blob: bcc5484d85ea09ea0b2dda1e58cc9326ece0ad50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.viewsv1;
using fuchsia.sys;
// A view is a graphical user interface component which is responsible
// for drawing and supporting user interactions in the area of the screen
// that it occupies.
// A view may also act as a container for other views (known as the
// view's children) which it may freely layout and position anywhere
// within its bounds to form a composite user interface. The hierarchy
// of views thus formed is called a view tree.
// Use |ViewManager.CreateView()| to create a view. The application
// uses the |View| interface to manage the view's content and implements
// the |ViewListener| interface to handle events.
// To destroy a view, simply close the |View| channel.
// Use |GetContainer()| to obtain an interface for manipulating child views.
// See |ViewContainer| for more information.
protocol View {
// Gets a service provider to access services which are associated with
// the view.
// The view service provider is private to the view and should not be
// shared with anyone else.
GetServiceProvider(request<fuchsia.sys.ServiceProvider> service_provider);
// This is a way for an app to offer services that are associated with a
// particular view. Used to expose services to the compositor
// In particular this should be used to let know which view is implementing
// the ability to show an IME
// |service_names| should contain a list of service names as defined with the
// FIDL syntax [Discoverable]
// The list of services will be used by the compositor to filter service
// providers when looking for a particular service.
OfferServiceProvider(fuchsia.sys.ServiceProvider service_provider,
vector<string> service_names);
// Gets an interface for managing the view's children.
GetContainer(request<ViewContainer> container);
// An interface clients may implement to receive events from a view.
protocol ViewListener {
// Called when the view receives new properties from its ancestors.
// Initially the view has no properties so this method will be called
// as soon as properties first become available and whenever they change
// thereafter.
OnPropertiesChanged(ViewProperties properties) -> ();