blob: f02f4bae6b5f3deacdccc1924b0c9897787a8738 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/inspect.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/vmo/types.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/optional.h>
#include <lib/zx/job.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/threads.h>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <src/lib/fxl/macros.h>
#include <src/sys/appmgr/component_controller_impl.h>
namespace component {
// Virtual class to support CPU stats injection for testing
class StatsReader {
virtual ~StatsReader() = default;
// Returns ZX_OK when task runtime is written to *info. Otherwise the value of *info is unchanged.
virtual zx_status_t GetCpuStats(zx_info_task_runtime_t* info) = 0;
// Gets stats from a real job
class JobStatsReader final : public StatsReader {
~JobStatsReader() override = default;
explicit JobStatsReader(zx::job job) : job_(std::move(job)) {}
zx_status_t GetCpuStats(zx_info_task_runtime_t* info) override {
return job_.get_info(ZX_INFO_TASK_RUNTIME, info, sizeof(*info), nullptr, nullptr);
zx::job job_;
// Configures the CpuWatcher. num_cpus and get_time can be substituted for testing.
struct CpuWatcherParameters {
// How many CPU cores the system has
size_t num_cpus = zx_system_get_num_cpus();
// How often samples are taken
zx::duration sample_period;
// A function that will be called to fetch monotonic time
std::function<zx::time()> get_time = [] { return zx::clock::get_monotonic(); };
// Watch CPU usage for tasks on the system.
// The CpuWatcher periodically samples all CPU usage registered tasks and exposes it in an Inspect
// hierarchy.
class CpuWatcher {
// Create a new CpuWatcher that exposes CPU data under the given inspect node. The given job
// appears as the root of the hierarchy.
CpuWatcher(inspect::Node node, CpuWatcherParameters parameters,
std::unique_ptr<StatsReader> stats_reader, size_t max_samples = kDefaultMaxSamples)
: parameters_(std::move(parameters)),
top_node_.CreateLazyNode("measurements", [this] { return PopulateInspector(); })),
task_count_value_(top_node_.CreateInt("task_count", 0)),
"process_time_ns", kProcessTimeFloor, kProcessTimeStep, kProcessTimeMultiplier,
root_(std::move(stats_reader), max_samples, cpp17::nullopt /*histogram*/,
top_node_.CreateLazyNode("recent_usage", [this] { return PopulateRecentUsage(); })),
max_samples_(max_samples) {}
// Add a task to this watcher by instance path.
// job: The job to sample CPU runtime from.
void AddTask(const InstancePath& instance_path, std::unique_ptr<StatsReader> stats_reader);
// Remove a task by instance path.
void RemoveTask(const InstancePath& instance_path);
// Execute a measurement at the current time.
void Measure();
static constexpr int64_t kProcessTimeFloor = 1000;
static constexpr int64_t kProcessTimeStep = 1000;
static constexpr int64_t kProcessTimeMultiplier = 2;
static constexpr int64_t kProcessTimeBuckets = 16;
static constexpr size_t kDefaultMaxSamples = 60;
fpromise::promise<inspect::Inspector> PopulateInspector() const;
fpromise::promise<inspect::Inspector> PopulateRecentUsage() const;
// An individual measurement.
struct Measurement {
zx_time_t timestamp;
zx_duration_t cpu_time;
zx_duration_t queue_time;
// A task that can be measured.
class Task {
Task(std::unique_ptr<StatsReader> stats_reader, size_t max_samples,
cpp17::optional<inspect::LinearUintHistogram> histogram, zx::time time)
: stats_reader_(std::move(stats_reader)),
// Histogram for values [0..100]. 0 in the lower overflow bucket, 100 in the upper.
previous_cpu_(0) {}
// Add a measurement to this task's histogram.
void AddMeasurementToHistogram(zx::time time, zx_duration_t cpu_time,
const CpuWatcherParameters& parameters,
inspect::LinearUintHistogram* histogram_to_use) {
if (histogram_to_use == nullptr) {
auto time_value = time.get();
auto elapsed_time = zx_time_sub_time(time_value, previous_histogram_timestamp_);
previous_histogram_timestamp_ = time_value;
// Don't publish confusing or misleading values from too-short measurement period.
if (elapsed_time < parameters.sample_period.get() * 9 / 10) {
// Elapsed time * the number of cores
auto available_core_time = elapsed_time * parameters.num_cpus;
if (available_core_time != 0) {
// Multiply by 100 to get percent. Add available_core_time-1 to compute ceil().
auto cpu_numerator = cpu_time * 100 + available_core_time - 1;
histogram_to_use->Insert(cpu_numerator / available_core_time);
// Add a measurement to this task's list of measurements.
void AddMeasurementToList(zx::time time, zx_duration_t cpu_time, zx_duration_t queue_time) {
Measurement{.timestamp = time.get(), .cpu_time = cpu_time, .queue_time = queue_time});
while (measurements_.size() > max_samples_) {
// Rotate measurements if not empty. This is used when a task is already destroyed to ensure
// that we still rotate measurements outside the window.
void rotate() {
if (!measurements_.empty()) {
bool is_alive() const {
// Keep a task around if we will either take measurements from it, or we have existing
// measurements.
return stats_reader_ != nullptr || !measurements_.empty() || !children_.empty();
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Task>>& children() { return children_; }
const std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Task>>& children() const { return children_; }
const std::deque<Measurement>& measurements() const { return measurements_; }
std::unique_ptr<StatsReader>& stats_reader() { return stats_reader_; }
inspect::LinearUintHistogram* histogram() {
return histogram_ ? &(histogram_.value()) : nullptr;
// Takes and records a new measurement for this task. A copy of the measurement is returned if
// one was taken. Parent must not be null.
cpp17::optional<Measurement> Measure(const zx::time& timestamp,
const CpuWatcherParameters& parameters, Task* parent);
std::unique_ptr<StatsReader> stats_reader_;
// The maximum number of samples to store for this task.
const size_t max_samples_;
// Deque of measurements.
std::deque<Measurement> measurements_;
// Inspect histogram of CPU stat percentages.
// Multiple tasks may occur with different koid's but a shared moniker, for example
// due to restart. Use a histogram-for-all-koid's stored in the parent Task.
cpp17::optional<inspect::LinearUintHistogram> histogram_;
// Map of children for this task.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Task>> children_;
// Time of previous CPU sample or creation of Task instance, or 0 if invalid.
zx_time_t previous_histogram_timestamp_;
zx_duration_t previous_cpu_;
mutable std::mutex mutex_;
CpuWatcherParameters parameters_;
inspect::Node top_node_;
inspect::LazyNode measurements_;
inspect::IntProperty task_count_value_;
inspect::ExponentialIntHistogram process_times_;
size_t task_count_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 1; // 1 for root_
Task root_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_);
// Total CPU and queue time of exited tasks. Used to ensure those values are not lost when
// calculating overall CPU usage on the system.
zx_duration_t exited_cpu_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
zx_duration_t exited_queue_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
inspect::Node total_node_;
size_t next_total_measurement_id_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
std::deque<inspect::Node> total_measurements_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_);
inspect::LazyNode recent_cpu_usage_;
inspect::Node histograms_node_;
Measurement most_recent_total_ = {}, second_most_recent_total_ = {};
const size_t max_samples_;
} // namespace component