Component Runners

A runner is a service that provides a runtime environment for other components. For example:

  • The component manager comes with an built in ELF runner which launches binaries using the ELF file format.
  • The Dart AOT runner provides a runtime for Dart programs, such as a VM.
  • The Chromium web runner provides a runtime for components implemented as web pages.

The following sections give details about how components can use a particular runner, and how new runners can be implemented.

Using a runner

A component can specify that it should be launched with a particular runner by using a runner capability that has been offered to the component from its containing realm. For example, a component can use the web runner by including the following stanza in its cml file:

    "use": [{
        "runner": "web",

When the component manager attempts to launch this component, it will send a request to the provider of the web runner capability to start it.

If a component's children need to use a particular runner capability, that runner must be explicitly offered to the children:

    "offer": [{
        "runner": "web",
        "from": "realm",
        "to": ["#child-a", "#child-b"],

Finally, a runner capability may be exposed to its containing realm as follows:

    "expose": [{
        "runner": "web",
        "from": "#child",

Both the expose and offer blocks may take an additional parameter as to expose or offer the runner capability under a different name, such as the following:

    "expose": [{
        "runner": "web",
        "from": "#child",
        "as": "web-chromium",

Implementing a runner

A runner can be implemented by:

  1. Providing a fuchsia.sys2.ComponentRunner service protocol from a component, and
  2. Declaring a runner capability backed by this service protocol.

When the component manager is asked to launch a component that uses a particular runner, it will send a ComponentRunner.Start request to the service. The request will contain details about the resolved URL of the component, the program name and arguments, and a namespace derived from the new component's use declarations.

Once the component has launched, the component providing the runner service is responsible for:

Further details are in the fuchsia.sys2.ComponentRunner documentation.

For a service offered by a component to be used as a runner, it must also declare a runner capability in its component manifest, as follows:

    "runners": [{
        // Name for the runner.
        "name": "web",

        // Indicate this component provides the service.
        "from": "self",

        // Path to the service in our outgoing directory.
        "path": "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.ComponentRunner",

The created runner capability may then be offered to children, or exposed to the containing realm, as follows:

    "offer": [{
        "runner": "web",
        "from": "self",
        "to": ["#child-a", "#child-b"],
    "expose": [{
        "runner": "web",
        "from": "self",