blob: b591941f25bf2eabda46498e1d7f7ac73bf44449 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Utility functions for nodes.
use {
fidl_fuchsia_io as fio, fuchsia_zircon_status as zx_status, futures::prelude::*,
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
/// An error encountered while opening a node
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum OpenError {
#[error("while making a fidl proxy: {0}")]
CreateProxy(#[source] fidl::Error),
#[error("while opening from namespace: {0}")]
Namespace(#[source] zx_status::Status),
#[error("while sending open request: {0}")]
SendOpenRequest(#[source] fidl::Error),
#[error("node event stream closed prematurely")]
#[error("while reading OnOpen event: {0}")]
OnOpenDecode(#[source] fidl::Error),
#[error("open failed with status: {0}")]
OpenError(#[source] zx_status::Status),
#[error("remote responded with success but provided no node info")]
#[error("expected node to be a {expected:?}, but got a {actual:?}")]
UnexpectedNodeKind { expected: Kind, actual: Kind },
/// An error encountered while cloning a node
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum CloneError {
#[error("while making a fidl proxy: {0}")]
CreateProxy(#[source] fidl::Error),
#[error("while sending clone request: {0}")]
SendCloneRequest(#[source] fidl::Error),
/// An error encountered while closing a node
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum CloseError {
#[error("while sending close request: {0}")]
SendCloseRequest(#[source] fidl::Error),
#[error("close failed with status: {0}")]
CloseError(#[source] zx_status::Status),
/// An error encountered while renaming a node
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum RenameError {
#[error("while sending rename request")]
SendRenameRequest(#[source] fidl::Error),
#[error("while sending get_token request")]
SendGetTokenRequest(#[source] fidl::Error),
#[error("rename failed with status")]
RenameError(#[source] zx_status::Status),
#[error("while opening subdirectory")]
OpenError(#[from] OpenError),
#[error("get_token failed with status")]
GetTokenError(#[source] zx_status::Status),
#[error("no handle from get token")]
/// The type of a filesystem node
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Kind {
impl Kind {
fn kind_of(info: &fio::NodeInfo) -> Kind {
match info {
fio::NodeInfo::Service(_) => Kind::Service,
fio::NodeInfo::File(_) => Kind::File,
fio::NodeInfo::Directory(_) => Kind::Directory,
fio::NodeInfo::Pipe(_) => Kind::Pipe,
fio::NodeInfo::Vmofile(_) => Kind::Vmofile,
fio::NodeInfo::Device(_) => Kind::Device,
fio::NodeInfo::Tty(_) => Kind::Tty,
fio::NodeInfo::SynchronousDatagramSocket(_) => Kind::SynchronousDatagramSocket,
fio::NodeInfo::StreamSocket(_) => Kind::StreamSocket,
fio::NodeInfo::RawSocket(_) => Kind::RawSocket,
fio::NodeInfo::PacketSocket(_) => Kind::PacketSocket,
fio::NodeInfo::DatagramSocket(_) => Kind::DatagramSocket,
fn expect_file(info: fio::NodeInfo) -> Result<(), Kind> {
match info {
fio::NodeInfo::File(fio::FileObject { event: _, stream: None })
| fio::NodeInfo::Vmofile(fio::Vmofile { .. }) => Ok(()),
other => Err(Kind::kind_of(&other)),
fn expect_directory(info: fio::NodeInfo) -> Result<(), Kind> {
match info {
fio::NodeInfo::Directory(fio::DirectoryObject) => Ok(()),
other => Err(Kind::kind_of(&other)),
fn kind_of2(representation: &fio::Representation) -> Kind {
match representation {
fio::Representation::Connector(_) => Kind::Service,
fio::Representation::Directory(_) => Kind::Directory,
fio::Representation::File(_) => Kind::File,
fio::Representation::Memory(_) => Kind::Vmofile,
fio::Representation::Pipe(_) => Kind::Pipe,
fio::Representation::Device(_) => Kind::Device,
fio::Representation::Tty(_) => Kind::Tty,
fio::Representation::SynchronousDatagramSocket(_) => Kind::SynchronousDatagramSocket,
fio::Representation::StreamSocket(_) => Kind::StreamSocket,
fio::Representation::RawSocket(_) => Kind::RawSocket,
fio::Representation::PacketSocket(_) => Kind::PacketSocket,
fio::Representation::DatagramSocket(_) => Kind::DatagramSocket,
_ => Kind::Unknown,
fn expect_file2(representation: &fio::Representation) -> Result<(), Kind> {
match representation {
fio::Representation::File(fio::FileInfo { stream: None, .. })
| fio::Representation::Memory(_) => Ok(()),
other => Err(Kind::kind_of2(other)),
fn expect_directory2(representation: &fio::Representation) -> Result<(), Kind> {
match representation {
fio::Representation::Directory(_) => Ok(()),
other => Err(Kind::kind_of2(other)),
// TODO namespace.connect is synchronous and may involve fdio making synchronous fidl calls to
// remote directories. If/when fdio exposes the root namespace mapping or an API to connect to
// nodes asynchronously, this function should be updated to use that.
