blob: 75c6adea351eba00dc83c52f1f465aeebdf8dcd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// make-fuchsia-vol is a temporarily useful script that provisions Fuchsia
// volumes based on paths provided.
package main
import (
var (
verbose = flag.Bool("verbose", false, "enable verbose logging")
fuchsiaBuildDir = flag.String("fuchsia-build-dir", os.Getenv("FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR"), "fuchsia build dir")
arch = flag.String("arch", "x64", "the architecture of the target CPU (x64|arm64)")
bootloader = flag.String("bootloader", "", "path to bootx64.efi")
zbi = flag.String("zbi", "", "path to zbi (default: zircon-a from image manifests)")
cmdline = flag.String("cmdline", "", "path to command line file (if exists)")
zedboot = flag.String("zedboot", "", "path to zedboot.zbi (default: zircon-r from image manifests)")
ramdiskOnly = flag.Bool("ramdisk-only", false, "ramdisk-only mode - only write an ESP partition")
blob = flag.String("blob", "", "path to blob partition image (not used with ramdisk)")
data = flag.String("data", "", "path to data partition image (not used with ramdisk)")
useSparseFvm = flag.Bool("use-sparse-fvm", false, "if true, use sparse fvm instead of full fvm")
sparseFvm = flag.String("sparse-fvm", "", "path to sparse FVM image (default: storage-sparse from image manifests)")
abr = flag.Bool("abr", true, "add Zircon-{A,B,R} partitions")
zirconA = flag.String("zirconA", "", "path to partition image for Zircon-A (default: from -zbi)")
vbmetaA = flag.String("vbmetaA", "", "path to partition image for Vbmeta-A")
zirconB = flag.String("zirconB", "", "path to partition image for Zircon-B (default: from -zbi)")
vbmetaB = flag.String("vbmetaB", "", "path to partition image for Vbmeta-B")
zirconR = flag.String("zirconR", "", "path to partition image for Zircon-R (default: zircon-r from image manifests)")
vbmetaR = flag.String("vbmetaR", "", "path to partition image for Vbmeta-R")
abrSize = flag.Int64("abr-size", 256*1024*1024, "Kernel partition size for A/B/R")
vbmetaSize = flag.Int64("vbmeta-size", 8*1024, "partition size for vbmeta A/B/R")
abrBoot = flag.String("abr-boot", "a", "A/B/R partition to boot by default")
blockSize = flag.Int64("block-size", 0, "the block size of the target disk (0 means detect)")
physicalBlockSize = flag.Int64("physical-block-size", 0, "the physical block size of the target disk (0 means detect)")
optimalTransferSize = flag.Int64("optimal-transfer-size", 0, "the optimal transfer size of the target disk (0 means unknown/unused)")
efiSize = flag.Int64("efi-size", 63*1024*1024, "efi partition size in bytes")
fvmSize = flag.Int64("fvm-size", 0, "fvm partition size in bytes (0 means `fill`)")
resize = flag.Int64("resize", 0, "create or resize the image to this size in bytes")
// imageManifest is basename of the image manifest file.
const imageManifest = "images.json"
type imageManifestEntry struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Path string `json:"path"`
Type string `json:"type"`
// imagePaths contains the default image paths that are produced by a build manifest, populated by tryLoadManifests.
var imagePaths = map[string]string{}
// getImage fetches an image by name or exits fatally
func getImage(name string) string {
if path, ok := imagePaths[name]; ok {
return path
log.Fatalf("Missing image path: %q cannot continue", name)
return ""
func init() {
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s disk-path\n", filepath.Base(os.Args[0]))
func tryLoadManifests() {
if *fuchsiaBuildDir == "" {
f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(*fuchsiaBuildDir, imageManifest))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("warning: failed to load %s: %v", imageManifest, err)
defer f.Close()
var entries []imageManifestEntry
if err := json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&entries); err != nil {
log.Printf("warning: failed to load %s: %v", imageManifest, err)
for _, image := range entries {
imagePaths[image.Type+"_"+image.Name] = image.Path
func needFuchsiaBuildDir() {
if *fuchsiaBuildDir == "" {
log.Fatalf("either pass -fuchsia-build-dir or set $FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR")
func main() {
bootMode := initArguments()
disk, err := filepath.Abs(flag.Args()[0])
if err != nil {
diskInfo := prepareDisk(disk)
sizes := partitionSizes{
efiSize: uint64(*efiSize),
abrSize: uint64(*abrSize),
vbmetaSize: uint64(*vbmetaSize),
fvmSize: uint64(*fvmSize),
partitions := createPartitionTable(&diskInfo, &sizes, *abr, *verbose, *ramdiskOnly, *useSparseFvm)
writeDisk(disk, partitions, diskInfo, sizes, bootMode, *arch)
func initArguments() BootPartition {
if *bootloader == "" {
*bootloader = filepath.Join(*fuchsiaBuildDir, "efi_x64/bootx64.efi")
if _, err := os.Stat(*bootloader); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cannot read %q: %s", *bootloader, err)
if *zbi == "" {
*zbi = filepath.Join(*fuchsiaBuildDir, getImage("zbi_zircon-a"))
if _, err := os.Stat(*zbi); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cannot read %q: %s", *zbi, err)
if *zedboot == "" {
*zedboot = filepath.Join(*fuchsiaBuildDir, getImage("zbi_zircon-r"))
if _, err := os.Stat(*zedboot); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cannot read %q: %s", *zedboot, err)
if *cmdline == "" {
p := filepath.Join(*fuchsiaBuildDir, "cmdline")
if _, err := os.Stat(p); err == nil {
*cmdline = p
} else {
if _, err := os.Stat(*cmdline); err != nil {
bootMode := BOOT_A
if *abr {
if *zirconA == "" {
*zirconA = *zbi
if *vbmetaA == "" {
*vbmetaA = filepath.Join(*fuchsiaBuildDir, getImage("vbmeta_zircon-a"))
if *zirconB == "" {
*zirconB = *zbi
if *vbmetaB == "" {
*vbmetaB = filepath.Join(*fuchsiaBuildDir, getImage("vbmeta_zircon-a"))
if *zirconR == "" {
*zirconR = filepath.Join(*fuchsiaBuildDir, getImage("zbi_zircon-r"))
if *vbmetaR == "" {
*vbmetaR = filepath.Join(*fuchsiaBuildDir, getImage("vbmeta_zircon-r"))
switch strings.ToLower(*abrBoot) {
case "a":
bootMode = BOOT_A
case "b":
bootMode = BOOT_B
case "r":
log.Fatalf("Invalid -abr-boot passed: expected 'a', 'b', or 'r'.")
