blob: e11df2e5948e535a49ce6976ba27367ddee66af6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/finish_thread_controller.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/inline_thread_controller_test.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/process.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/thread.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/err.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/function.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/line_details.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
class FinishThreadControllerTest : public InlineThreadControllerTest {};
} // namespace
// See also the FinishPhysicalFrameThreadController tests.
// Tests finishing a single inline frame. This finishes the top frame of the stack which is an
// inline function (see InlineThreadControllerTest for what the returned stack layout is).
TEST_F(FinishThreadControllerTest, FinishInline) {
auto mock_frames = GetStack();
InjectExceptionWithStack(process()->GetKoid(), thread()->GetKoid(),
MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(mock_frames)), true);
// Since this never steps over a non-inline frame, the function return callback should never
// be called.
bool function_completion_called = false;
// "Finish" from the top stack frame, which is an inline one.
auto finish_controller = std::make_unique<FinishThreadController>(
thread()->GetStack(), 0, [&function_completion_called](const FunctionReturnInfo&) {
function_completion_called = true;
bool continued = false;
thread()->ContinueWith(std::move(finish_controller), [&continued](const Err& err) {
if (!err.has_error())
continued = true;
// It should have been able to step without doing any further async work.
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount());
// Do one step inside the inline function (add 4 to the address).
mock_frames = GetStack();
mock_frames[0]->SetAddress(mock_frames[0]->GetAddress() + 4);
InjectExceptionWithStack(process()->GetKoid(), thread()->GetKoid(),
MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(mock_frames)), true);
// That's still inside the frame's range, so it should continue.
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount());
// Set exception at the first instruction after the inline frame.
mock_frames = GetStack();
uint64_t after_inline = kTopInlineFunctionRange.end();
mock_frames.erase(mock_frames.begin()); // Remove the inline function.
InjectExceptionWithStack(process()->GetKoid(), thread()->GetKoid(),
MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(mock_frames)), true);
// Should not have resumed.
EXPECT_EQ(0, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount());
EXPECT_EQ(debug_ipc::ThreadRecord::State::kBlocked, thread()->GetState());
// None of the above stepping should have triggered a non-inline function return.
// Finishes multiple frames, consisting of one physical frame finish followed by two inline frame
// finishes. This finishes to frame 4 (see InlineThreadControllerTest) which is the "middle"
// physical frame. It requires doing a "finish" of the top physical frame, then stepping through
// both middle inline frames.
TEST_F(FinishThreadControllerTest, FinishPhysicalAndInline) {
auto mock_frames = GetStack();
uint64_t frame_2_ip = mock_frames[2]->GetAddress();
InjectExceptionWithStack(process()->GetKoid(), thread()->GetKoid(),
MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(mock_frames)), true);
// Holds the result of any seen non-inline function returns.
std::optional<FunctionReturnInfo> return_info;
// "Finish" frame 3,
auto finish_controller = std::make_unique<FinishThreadController>(
thread()->GetStack(), 3,
[&return_info](const FunctionReturnInfo& info) { return_info = info; });
bool continued = false;
thread()->ContinueWith(std::move(finish_controller), [&continued](const Err& err) {
if (!err.has_error())
continued = true;
// That should have sent a resume + a breakpoint set at the frame 2 IP (this breakpoint is
// implementing the "finish" to step out of the frame 1 physical frame).
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount());
EXPECT_EQ(0, mock_remote_api()->breakpoint_remove_count());
EXPECT_EQ(frame_2_ip, mock_remote_api()->last_breakpoint_address());
// Simulate a breakpoint hit of that breakpoint (breakpoint exceptions are "software").
debug_ipc::NotifyException exception;
exception.type = debug_ipc::ExceptionType::kSoftwareBreakpoint; = process()->GetKoid(); = thread()->GetKoid();
exception.thread.state = debug_ipc::ThreadRecord::State::kBlocked;
exception.hit_breakpoints[0].id = mock_remote_api()->last_breakpoint_id();
// Create a stack now showing frame 2 as the top (new frame 0).
mock_frames = GetStack();
mock_frames.erase(mock_frames.begin(), mock_frames.begin() + 3);
InjectExceptionWithStack(exception, MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(mock_frames)), true);
// That should have triggered the function return call indicating the top function returned.
