Test data for zxdb

This is used for the symbol parsing tests.

There are two flavors of tests. Some build the symbol test and run on that, expecting to find certain symbol patterns.

Tests that rely heaving on the binary layout use the checked-in version to avoid compiler and platform variations.

To generate the binaries

  • On x64 copy the generated libzxdb_symbol_test.so that includes symbols to libsymbol_test_so.targetso. As of this writing, the compiled file will be something like: $FUCHSIA_OUT_DIR/arm64-shared/lib.unstripped/libzxdb_symbol_test.so

  • Copy the stripped version from $FUCHSIA_OUT_DIR/arm64-shared/libzxdb_symbol_test.so to libsymbol_test_so_stripped.targetso

Large tests

There are some additional binaries that are too large to include with every checkout. These are used by the zxdb_large_tests target and appear in //prebuilt/test_data/debug/large_test_data.

To make these work you need to download them and enable the target that requires them.

Downloading the large test data

This package is Google-internal-only so we have the option to add different binaries regardless of licences or whether they're unreleased. To opt-in to downloading these binaries:

jiri init -fetch-optional=zxdb-large-test-data
jiri update

If that doesn‘t work, it’s possible you need the internal version of the integration repository checked out. See the Google-internal checkout instructions for how to do this.

Enabling the zxdb large tests

There is a GN build flag include_zxdb_large_tests which defaults to false. This controls whether the target out/<arch>/host_x64/zxdb_large_tests are compiled. To set this to true, run this, substituting <arch> with your build directory:

fx gn args out/<arch>

and add a line to the bottom of the file:

include_zxdb_large_tests = true

Adding to the large test data

The file large_test_data.yaml in this directory is the CIPD specification for the package. To add files, add them to //prebuilt/test_data/debug/large_test_data alongside the existing ones. Add the file names to the .yaml file. Be sure to add licenses and READMEs for each file added, including whether it needs to be internal-only or not.

Each package is identified by a version tag. This tag will be used later to specify which package to fetch. We use the tag name git_revision:... where “...” is the git hash of the current tip-of-tree. This way it's always unique (otherwise the tags are basically free-form).

Copy large_test_data.yaml from this directory to //prebuilt/test_data/debug/large_test_data since CIPD wants everything to be in the same directory while it‘s working. Be sure to check in the final version to this directory so it’s always current.

The atomic way to make a package and upload with a version tag is (don't forget to replace the git hash!)

cipd pkg-build -pkg-def large_test_data.yaml -out large_test_data.cipd
cipd pkg-register -tag git_revision:GIT_HASH_GOES_HERE large_test_data.cipd

The other way to do this is make and upload a package and set the version tag later. To build and upload:

cipd create -pkg-def large_test_data.yaml

To list the instances of this package once uploaded:

cipd instances fuchsia_internal/test_data/debug/large_test_data

To see the version tag, specify the “instance ID” from the above list:

cipd describe fuchsia_internal/test_data/debug/large_test_data -version FZIh6hPkZOZa7vbUXjLjUnfzu3tYxnZ-NRHLyf2HnrMC

To explicitly set a version tag for an instance:

cipd set-tag fuchsia_internal/test_data/debug/large_test_data -version FZIh6hPkZOZa7vbUXjLjUnfzu3tYxnZ-NRHLyf2HnrMC -tag git_revision:fa316074ae0f53a2562c76cb4637b6f2892b02f7

Fetch configuration

To cause the package to be downloaded, there is an entry in the prebuilts file of //integration (in the internal repo it's in the fuchsia subdirectory).

To update to a new package, you must have the internal integration repository checked out. See the internal checkout instructions for how to do this.

Then substitute the tag you specified in in the CIPD package in the “version” field of the prebuilts file.

Don't forget to run //integration/update-lockfiles.sh after making changes to prebuilts!

Note that the “attributes” attribute specified that this package won't be downloaded unless the user opts-in as described earlier.

To test that the updated download works:

jiri fetch-packages -local-manifest=true