Copy files to and from a component

The ffx component storage commands can copy files to and from Fuchsia components on a device.


A Fuchsia component can provide storage space on a device if the component uses one of the following storage capabilities: data, cache and tmp. All the examples in this guide select, by default, the data storage capability, which provides persistent storage on the device. For other storage types (cache and tmp), you can use the --provider flag with the ffx component storage commands.

Before you can upload files to (or download files from) a Fuchsia component, you first need to identify the instance ID of your target component on the device. To discover a component's instance ID, you can use the ffx component show command, for example:

$ ffx component show stash_secure
               Moniker: /core/stash_secure
                   URL: fuchsia-pkg://
                  Type: CML static component
       Component State: Resolved
           Instance ID: c1a6d0aebbf7c092c53e8e696636af8ec0629ff39b7f2e548430b0034d809da4

The example above shows that the instance ID of the stash_secure component is c1a6d0aebbf7c092c53e8e696636af8ec0629ff39b7f2e548430b0034d809da4.

Once you identify your target component‘s instance ID, you can use this identifier (as a parameter to the ffx component storage commands) to access the component’s storage space on the device.

Download a file from the device {:#download-a-file-from-the-device}

To download a file from a Fuchsia device to your host machine, run the following command:

ffx component storage copy <INSTANCE_ID>::<PATH_TO_FILE> <DESTINATION>

Replace the following:

  • INSTANCE_ID: The instance ID of your target component.
    • For example, c1a6d0aebbf7c092c53e8e696636af8ec0629ff39b7f2e548430b0034d809da4.
  • PATH_TO_FILE: The path to a file on the target component.
    • For example, /my-example.file or /my/path/my-example.file.
  • DESTINATION: The path to a local directory where you want to save the file.

The example command below downloads my-example.file from the target component to the host machine:

$ ffx component storage copy c1a6d0aebbf7c092c53e8e696636af8ec0629ff39b7f2e548430b0034d809da4::/my-example.file ./my-example.file

Upload a file to the device {:#upload-a-file-to-the-device}

To upload a file from your host machine to a Fuchsia device, run the following command:

ffx component storage copy <SOURCE> <INSTANCE_ID>::<PATH_TO_FILE>

Replace the following:

  • SOURCE: The path to a file you want to copy to the device.
  • INSTANCE_ID: The instance ID of your target component.
    • For example, c1a6d0aebbf7c092c53e8e696636af8ec0629ff39b7f2e548430b0034d809da4.
  • PATH_TO_FILE: The path and filename on the target component where you want to save the file.
    • For example, /my-example.file or /my/path/my-example.file.

The example command below uploads my-example.file from the host machine to the target component running on the device:

$ ffx component storage copy ./my-example.file c1a6d0aebbf7c092c53e8e696636af8ec0629ff39b7f2e548430b0034d809da4::/my-example.file

List all directories and files {:#list-all-directories-and-files}

To list all directories and files in a component's storage, run the following command:

ffx component storage list <INSTANCE_ID>::<PATH>

Replace the following:

  • INSTANCE_ID: The instance ID of your target component.
    • For example, c1a6d0aebbf7c092c53e8e696636af8ec0629ff39b7f2e548430b0034d809da4.
  • PATH: A path on the target component.
    • For example, / or /my/path/.

The example command below shows all directories and files in the root (/) directory of the target component:

$ ffx component storage list c1a6d0aebbf7c092c53e8e696636af8ec0629ff39b7f2e548430b0034d809da4::/

Create a new directory {:#create-a-new-directory}

To create a new directory in a component's storage, run the following command:

ffx component storage make-directory <INSTANCE_ID>::<NEW_PATH>

Replace the following:

  • INSTANCE_ID: The instance ID of your target component.
    • For example, c1a6d0aebbf7c092c53e8e696636af8ec0629ff39b7f2e548430b0034d809da4.
  • PATH: The name of a new directory on the target component.
    • For example, /my-new-path.

The example command below shows creates a new directory named my-new-path on the target component:

$ ffx component storage make-directory c1a6d0aebbf7c092c53e8e696636af8ec0629ff39b7f2e548430b0034d809da4::/my-new-path