blob: ad9af1de53b975bf820340f83fd25e779bb3c8f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/dwarf_tag.h"
#include <iterator>
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// Undefined values will be null.
const char* kDwarfTagNames[] = {
"<none>", // 0x00
"DW_TAG_array_type", // 0x01
"DW_TAG_class_type", // 0x02
"DW_TAG_entry_point", // 0x03
"DW_TAG_enumeration_type", // 0x04
"DW_TAG_formal_parameter", // 0x05
nullptr, // 0x06
nullptr, // 0x07
"DW_TAG_imported_declaration", // 0x08
nullptr, // 0x09
"DW_TAG_label", // 0x0a
"DW_TAG_lexical_block", // 0x0b
nullptr, // 0x0c
"DW_TAG_member", // 0x0d
nullptr, // 0x0e
"DW_TAG_pointer_type", // 0x0f
"DW_TAG_reference_type", // 0x10
"DW_TAG_compile_unit", // 0x11
"DW_TAG_string_type", // 0x12
"DW_TAG_structure_type", // 0x13
nullptr, // 0x14
"DW_TAG_subroutine_type", // 0x15
"DW_TAG_typedef", // 0x16
"DW_TAG_union_type", // 0x17
"DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters", // 0x18
"DW_TAG_variant", // 0x19
"DW_TAG_common_block", // 0x1a
"DW_TAG_common_inclusion", // 0x1b
"DW_TAG_inheritance", // 0x1c
"DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine", // 0x1d
"DW_TAG_module", // 0x1e
"DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type", // 0x1f
"DW_TAG_set_type", // 0x20
"DW_TAG_subrange_type", // 0x21
"DW_TAG_with_stmt", // 0x22
"DW_TAG_access_declaration", // 0x23
"DW_TAG_base_type", // 0x24
"DW_TAG_catch_block", // 0x25
"DW_TAG_const_type", // 0x26
"DW_TAG_constant", // 0x27
"DW_TAG_enumerator", // 0x28
"DW_TAG_file_type", // 0x29
"DW_TAG_friend", // 0x2a
"DW_TAG_namelist", // 0x2b
"DW_TAG_namelist_item", // 0x2c
"DW_TAG_packed_type", // 0x2d
"DW_TAG_subprogram", // 0x2e
"DW_TAG_template_type_parameter", // 0x2f
"DW_TAG_template_value_parameter", // 0x30
"DW_TAG_thrown_type", // 0x31
"DW_TAG_try_block", // 0x32
"DW_TAG_variant_part", // 0x33
"DW_TAG_variable", // 0x34
"DW_TAG_volatile_type", // 0x35
"DW_TAG_dwarf_procedure", // 0x36
"DW_TAG_restrict_type", // 0x37
"DW_TAG_interface_type", // 0x38
"DW_TAG_namespace", // 0x39
"DW_TAG_imported_module", // 0x3a
"DW_TAG_unspecified_type", // 0x3b
"DW_TAG_partial_unit", // 0x3c
"DW_TAG_imported_unit", // 0x3d
nullptr, // 0x3e
"DW_TAG_condition", // 0x3f
"DW_TAG_shared_type", // 0x40
"DW_TAG_type_unit", // 0x41
"DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type", // 0x42
"DW_TAG_template_alias", // 0x43
"DW_TAG_coarray_type", // 0x44
"DW_TAG_generic_subrange", // 0x45
"DW_TAG_dynamic_type", // 0x46
"DW_TAG_atomic_type", // 0x47
"DW_TAG_call_site", // 0x48
"DW_TAG_call_site_parameter", // 0x49
"DW_TAG_skeleton_unit", // 0x4a
"DW_TAG_immutable_type", // 0x4b
constexpr size_t kDwarfTagNameCount = static_cast<size_t>(DwarfTag::kLastDefined);
static_assert(std::size(kDwarfTagNames) == kDwarfTagNameCount,
"Update DWARF tag name array for changes to enum.");
} // namespace
bool DwarfTagIsType(DwarfTag tag) {
return DwarfTagIsTypeModifier(tag) || tag == DwarfTag::kArrayType || tag == DwarfTag::kBaseType ||
tag == DwarfTag::kClassType || tag == DwarfTag::kEnumerationType ||
tag == DwarfTag::kPtrToMemberType || tag == DwarfTag::kStringType ||
tag == DwarfTag::kStructureType || tag == DwarfTag::kSubroutineType ||
tag == DwarfTag::kUnionType || tag == DwarfTag::kUnspecifiedType;
// Types in languages we ignore for now:
// kInterfaceType
// kSetType
// kSharedType
// kPackedType
// kFileType
bool DwarfTagIsTypeModifier(DwarfTag tag) {
return tag == DwarfTag::kConstType || tag == DwarfTag::kPointerType ||
tag == DwarfTag::kReferenceType || tag == DwarfTag::kRestrictType ||
tag == DwarfTag::kRvalueReferenceType || tag == DwarfTag::kTypedef ||
tag == DwarfTag::kVolatileType || tag == DwarfTag::kImportedDeclaration ||
tag == DwarfTag::kAtomicType;
bool DwarfTagIsCVQualifier(DwarfTag tag) {
return tag == DwarfTag::kConstType || tag == DwarfTag::kVolatileType ||
tag == DwarfTag::kRestrictType || tag == DwarfTag::kAtomicType;
bool DwarfTagIsEitherReference(DwarfTag tag) {
return tag == DwarfTag::kReferenceType || tag == DwarfTag::kRvalueReferenceType;
bool DwarfTagIsPointerOrReference(DwarfTag tag) {
return DwarfTagIsEitherReference(tag) || tag == DwarfTag::kPointerType;
std::string DwarfTagToString(DwarfTag tag, bool include_number) {
unsigned int_tag = static_cast<unsigned>(tag);
if (int_tag < kDwarfTagNameCount && kDwarfTagNames[int_tag]) {
if (include_number)
return fxl::StringPrintf("%s (0x%02x)", kDwarfTagNames[int_tag], int_tag);
return kDwarfTagNames[int_tag];
return fxl::StringPrintf("<undefined (0x%x)>", static_cast<unsigned>(int_tag));
} // namespace zxdb