if *useSparseFvm {
if *sparseFvm == "" {
*sparseFvm = filepath.Join(*fuchsiaBuildDir, getImage("blk_storage-sparse"))
stat, err := os.Stat(*sparseFvm)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("sparse fvm error: %s\n", err)
*fvmSize = stat.Size()
if !*ramdiskOnly && !*useSparseFvm {
if *blob == "" {
*blob = filepath.Join(*fuchsiaBuildDir, getImage("blk_blob"))
if *data == "" {
*data = filepath.Join(*fuchsiaBuildDir, getImage("blk_data"))
if _, err := os.Stat(*blob); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Blob image error: %s\nEither provide a blob image, or pass -ramdisk-only", err)
if _, err := os.Stat(*data); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Data image error: %s\nEither provide a data image, or pass -ramdisk-only", err)
if len(flag.Args()) != 1 {
return bootMode
func partitionCopy(f *os.File, start, size int64, path string) {
input, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("partition copy failed for input: %s: %s", path, err)
defer input.Close()
input_info, err := input.Stat()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("stat failed for input: %s: %s", path, err)
if input_info.Size() > size {
log.Printf("WARNING: %s is larger than the provided ABR size", path)
r := io.LimitReader(input, size)
if _, err := f.Seek(start, os.SEEK_SET); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("partition copy failed for input: %s: %s", path, err)
_, err = io.Copy(f, r)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("partition copy failed for input: %s: %s", path, err)
func fvm(disk string, offset, size int64, command string, args ...string) {
offs := strconv.FormatInt(offset, 10)
szs := strconv.FormatInt(size, 10)
argv := []string{disk, command, "--offset", offs, "--length", szs}
argv = append(argv, args...)
cmd := exec.Command(fuchsiaTool("fvm"), argv...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("fvm %s failed", argv)
// msCopyIn copies src from the host filesystem into dst under the given
// msdosfs root.
func msCopyIn(root fs.Directory, src, dst string) {
d := root
defer d.Sync()
dStack := []fs.Directory{}
defer func() {
for _, d := range dStack {
destdir := filepath.Dir(dst)
name := filepath.Base(dst)
for _, part := range strings.Split(destdir, "/") {
if part == "." {
var err error
_, d, _, err = d.Open(part, fs.OpenFlagRead|fs.OpenFlagCreate|fs.OpenFlagDirectory)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("open/create %s: %#v %s", part, err, err)
dStack = append(dStack, d)
to, _, _, err := d.Open(name, fs.OpenFlagWrite|fs.OpenFlagCreate|fs.OpenFlagFile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("creating %s in msdosfs: %s", name, err)
defer to.Close()
from, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
defer from.Close()
b := make([]byte, 4096)
for err == nil {
var n int
n, err = from.Read(b)
if n > 0 {
if _, err := to.Write(b[:n], 0, fs.WhenceFromCurrent); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("writing %s to msdosfs file: %s", name, err)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
// optimalBlockAlign computes a start and end logical block address for a
// partition that starts at or after first (block address), of size byteSize,
// for a disk with logical, physical and optimal byte sizes. It returns the
// start block address and the address of the last block of the partition.
func optimalBlockAlign(first, byteSize, logical, physical, optimal uint64) (start, end uint64) {
var alignTo = logical
if physical > alignTo {
alignTo = physical
if optimal > alignTo {
alignTo = optimal
lAlign := alignTo / logical
start = first
if d := first % lAlign; d != 0 {
start = first + lAlign - d
lSize := byteSize / logical
if byteSize%logical != 0 {
// "start" is inclusive, so to get lSize blocks total, we need the first block + lSize - 1 extra blocks.
end = start + lSize - 1
func fuchsiaTool(name string) string {
var tool string
tool, _ = exec.LookPath(name)
if tool == "" {
tool, _ = exec.LookPath(filepath.Join(*fuchsiaBuildDir, "host_x64", name))
if tool == "" {
log.Fatalf("Could not find %q, you might need to build fuchsia", name)
return tool
// sectors per track is 63, and a sector is 512, so we must round to the nearest
// 32256.
const sizeAlignment = 32256
// N.B. fitFAT shrinks, not grows, as it intends to identify the nearest
// FAT-compatible geometry that fits inside of "total".
func fitFAT(total int64) int64 {
if d := total % sizeAlignment; d != 0 {
total = total - d
return total