EXPECT_EQ(thread(), return_info->thread);
EXPECT_EQ(GetTopFunction()->GetAssignedName(), return_info->symbol.Get()->GetAssignedName());
// The breakpoint should have been cleared and the thread should have been resumed.
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount());
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->breakpoint_remove_count());
// Do another stop 4 bytes later in the inline frame 2 which should get continued.
mock_frames = GetStack();
mock_frames.erase(mock_frames.begin(), mock_frames.begin() + 3);
mock_frames[0]->SetAddress(mock_frames[0]->GetAddress() + 4);
InjectExceptionWithStack(process()->GetKoid(), thread()->GetKoid(),
MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(mock_frames)), true);
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount());
// Stop in inline frame 1. This leaves inline frame 2 (right after its address range) but should
// still continue since we haven't reached the target.
mock_frames = GetStack();
mock_frames.erase(mock_frames.begin(), mock_frames.begin() + 4);
InjectExceptionWithStack(process()->GetKoid(), thread()->GetKoid(),
MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(mock_frames)), true);
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount());
// Stop in middle frame which is the target (right after the inline 1 range).
mock_frames = GetStack();
mock_frames.erase(mock_frames.begin(), mock_frames.begin() + 5);
InjectExceptionWithStack(process()->GetKoid(), thread()->GetKoid(),
MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(mock_frames)), true);
EXPECT_EQ(0, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount()); // Stopped.
// This sets up a situation where the finish controller creates a "step over" controller in response
// to a breakpoint hit exception. The step over controller should not see the breakpoint hit and
// should continue as if it was not created from within a breakpoint hit.
// The situation where this can happen is:
// FinishThreadController (FINISH#1) creates a new StepOverThreadController (OVER#1).
// OVER finds a physical function call and
// Creates a FinishThreadController (FINISH#2) to get out of it.
// FINISH#2 creates a FinishPhysicalFrameThreadController (PHYSICAL) to get out of it.
// The breakpoint for PHYSICAL is hit.
// FINISH#2 completes.
// OVER#1 completes.
// FINISH#1 notices a new inline subframe immediately following the first.
// FINISH#1 creates a new StepOverThreadController (OVER#2)
TEST_F(FinishThreadControllerTest, FinishPhysicalAndInline2) {
// Stack:
// [0] MiddleInline2 <- OVER#1
// [1] MiddleInline1 <- finishing this one.
// [2] Middle
// [3] Bottom
auto stack = GetStack();
stack.erase(stack.begin(), stack.begin() + 2); // Drop the "top" frames from the mock input.
InjectExceptionWithStack(process()->GetKoid(), thread()->GetKoid(),
MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(stack)), true);
// Create FINISH#1 from above. This should notice we're in an inline frame, create OVER#1, and
// continue.
auto finish_controller = std::make_unique<FinishThreadController>(thread()->GetStack(), 0);
bool continued = false;
thread()->ContinueWith(std::move(finish_controller), [&continued](const Err& err) {
if (!err.has_error())
continued = true;
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount());
EXPECT_EQ(0, mock_remote_api()->breakpoint_remove_count());
// Simulate a physical frame call.
// Stack:
// [0] Top <- PHYSICAL
// [1] MiddleInline2 <- OVER#1
// [2] MiddleInline1 <- finishing this one.
// [3] Middle
// [4] Bottom
stack = GetStack();
stack.erase(stack.begin(), stack.begin() + 1); // Drop the top inline frame from the mock input.
InjectExceptionWithStack(process()->GetKoid(), thread()->GetKoid(),
MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(stack)), true);
// That should have created PHYSICAL which will set a breakpoint on the return addr.
