blob: 6d35dea40e238f89cd250a5b11976df51b5eb99d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/minidump_memory.h"
#include <memory>
#include "src/lib/elflib/elflib.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// Helper to make crashpad::MemorySnapshot::Read easier to use.
bool ReadMinidumpMemorySnapshot(const crashpad::MemorySnapshot& memory,
std::function<bool(void*, size_t)> callback) {
class Delegate : public crashpad::MemorySnapshot::Delegate {
explicit Delegate(std::function<bool(void*, size_t)> cb) : cb_(std::move(cb)) {}
bool MemorySnapshotDelegateRead(void* data, size_t size) override { return cb_(data, size); }
std::function<bool(void*, size_t)> cb_;
Delegate delegate(std::move(callback));
return memory.Read(&delegate);
} // namespace
MinidumpMemory::MinidumpMemory(const crashpad::ProcessSnapshotMinidump& minidump,
BuildIDIndex& build_id_index) {
for (const auto& thread : minidump.Threads()) {
auto stack = thread->Stack();
if (!stack) {
regions_.emplace_back(stack->Address(), stack->Address() + stack->Size(),
for (const auto& minidump_mod : minidump.Modules()) {
uint64_t base = minidump_mod->Address();
auto entry = build_id_index.EntryForBuildID(MinidumpGetBuildId(*minidump_mod));
if (!entry.debug_info.empty()) {
debug_modules_.emplace(base, FileMemoryRegion(base, entry.debug_info));
if (entry.binary.empty()) {
auto elf = elflib::ElfLib::Create(entry.binary);
if (!elf) {
auto module = std::make_shared<FileMemoryRegion>(base, entry.binary);
for (const auto& segment : elf->GetSegmentHeaders()) {
// Only PT_LOAD segments are actually mapped. The rest are informational.
if (segment.p_type != elflib::PT_LOAD) {
if (segment.p_flags & elflib::PF_W) {
// Writable segment. Data in the ELF file might not match what was present at the time of
// the crash.
regions_.emplace_back(base + segment.p_vaddr, base + segment.p_vaddr + segment.p_memsz,
std::sort(regions_.begin(), regions_.end());
// Sanity check.
uint64_t last_end = 0;
for (auto& [start, end, mem] : regions_) {
FX_CHECK(start >= last_end);
last_end = end;
std::vector<debug_ipc::MemoryBlock> MinidumpMemory::ReadMemoryBlocks(uint64_t address,
uint64_t size) {
uint64_t end = address + size;
std::vector<debug_ipc::MemoryBlock> res;
if (address == end) {
return res;
for (auto& [region_start, region_end, region_memory] : regions_) {
// Space before the first region and between any two regions.
if (address < region_start) {
auto& block = res.emplace_back();
block.address = address;
block.size = std::min(end, region_start) - address;
block.valid = false;
if (end <= region_start) {
address = end;
address = region_start;
// Now we have address >= region_start.
if (address < region_end) {
auto& block = res.emplace_back();
block.address = address;
block.size = std::min(end, region_end) - address;;
block.valid = region_memory->ReadBytes(address, block.size,;
if (!block.valid) {;
if (end <= region_end) {
address = end;
address = region_end;
// Space after the last region.
if (address < end) {
auto& block = res.emplace_back();
block.address = address;
block.size = end - address;
block.valid = false;
return res;
unwinder::Memory* MinidumpMemory::GetMemoryRegion(uint64_t address) {
for (auto& [start, end, memory] : regions_) {
if (address >= start && address < end) {
return memory.get();
return nullptr;
std::map<uint64_t, unwinder::Memory*> MinidumpMemory::GetDebugModuleMap() {
std::map<uint64_t, unwinder::Memory*> res;
for (auto& [addr, memory] : debug_modules_) {
res.emplace(addr, &memory);
return res;
unwinder::Error MinidumpMemory::SnapshotMemoryRegion::ReadBytes(uint64_t addr, uint64_t size,
void* dst) {
if (addr < snapshot_->Address() || addr + size > snapshot_->Address() + snapshot_->Size()) {
return unwinder::Error("out of boundary");
uint64_t offset = addr - snapshot_->Address();
bool ok = ReadMinidumpMemorySnapshot(*snapshot_, [&](void* data, uint64_t actual_size) {
if (offset + size > actual_size) {
return false;
memcpy(dst, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data) + offset, size);
return true;
if (ok) {
return unwinder::Success();
return unwinder::Error("error reading from the memory snapshot");
unwinder::Error MinidumpMemory::FileMemoryRegion::ReadBytes(uint64_t addr, uint64_t size,
void* dst) {
if (addr < load_address_) {
return unwinder::Error("out of boundary");
fseek(file_.get(), static_cast<int64_t>(addr - load_address_), SEEK_SET);
if (fread(dst, 1, size, file_.get()) != size) {
return unwinder::Error("short read");
return unwinder::Success();
std::string MinidumpGetBuildId(const crashpad::ModuleSnapshot& mod) {
auto build_id = mod.BuildID();
if (build_id.empty()) {
return "";
// 2 hex characters per 1 byte, so the string size is twice the data size. Hopefully we'll be
// overwriting the zeros we're filling with.
std::string ret(build_id.size() * 2, '\0');
char* pos =;
for (const auto& byte : build_id) {
sprintf(pos, "%02hhx", byte);
pos += 2;
return ret;
} // namespace zxdb