blob: bc273741c7f37ce530b243dfcc5d439c2981919a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.modular;
using fuchsia.ui.policy;
using fuchsia.ui.views;
// This interface is implemented by a story shell. Dependencies are passed to it
// in Initialize() on startup. The story shell is also expected to implement
// Lifecycle in order to receive a Terminate() call on teardown.
// In one component instance there can only be one StoryShell service instance.
// The view token is sent to the separate View service. This way, the story
// shell may be implemented as a flutter component.
// Teardown may occur via the session shell calling StoryController.Stop(), the
// sessionmgr being terminated, or by the system shutting down.
[Discoverable] // Created by story shell applications.
protocol StoryShell {
Initialize(StoryShellContext story_shell_context);
// Adds a new Surface and its corresponding view to be displayed by the
// StoryShell. More context that allows the story shell to decide how
// to layout will be added later. Also, interface to influence life cycle and
// focus is obviously missing.
// |view_connection| the new view and the associated Surface ID.
// |surface_info| metadata relating to the Surface.
AddSurface(ViewConnection view_connection, SurfaceInfo surface_info);
// DEPRECATED. For transition purposes only.
AddSurface2(ViewConnection2 view_connection, SurfaceInfo surface_info);
// Focuses the surface with surface_id, bringing it to the foreground.
FocusSurface(string surface_id);
// Defocuses the surface with surface_id, dismissing it to the background.
DefocusSurface(string surface_id) -> ();
// Adds a container, with corresponding container layouts to the story.
// Optionally provide a parent_id to connect to, if omitted adds the
// Container node as the root of a new tree in the Story
AddContainer(string containerName, string? parentId,
SurfaceRelation relation, // relation of container to parent
vector<ContainerLayout> layout,
vector<ContainerRelationEntry> relationships,
vector<ContainerView> views);
// DEPRECATED. For transition purposes only.
AddContainer2(string containerName, string? parentId,
SurfaceRelation relation, // relation of container to parent
vector<ContainerLayout> layout,
vector<ContainerRelationEntry> relationships,
vector<ContainerView2> views);
// Notify when a Surface is focused in the story. The focus could be from
// a user interaction or requested by the framework through
// StoryController#FocusModule.
-> OnSurfaceFocused(string surface_id);
// Remove the Surface with surface_id from the StoryShell entirely. This is
// final. The Surface is removed from the graph. If necessary, the
// associated Surface is defocused. There is no expectation that
// DefocusSurface is called before this.
RemoveSurface(string surface_id);
// Reconnect the view in viewConnection.
// Called to reconnect views that have previously been added to the story
// shell via addSurface, and then disconnected. A ViewTokenPair is created
// and the View token is given to the child view. The ViewHolder token
// is notified if the View is destroyed before it is connected. Once the
// ViewHolder has been created using a Scenic |Session|, the Session will be
// notified when the view is available, if it becomes unavailable, or if
// it is disconnected.
// If a surface with a disconnected view is to be shown again, ReconnectView
// is called.
// E.g. called in response to StoryShell calling RequestView().
ReconnectView(ViewConnection view_connection);
// DEPRECATED. For transition purposes only.
ReconnectView2(ViewConnection2 view_connection);
// Update the surface
// This is called when the intent is to update the surface metadata in the
// story graph in place. Any fields, except for the surface_id can be
// updated. If no value or null is passed for a field it remains unchanged.
// This includes the |view_holder_token| inside the connection.
// E.g called when an intent resolves to a module that is known by the
// caller to already be running, to update associated metadata.
UpdateSurface(ViewConnection view_connection, SurfaceInfo surface_info);
// DEPRECATED. For transition purposes only.
UpdateSurface2(ViewConnection2 view_connection, SurfaceInfo surface_info);
// A pair mapping a surface ID to a view (via |view_holder_token|).
struct ViewConnection {
// The ID for the surface
string surface_id;
// Token for embedding the new view corresponding to the surface.
fuchsia.ui.views.ViewHolderToken view_holder_token;
// DEPRECATED, for transition purposes only.
struct ViewConnection2 {
// The ID for the surface
string surface_id;
// Token for embedding the new view corresponding to the surface.
fuchsia.ui.views.ViewHolderToken view_holder_token;
// Contain metadata for a Surface
struct SurfaceInfo {
// ID of the view that is parent of this Surface.
string parent_id;
// The relationship between the parent Surface and this new Surface. Used
// for layout optimization
SurfaceRelation? surface_relation;
// Information about the module populates the view.
ModuleManifest? module_manifest;
// How the Surface was generated. By an action internal to the story or by
// an external action.
ModuleSource module_source;
// Maps the node_name to the specific scenic view resulting from resolving and
// launching the intent specified in a Container node.
struct ContainerView {
// Name by which this container node is referenced in container layout and
// surface relationship specifications (cf. container.fidl)
string node_name;
// Token for embedding the new view. The view is resolved from the intent
// corresponding to |node_name|.
fuchsia.ui.views.ViewHolderToken view_holder_token;
// DEPRECATED, for transition purposes only.
struct ContainerView2 {
// Name by which this container node is referenced in container layout and
// surface relationship specifications (cf. container.fidl)
string node_name;
// Token for embedding the new view. The view is resolved from the intent
// corresponding to |node_name|.
fuchsia.ui.views.ViewHolderToken view_holder_token;
// This interface provides the StoryShell instance with everything it needs to
// know or be able to do about the Story. Not much right now, but we expect this
// to increase.
protocol StoryShellContext {
// Requests a Presentation connection from the SessionShell. See
// SessionShellPresenationProvider in session_shell.fidl.
GetPresentation(request<fuchsia.ui.policy.Presentation> request);
// Starts watching Story shell's visual state.
WatchVisualState(StoryVisualStateWatcher watcher);
// Gets a Link instance that the story shell can use for persisting metadata.
GetLink(request<Link> request);
// Requests a view for a Surface.
// Requests that a view for |surface_id| is provided through
// StoryShell.ReconnectView().
RequestView(string surface_id);
// Notification that the Surface is no longer on screen.
OnSurfaceOffScreen(string surface_id);
// Implemented by StoryShell to get notified about visual state changes.
protocol StoryVisualStateWatcher {
OnVisualStateChange(StoryVisualState visual_state);
// Defines the visual state of the Story shell.
enum StoryVisualState {