blob: 7794dabc680fabb4e3af7fb1c30b36f133fefd7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/visit_scopes.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/collection.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/data_member.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/inheritance_path.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/inherited_from.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/type_test_support.h"
namespace zxdb {
using VisitLog = std::vector<InheritancePath>;
struct MemberVisitStep {
bool is_leaf = false;
uint32_t byte_offset = 0;
std::string name;
bool operator==(const MemberVisitStep& other) const {
return is_leaf == other.is_leaf && byte_offset == other.byte_offset && name ==;
using MemberVisitLog = std::vector<MemberVisitStep>; // byte offset, member name.
// Tests VisitClassHierarchy() and VisitDataMembers() for a simple class. This more robsutly tests
// the data member visitation of VisitDataMembers() than the complex hierarchy variant below.
TEST(VisitScopes, NoHierarchy) {
auto int32_type = MakeInt32Type();
// class Collection {
// const MemberColl member_coll; // { int32 member_a; int32 member_b, EmptyColl empty }
// EmptyColl empty_coll; // {}
// UnionColl union_coll; // { int32 union; int32 union_b }
// };
auto empty_coll = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kStructureType, "EmptyColl", {});
auto member_coll = MakeCollectionType(
DwarfTag::kStructureType, "MemberColl",
{{"member_a", int32_type}, {"member_b", int32_type}, {"empty", empty_coll}});
auto const_member_coll = fxl::MakeRefCounted<ModifiedType>(DwarfTag::kConstType, member_coll);
auto member_union = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kUnionType, "UnionColl",
{{"union_a", int32_type}, {"union_b", int32_type}});
auto coll = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kClassType, "Collection",
{{"member_coll", const_member_coll},
{"empty_coll", empty_coll},
{"union_coll", member_union}});
// Stores the collections and their paths visited.
VisitLog visited;
// Visit the hierarchy, it should get called once with the class itself.
VisitResult result = VisitClassHierarchy(coll.get(), [&visited](const InheritancePath& path) {
return VisitResult::kContinue;
EXPECT_EQ(VisitResult::kContinue, result);
VisitLog expected{{{coll}}};
EXPECT_EQ(expected, visited);
// Visit the data members.
MemberVisitLog member_visited;
result = VisitDataMembers(
coll.get(), [&member_visited](bool is_leaf, uint32_t offset, const DataMember* member) {
member_visited.push_back({is_leaf, offset, member->GetAssignedName()});
return VisitResult::kContinue;
EXPECT_EQ(VisitResult::kContinue, result);
// clang-format off
MemberVisitLog member_expected{
{false, 0, "member_coll"},
{true, 0, "member_a"},
{true, 4, "member_b"},
{false, 8, "empty"},
// Note: unlike C, our test symbols lay out empty members with 0 bytes taken.
{false, 8, "empty_coll"},
{false, 8, "union_coll"},
{true, 8, "union_a"},
{true, 8, "union_b"}
// clang-format on
EXPECT_EQ(member_expected, member_visited);
// Tests VisitClassHierarchy() and VisitDataMembers() for a complex class hierarchy
TEST(VisitScopes, ComplexHierarchy) {
auto int32_type = MakeInt32Type();
auto base1 = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kClassType, "Base1",
{{"base_member1", int32_type}, {"base_member2", int32_type}});
auto mid1 = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kClassType, "Mid1", {});
auto mid2 = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kClassType, "Mid2", {});
auto derived = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kClassType, "Derived", {{"member", int32_type}});
// Stores the collections and their paths visited.
VisitLog visited;
// Complex hierarchy:
// base1 -- mid1 --
// \
// mid2 ------ derived
constexpr uint64_t mid1_offset = 8;
constexpr uint64_t mid2_offset = 0;
constexpr uint64_t base1_offset = 32;
auto mid1_inh = fxl::MakeRefCounted<InheritedFrom>(mid1, mid1_offset);
auto mid2_inh = fxl::MakeRefCounted<InheritedFrom>(mid2, mid2_offset);
auto base1_inh = fxl::MakeRefCounted<InheritedFrom>(base1, base1_offset);
derived->set_inherited_from({LazySymbol(mid1_inh), LazySymbol(mid2_inh)});
// Visit all of those, they're visited in depth-first-search order (the ordering was most
// convenient for the implementation, it can be changed in the future if there's a reason for a
// specific different order).
visited = VisitLog();
VisitResult result = VisitClassHierarchy(derived.get(), [&visited](const InheritancePath& path) {
return VisitResult::kContinue;
EXPECT_EQ(VisitResult::kContinue, result);
VisitLog expected = VisitLog{{{derived}},
{{derived}, {mid1_inh, mid1}},
{{derived}, {mid1_inh, mid1}, {base1_inh, base1}},
{{derived}, {mid2_inh, mid2}}};
EXPECT_EQ(expected, visited);
// Test early termination at mid1.
visited = VisitLog();
result = VisitClassHierarchy(derived.get(), [&visited, mid1](const InheritancePath& path) {
return path.base() == mid1.get() ? VisitResult::kDone : VisitResult::kContinue;
EXPECT_EQ(VisitResult::kDone, result); // Should have found mid1.
expected = VisitLog{{{derived}}, {{derived}, {mid1_inh, mid1}}};
EXPECT_EQ(expected, visited);
// Visit data members.
MemberVisitLog member_visited;
result = VisitDataMembers(
derived.get(), [&member_visited](bool is_leaf, uint32_t offset, const DataMember* member) {
member_visited.push_back({is_leaf, offset, member->GetAssignedName()});
return VisitResult::kContinue;
EXPECT_EQ(VisitResult::kContinue, result);
MemberVisitLog member_expected{
{true, 0, "member"},
// Net offset is the offset of the base class in the derived class.
{true, mid1_offset + mid2_offset + base1_offset, "base_member1"},
// The next member is just the next one after the 4-byte base_member1.
{true, mid1_offset + mid2_offset + base1_offset + 4, "base_member2"}};
EXPECT_EQ(member_expected, member_visited);
} // namespace zxdb