blob: e1201de33ec606d2d4b0d5b81158ee2e199fad5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/resolve_base.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/string_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/cast.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/eval_context.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/expr_parser.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/find_name.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/resolve_collection.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/resolve_ptr_ref.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/resolve_type.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/collection.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/data_member.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/elf_symbol.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/location.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/modified_type.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/symbol_utils.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// When a class has a vtable, the pointer to the vtable is generated as a member of the class' data.
// This member is marked with DW_AT_artificial and named "_vptr.MyClass" by GCC and "_vptr$MyClass"
// by Clang, where "MyClass" is the name of the class. There is no scoping information on the name
// (namespaces, etc.).
const char kVtableMemberPrefix[] = "_vptr";
// The Clang demangler produces this prefix for vtable symbols.
const char kVtableSymbolNamePrefix[] = "vtable for ";
} // namespace
// The code would be a little simpler if we just tried to dereference the pointer/reference and
// then check for the vtable member. But this will be called a lot when evaluating collections,
// usually won't match, and the dereference will require a slow memory fetch. By checking the
// pointed-to/referenced type first, we avoid this overhead.
void PromotePtrRefToDerived(const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, PromoteToDerived what,
ExprValue value, EvalCallback cb) {
// Errors in this function should issue the callback with the original value. Errors mean that
// promotion has failed, but we can still handle the original base class pointer.
if (!value.type())
return cb(std::move(value));
// Type must be the right match pointer or a reference.
fxl::RefPtr<ModifiedType> mod_type = context->GetConcreteTypeAs<ModifiedType>(value.type());
if (!mod_type)
return cb(std::move(value));
bool tag_match = false;
switch (what) {
case PromoteToDerived::kPtrOnly:
tag_match = (mod_type->tag() == DwarfTag::kPointerType);
case PromoteToDerived::kRefOnly:
tag_match = DwarfTagIsEitherReference(mod_type->tag());
case PromoteToDerived::kPtrOrRef:
tag_match = DwarfTagIsPointerOrReference(mod_type->tag());
if (!tag_match)
return cb(std::move(value));
// Referenced type must be a collection. Save the original non-concrete type for below.
const Type* original_type = mod_type->modified().Get()->As<Type>();
if (!original_type)
return cb(std::move(value));
fxl::RefPtr<Collection> modified_collection =
if (!modified_collection)
return cb(std::move(value));
// Referenced collection must have a vtable pointer.
fxl::RefPtr<DataMember> vtable_member = GetVtableMember(modified_collection.get());
if (!vtable_member)
return cb(std::move(value));
// Type is a pointer or reference to a virtual type. Get the vtable pointer value to see where it
// goes.
TargetPointer object_loc = 0;
if (value.PromoteTo64(&object_loc).has_error())
return cb(std::move(value));
// Get the value of the vtable member. We user the original (non-concrete) type so the resulting
// type is correct, with all C-V qualifiers.
TargetPointer vtable_member_loc = object_loc + vtable_member->member_location();
context, vtable_member_loc, RefPtrTo(vtable_member->type().Get()->As<Type>()),
[context, original_value = std::move(value), modifier_tag = mod_type->tag(),
modified_type = RefPtrTo(original_type), cb = std::move(cb)](ErrOrValue result) mutable {
if (result.has_error())
return cb(std::move(original_value));
TargetPointer vtable = 0;
if (result.value().PromoteTo64(&vtable).has_error())
return cb(std::move(original_value));
fxl::RefPtr<Type> derived_type = DerivedTypeForVtable(context, vtable);
if (!derived_type)
return cb(std::move(original_value));
// Cast to the desired destination type. It should have the same type pattern as the
// original: [ <C-V qualifier> ] + <pointer or reference> + [ <C-V qualifier> ] We did two
// GetConcreteType() calls on each side of the ptr/ref and those stripped qualifiers need to
// be put back.
// This code isn't perfect and will get confused if there are typedefs. Copying the C-V
// qualifier will stop at typedefs, but the typedef could expand to something with a
// qualifier like "const Foo" and this code would miss it. This gets very complicated and
// the debugger doesn't actually follow qualifiers. This seems good enough for now.
auto dest_type = AddCVQualifiersToMatch(modified_type.get(), std::move(derived_type));
dest_type = fxl::MakeRefCounted<ModifiedType>(modifier_tag, std::move(dest_type));
dest_type = AddCVQualifiersToMatch(original_value.type(), std::move(dest_type));
CastExprValue(context, CastType::kStatic, original_value, dest_type, ExprValueSource(),
[original_value, cb = std::move(cb)](ErrOrValue value) mutable {
// Discard casting errors to just use the original value.
if (value.has_error())
fxl::RefPtr<DataMember> GetVtableMember(const Collection* coll) {
for (const auto& lazy_member : coll->data_members()) {
const DataMember* member = lazy_member.Get()->As<DataMember>();
if (!member)
if (member->artificial() && StringStartsWith(member->GetAssignedName(), kVtableMemberPrefix))
return RefPtrTo(member);
return fxl::RefPtr<DataMember>();
std::string TypeNameForVtableSymbolName(const std::string& sym_name) {
if (!StringStartsWith(sym_name, kVtableSymbolNamePrefix))
return std::string();
return sym_name.substr(std::size(kVtableSymbolNamePrefix) - 1); // Trim the prefix w/o the null.
fxl::RefPtr<Type> DerivedTypeForVtable(const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, TargetPointer ptr) {
Location loc = context->GetLocationForAddress(ptr);
if (!loc.symbol())
return nullptr;
// Expect vtable symbols to be ELF ones. There won't be DWARF entries since they don't appear in
// the program.
const ElfSymbol* elf_symbol = loc.symbol().Get()->As<ElfSymbol>();
if (!elf_symbol)
return nullptr;
std::string type_name = TypeNameForVtableSymbolName(elf_symbol->GetAssignedName());
if (type_name.empty())
return nullptr; // Not a vtable entry.
ParsedIdentifier ident;
if (ExprParser::ParseIdentifier(type_name, &ident).has_error())
return nullptr; // Type name not parseable.
return FindTypeDefinition(context->GetFindNameContext(), std::move(ident));
} // namespace zxdb