blob: a9e882dc62b5db54a2b3072f8d3ad5a860df924f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format2/fixed.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/processing/gain.h"
namespace media_audio {
// Interface that takes an array of source samples in any format, and processes corresponding array
// of destination samples in normalized 32-bit float format with a specified gain scale applied.
// The source and destination samples can be in different frame rates, channel configurations or
// sample formats. The samples that are processed from the source format will be converted into the
// destination format accordingly during `Process` call with respect to the derived implementation.
// Each `Process` call assumes a contiguous stream of source and destination samples. The caller
// must ensure that the requested source and destination samples are aligned with respect to their
// audio format and timeline.
// Each sampler define their positive and negative lengths of the filter that are expressed in
// fixed-point fractional source subframe units. These lengths convey which source frames will be
// referenced by the filter, when producing corresponding destination frames for a specific instant
// in time.
// Positive filter length refers to how far forward (positively) the filter looks, from the PTS in
// question; while negative filter length refers to how far backward (negatively) the filter looks,
// from that same PTS. The center frame position is included in the length. For example, a pure
// "sample and hold" sampler might have a positive filter length of `Fixed::FromRaw(1)` and a
// negative filter length of `kOneFrame`:
// center
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// This class is not safe for concurrent use.
class Sampler {
// Wraps source data.
struct Source {
// Pointer to the array of interleaved source samples in any sample format.
const void* samples;
// Pointer to the fractional offset from the start of source `samples` in frames, at which the
// first source frame should be processed. This offset will be updated once `Process` is
// finished in order to indicate the next frame offset to be processed in a future call.
Fixed* frame_offset_ptr;
// Number of source frames to be processed.
int64_t frame_count;
// Wraps destination data.
struct Dest {
// Pointer to the array of interleaved destination samples in normalized 32-bit float format.
float* samples;
// Pointer to the integral offset from the start of destination `samples` in frames, at which
// the first destination frame should be processed. This offset will be updated once `Process`
// is finished in order to indicate the next frame offset to be processed in a future call.
int64_t* frame_offset_ptr;
// Number of destination frames to be processed.
int64_t frame_count;
// Gain to be applied to the processed destination data.
struct Gain {
// Gain type.
GainType type = GainType::kUnity;
union {
// Constant gain scale. This will be valid iff the gain `type != GainType::kRamping`.
float scale = kUnityGainScale;
// Pointer to the array of gain scale ramp, where each value represents the gain scale for
// each destination frame. The length of this ramp must match the destination frame count.
// This will be valid iff the gain `type == GainType::kRamping`.
const float* scale_ramp;
// Default destructor.
virtual ~Sampler() = default;
// Eagerly precomputes any needed data. If not called, that data will be lazily computed on the
// first call to `Process`.
// TODO( This is for tests only and can be removed once filter creation is eager.
virtual void EagerlyPrepare() = 0;
// Processes `source` into `dest` with `gain`.
virtual void Process(Source source, Dest dest, Gain gain, bool accumulate) = 0;
// Returns positive filter length in frames.
Fixed pos_filter_length() const { return pos_filter_length_; }
// Returns negative filter length in frames.
Fixed neg_filter_length() const { return neg_filter_length_; }
Sampler(Fixed pos_filter_length, Fixed neg_filter_length)
: pos_filter_length_(pos_filter_length), neg_filter_length_(neg_filter_length) {}
// Ceils `frac_position` in frames.
static constexpr int64_t Ceiling(int64_t frac_position) {
return ((frac_position - 1) >> Fixed::Format::FractionalBits) + 1;
// Floors `frac_position` in frames.
static constexpr int64_t Floor(int64_t frac_position) {
return frac_position >> Fixed::Format::FractionalBits;
const Fixed pos_filter_length_;
const Fixed neg_filter_length_;
// Mixes `source_sample` to `dest_sample_ptr` with a gain `scale` of `Type`.
template <GainType Type, bool Accumulate>
inline void MixSample(float source_sample, float* dest_sample_ptr, float scale) {
if constexpr (Accumulate) {
if constexpr (Type != GainType::kSilent) {
*dest_sample_ptr += ApplyGain<Type>(source_sample, scale);
} else {
*dest_sample_ptr = ApplyGain<Type>(source_sample, scale);
} // namespace media_audio