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount());
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->breakpoint_add_count());
// Simulate a return from the physical frame call to a new inline frame
// Stack:
// [1] MiddleInline2.2 <- OVER#2
// [2] MiddleInline1 <- finishing this one.
// [3] Middle
// [4] Bottom
stack = GetStack();
stack.erase(stack.begin(), stack.begin() + 2); // Drop both "top" frames.
// Fix up the location so the MiddleInlin2 becomes MiddleInline2.2, a different inline function
// immediately following it.
const AddressRange middle_2_2_range(kMiddleInline2FunctionRange.end(),
kMiddleInline2FunctionRange.end() + 2);
auto middle2_2_func = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Function>(DwarfTag::kInlinedSubroutine);
stack[0]->set_location(Location(middle_2_2_range.begin(), kMiddleInline2FileLine, 0,
SymbolContext::ForRelativeAddresses(), middle2_2_func));
// Send the software breakpoint exception for PHYSICAL to finish.
debug_ipc::BreakpointStats breakpoint{
.id = static_cast<uint32_t>(mock_remote_api()->last_breakpoint_id()), .hit_count = 1};
InjectExceptionWithStack(process()->GetKoid(), thread()->GetKoid(),
MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(stack)), true, {breakpoint});
// That should have finished PHYSICAL (deleting the temporary breakpoint) and OVER#1. Then started
// stepping over OVER#2 which should continue.
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount());
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->breakpoint_remove_count());
// Tests that compiler generated ("line 0") code immediately following a function call is skipped
// when finishing a frame.
TEST_F(FinishThreadControllerTest, FinishToCompilerGenerated) {
// This finishes the top inline frame of the default stack because it's the most convenient
// thing to do.
// Full stack for the starting point.
auto stack = GetStack();
InjectExceptionWithStack(process()->GetKoid(), thread()->GetKoid(),
MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(stack)), true);
// Finish the top frame. This should continue through the inline.
auto finish_controller = std::make_unique<FinishThreadController>(thread()->GetStack(), 0);
bool continued = false;
thread()->ContinueWith(std::move(finish_controller), [&continued](const Err& err) {
if (!err.has_error())
continued = true;
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount());
// Set up line table information for the location immediately after the inline. It consists of
// a "line 0" region followed by a regular region.
const uint64_t kLine0Begin = kTopInlineFunctionRange.end();
const uint64_t kNormalLineBegin = kLine0Begin + 4;
LineDetails(FileLine("", 0),
{LineDetails::LineEntry(AddressRange(kLine0Begin, kNormalLineBegin))}));
FileLine normal_file_line("", 27);
{LineDetails::LineEntry(AddressRange(kNormalLineBegin, kNormalLineBegin + 4))}));
// Inject an exception at the end of the inline frame. The controller should continue from here.
stack = GetStack();
stack.erase(stack.begin()); // Remove inline frame to leave the "top" physical frame at the top.
Location old_top_location = stack[0]->GetLocation();
stack[0]->set_location(Location(kLine0Begin, FileLine("", 0), 0,
old_top_location.symbol_context(), old_top_location.symbol()));
InjectExceptionWithStack(process()->GetKoid(), thread()->GetKoid(),
MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(stack)), true);
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount());
// Now do an exception at the normal line region following it. The controller should stop.
stack = GetStack();
stack.erase(stack.begin()); // Remove inline frame to leave the "top" physical frame at the top.
old_top_location = stack[0]->GetLocation();
stack[0]->set_location(Location(kNormalLineBegin, normal_file_line, 0,
old_top_location.symbol_context(), old_top_location.symbol()));
InjectExceptionWithStack(process()->GetKoid(), thread()->GetKoid(),
MockFrameVectorToFrameVector(std::move(stack)), true);
EXPECT_EQ(0, mock_remote_api()->GetAndResetResumeCount()); // Stopped.
} // namespace zxdb