blob: 327ae2021a9f924199d3a33ddd0b99c43599abad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace zxdb {
// Options to pass to ResolveInputLocation that controls how symbols are converted to addresses.
struct ResolveOptions {
// Set to true to symbolize the results. Otherwise the results will be just addresses.
bool symbolize = true;
// The function prologue is the instructions that set up the stack at the beginning. Many things
// like stack traces and function parameter evaluation won't be consistenly available inside the
// prologue.
// As a result, when setting breakpoints or stepping to the beginning of a function should
// generally skip the prologue so the user sees consistent data. But if you want to know the
// true range of a function to disassemble it or take its address, you'll want to include the
// prologue.
// When set, queries will detect that the input is at the beginning of a function (regarless of
// whether the InputLocation is specified as a function name, line, or address) and slide the
// output address down to the first instruction following the prologue.
// Be careful: This option can have the effect that querying for the symbols for an address will
// return a different address.
// THIS OPTION REQUIRES THAT symbolize == true. Query functions will assert otherwise since
// reading the prologue requires symbolization.
bool skip_function_prologue = false;
// If the address is at the first address of an inline routine, it's ambiguous whether the
// virtual location is at the first instruction of the inlined function, or at the optimized-out
// "call" to the inlined function. This will not apply when looking up a function by name, in
// that case the returned function will be the requested one.
// See stack.h for a longer discussion about ambiguous inline locations.
// * Generally if you're referring to the location from "outside" (say as the destination of a
// call instruction), then you'll want to use kOuter mode. If the function begins with an
// inline, the user will want to see the containing function and not some trivial helper
// function that ended up being the first thing it executed. In this case, the returned
// file/line will the call location for the first inline function.
// * Alternatively, if you could think of being "at" that instruction (say as as the address of
// an exception), you will generally want to use "kInner" since this will be the symbol that
// actually generated the excepting instruction.
enum class AmbiguousInline {
AmbiguousInline ambiguous_inline = AmbiguousInline::kInner;
} // namespace zxdb