blob: c571d53670626938fdb9e7c99166fd528cc17da3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using zx;
using TaskName = string:TASK_NAME_MAX_LENGTH;
/// Maximum length of an agent task name. See
const uint32 TASK_NAME_MAX_LENGTH = 100;
table TaskInfo {
/// A client-provided task name that can be used later to refer to this task.
1: TaskName name;
/// The condition that would cause this task to get scheduled.
2: ScheduleCondition schedule_condition;
/// Describes the condition that needs to be met for a task to become scheduled.
/// This is not yet complete and will be extended or changed.
xunion ScheduleCondition {
/// Triggers when a new message arrives on the queue named by |message_queue_message|. message_on_message_queue;
/// Triggers when a the message queue named by |message_queue_deleted| is deleted.
/// |queue_deleted| is the token for the message queue that is to be watched.
/// This allows both message queue readers and writers to watch for queue
/// deletions. message_queue_deleted;
/// Triggers the task approximately every time |repeating_timer| elapses.
/// Once a task with |repeating_timer| is scheduled, it will trigger at
/// approximately |now + repeating_timer|.
zx.duration repeating_timer;