{% set glossary | yamlloads %} {% include “docs/glossary/_glossary.yaml” %} {% endset %}
{% set fuchsia_editor = “https://ci.android.com/edit?repo=fuchsia/fuchsia/main&file=” %} {% set glossary_file = “docs/glossary/_glossary.yaml” %}
{% setvar pencil_edit %}
{% setvar glossary_edit %}
{% comment %} Help text glossary macros {% endcomment %}
{% macro glossary_simple (input, title, notclickable) -%} {% set match=false %} {% for item in glossary %} {% if item.term|replace(‘-’, ' ‘)|lower == input|replace(’-', ' ')|lower and item.short_description != '' %} {% if title is defined %} {% if notclickable|lower == “notclickable” %} {{ title }} {% set match=true %} {% else %} {{ title }} {% set match=true %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if notclickable|lower == “notclickable” %} {{ item.term }} {% set match=true %} {% else %} {{ item.term }} {% set match=true %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if not match %} {{ input }}edit {% endif %} {%- endmacro %}
{% comment %} Simple definition callout. Use between pargraphs. {% endcomment %}
{% macro glossary_box (term, title) -%} {% set match=false %} {% for item in glossary %} {% if item.term|lower == term|replace(‘-’, ' ')|lower %} .pencil-edit { float: right; } {{ item.term }}: {% if item.full_description != '' %} {{ item.full_description }} {% elif item.short_description != '' %} {{ item.short_description }} {% else %} This term exists in the glossary, but does not have any description. Click the pencil icon to add a description. {% endif %} {% set match=true %} {{ pencil_edit }}
{% macro inline_toc () -%}