Check for RBE requirements if enabled.
return "$status"
main "$@"