/// Connect a zx::Channel to a path in the current namespace.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub fn connect_in_namespace(
path: &str,
flags: fio::OpenFlags,
chan: zx::Channel,
) -> Result<(), zx_status::Status> {
let namespace = fdio::Namespace::installed()?;, flags, chan)
/// Opens the given `path` from the current namespace as a [`NodeProxy`]. The target is not
/// verified to be any particular type and may not implement the protocol.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub fn open_in_namespace(path: &str, flags: fio::OpenFlags) -> Result<fio::NodeProxy, OpenError> {
let (node, server_end) =
connect_in_namespace(path, flags, server_end.into_channel()).map_err(OpenError::Namespace)?;
/// Gracefully closes the node proxy from the remote end.
pub async fn close(node: fio::NodeProxy) -> Result<(), CloseError> {
let result = node.close().await.map_err(CloseError::SendCloseRequest)?;
result.map_err(|s| CloseError::CloseError(zx_status::Status::from_raw(s)))
/// Consume the first event from this NodeProxy's event stream, returning the proxy if it is
/// the expected type or an error otherwise.
pub(crate) async fn verify_node_describe_event(
node: fio::NodeProxy,
) -> Result<fio::NodeProxy, OpenError> {
let mut events = node.take_event_stream();
match events
fio::NodeEvent::OnOpen_ { s: status, info } => {
let () = zx_status::Status::ok(status).map_err(OpenError::OpenError)?;
fio::NodeEvent::OnConnectionInfo { .. } => (),
/// Consume the first event from this DirectoryProxy's event stream, returning the proxy if it is
/// the expected type or an error otherwise.
pub(crate) async fn verify_directory_describe_event(
node: fio::DirectoryProxy,
) -> Result<fio::DirectoryProxy, OpenError> {
let mut events = node.take_event_stream();
match events
fio::DirectoryEvent::OnOpen_ { s: status, info } => {
let () = zx_status::Status::ok(status).map_err(OpenError::OpenError)?;
let info = info.ok_or(OpenError::MissingOnOpenInfo)?;
let () = Kind::expect_directory(*info).map_err(|actual| {
OpenError::UnexpectedNodeKind { expected: Kind::Directory, actual }
fio::DirectoryEvent::OnConnectionInfo { info } => {
let representation = info.representation.ok_or(OpenError::MissingOnOpenInfo)?;
let () = Kind::expect_directory2(&representation).map_err(|actual| {
OpenError::UnexpectedNodeKind { expected: Kind::Directory, actual }
/// Consume the first event from this FileProxy's event stream, returning the proxy if it is the
/// expected type or an error otherwise.
pub(crate) async fn verify_file_describe_event(
node: fio::FileProxy,
) -> Result<fio::FileProxy, OpenError> {
let mut events = node.take_event_stream();
match events
fio::FileEvent::OnOpen_ { s: status, info } => {
let () = zx_status::Status::ok(status).map_err(OpenError::OpenError)?;
let info = info.ok_or(OpenError::MissingOnOpenInfo)?;
let () = Kind::expect_file(*info)
.map_err(|actual| OpenError::UnexpectedNodeKind { expected: Kind::File, actual })?;
fio::FileEvent::OnConnectionInfo { info } => {
let representation = info.representation.ok_or(OpenError::MissingOnOpenInfo)?;
let () = Kind::expect_file2(&representation)
.map_err(|actual| OpenError::UnexpectedNodeKind { expected: Kind::File, actual })?;
mod tests {
use {super::*, crate::OpenFlags, assert_matches::assert_matches, fuchsia_async as fasync};
// open_in_namespace
async fn open_in_namespace_opens_real_node() {
let file_node = open_in_namespace("/pkg/data/file", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).unwrap();
let info = file_node.describe().await.unwrap();
assert_matches!(Kind::expect_file(info), Ok(()));
let dir_node = open_in_namespace("/pkg/data", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).unwrap();
let info = dir_node.describe().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Kind::expect_directory(info), Ok(()));
async fn open_in_namespace_opens_fake_node_under_of_root_namespace_entry() {
let notfound = open_in_namespace("/pkg/fake", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).unwrap();
// The open error is not detected until the proxy is interacted with.
assert_matches!(close(notfound).await, Err(_));
async fn open_in_namespace_rejects_fake_root_namespace_entry() {
open_in_namespace("/fake", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE),