blob: 46b3a105f4bfdf0aee95add5a7e72b1569aba44e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys.h>
#include <ftl_private.h>
#include <ftl_mc.h>
#include <fsprivate.h>
// Configuration
// Macro Definitions
#define MC_HASH(num, width) ((num) % (width))
// Type Declarations
struct ftlmc_cache_entry {
CircLink lru_link; // least recently used list entry
ftlmcEntry* next_hash; // hash bucket list is double linked list
ftlmcEntry* prev_hash;
ftlmcEntry** hash_head; // pointer to head of hash table list
ui32* data; // pointer to map page contents
ui32 mpn; // map page number
ui16 dirty; // status of page - dirty/clean
// Local Function Definitions
// check_cache: Debug function to check cache consistency
static void check_cache(FTLMC* cache, ui32 mpn) {
uint bin, count = 0;
ftlmcEntry* entry;
CircLink* link;
// Loop over map page cache LRU list.
for (link = CIRC_LIST_HEAD(&cache->lru_list);; link = link->next_bck) {
// Break at list end.
if (CIRC_LIST_AT_END(link, &cache->lru_list))
// Convert 'lru_link' pointer to entry pointer.
entry = (ftlmcEntry*)((ui8*)link - offsetof(ftlmcEntry, lru_link));
// Check if entry is used.
if (entry->mpn != (ui32)-1) {
bin = MC_HASH(entry->mpn, cache->num_mpgs);
if (entry->hash_head != &cache->hash_tbl[bin]) {
printf("\nFTL MAP CACHE: mpn = %u hash_head != hash()\n", mpn);
if (entry->hash_head[0] == NULL) {
printf("\nFTL MAP CACHE: mpn = %u hash_head is NULL!\n", mpn);
if (count > 1) {
printf("\nFTL MAP CACHE: mpn = %u is cached %d times\n", mpn, count);
#endif // MC_DEBUG
// in_cache: Check if map page is in the cache
// Inputs: cache = cache handle
// mpn = map page number
// Returns: Pointer to entry if cached, NULL otherwise
static ftlmcEntry* in_cache(FTLMC* cache, ui32 mpn) {
uint bin;
ftlmcEntry* entry;
check_cache(cache, mpn);
// Search hash bin for matching page number.
bin = MC_HASH(mpn, cache->num_mpgs);
for (entry = cache->hash_tbl[bin]; entry; entry = entry->next_hash)
if (entry->mpn == mpn)
return entry;
// Page is not in cache, return NULL.
return NULL;
// Global Function Definitions
// ftlmcRAM: Return RAM used FTL cache
// Input: cache = cache handle or NULL
// Returns: RAM usage in bytes
ui32 ftlmcRAM(const FTLMC* cache) {
return cache
? sizeof(FTLMC) +
cache->num_mpgs * (sizeof(ftlmcEntry) + cache->mpg_sz + sizeof(ftlmcEntry*))
: 0;
// ftlmcNew: Create a new FTL map page cache instance.
// Inputs: ftl = handle to FTL using this cache
// num_mpgs = number of map pages the cache holds
// wf = write map page function in case of cache miss
// rf = read map page function in case of cache miss
// mpg_sz = map page size in bytes
// Returns: Handle to new cache if successful, NULL on error
FTLMC* ftlmcNew(void* ftl, ui32 num_mpgs, ftlmcFuncW wf, ftlmcFuncR rf, ui32 mpg_sz) {
FTLMC* cache;
size_t size;
void* mem;
// Allocate memory for the cache control block, entries, and hash
// table. Return NULL if unable.
size = sizeof(FTLMC) + num_mpgs * (sizeof(ftlmcEntry) + sizeof(ftlmcEntry*));
mem = FsCalloc(1, size);
if (mem == NULL)
return NULL;
// Assign the allocated memory to cache data structures.
cache = mem;
mem = cache + 1;
cache->entry = mem;
mem = cache->entry + num_mpgs;
cache->hash_tbl = mem;
// Initialize the cache values and callback pointers.
cache->ftl = ftl;
cache->read = rf;
cache->write = wf;
cache->num_mpgs = num_mpgs;
cache->mpg_sz = mpg_sz;
// Allocate aligned memory for MPN contents. Return NULL if unable.
mem = FsAalloc(num_mpgs * mpg_sz);
if (mem == NULL) {
return NULL;
// Initialize the cache and return cache handle.
cache->entry[0].data = mem;
return cache;
// ftlmcInit: Initialize the cache
// Input: cache = handle to cache
void ftlmcInit(FTLMC* cache) {
ui32 i, vpns_per_mpg = cache->mpg_sz / sizeof(ui32);
ui32* mem = cache->entry[0].data;
// Initialize cache's least recently used list.
// Loop to initialize each cache entry.
for (i = 0; i < cache->num_mpgs; ++i, mem += vpns_per_mpg) {
// Assign pointer to cache entry's page data buffer.
cache->entry[i].data = mem;
// Initialize entry as unused and clean.
cache->entry[i].mpn = (ui32)-1;
cache->entry[i].dirty = FALSE;
// Append entry to cache's least recently used list.
CIRC_LIST_APPEND(&cache->entry[i].lru_link, &cache->lru_list);
// Initialize the entry hash table pointers.
cache->entry[i].hash_head = NULL;
cache->hash_tbl[i] = NULL;
// There are no dirty entries at this point.
cache->num_dirty = 0;
} //lint !e429
// ftlmcDelete: Delete an FTL map page cache.
// Input: cache_ptr = pointer to cache handle
void ftlmcDelete(FTLMC** cache_ptr) {
FTLMC* cache = *cache_ptr;
// Deallocate all memory associated with the cache.
// Reset pointer to cache handle.
*cache_ptr = NULL;
// ftlmcGetPage: Retrieve contents of map page via cache
// Inputs: cache = cache handle
// mpn = map page number
// new_ptr = new map flag address if read, else NULL
// Output: *new_ptr = TRUE if new mapping for read
// Returns: Pointer to map page data on success, NULL on error
void* ftlmcGetPage(FTLMC* cache, ui32 mpn, int* new_ptr) {
ftlmcEntry* entry;
CircLink* link;
uint bin;
check_cache(cache, mpn);
// Check if specified page is in the cache.
entry = in_cache(cache, mpn);
if (entry) {
// Move entry to LRU list tail (MRU position).
CIRC_LIST_APPEND(&entry->lru_link, &cache->lru_list);
// If reading, flag that this page is mapped (because cached).
if (new_ptr)
*new_ptr = FALSE;
// Else writing. If entry was clean, mark it dirty.
else if (entry->dirty == FALSE) {
PfAssert(cache->num_dirty <= cache->num_mpgs);
entry->dirty = TRUE;
// Return pointer to page data.
return entry->data;
// Not cached. Search LRU list for least recently used clean entry
// If none found, use least recently used entry (head of LRU list).
for (link = CIRC_LIST_HEAD(&cache->lru_list);; link = link->next_bck) {
// Check if at end of least recently used list.
if (CIRC_LIST_AT_END(link, &cache->lru_list)) {
// Re-use cache's least recently used entry (its LRU head).
link = CIRC_LIST_HEAD(&cache->lru_list);
// Convert 'lru_link' pointer to entry pointer.
entry = (void*)((ui8*)link - offsetof(ftlmcEntry, lru_link));
// Check if page is dirty.
if (entry->dirty) {
// Write old page contents. Return NULL if error.
if (cache->write(cache->ftl, entry->mpn, entry->data))
return NULL;
// Mark page clean and decrement dirty count.
entry->dirty = FALSE;
// Break to use this entry.
// Convert 'lru_link' pointer to entry pointer.
entry = (ftlmcEntry*)((ui8*)link - offsetof(ftlmcEntry, lru_link));
// Break to use this entry if it is clean.
if (entry->dirty == FALSE)
// Move entry to LRU list tail (MRU position).
CIRC_LIST_APPEND(&entry->lru_link, &cache->lru_list);
// If the entry is in the hash table, remove it from there.
if (entry->hash_head) {
// If entry is not first, update previous one, else update head.
if (entry->prev_hash)
entry->prev_hash->next_hash = entry->next_hash;
*(entry->hash_head) = entry->next_hash;
// If there is a next entry (entry is not end-of-list), update it.
if (entry->next_hash)
entry->next_hash->prev_hash = entry->prev_hash;
// Read new page into the cache. Return NULL if error.
if (cache->read(cache->ftl, mpn, entry->data, new_ptr))
return NULL;
// Set cache entry with new page info.
entry->mpn = mpn;
// Add new entry to the hash table at beginning of its bucket list.
entry->prev_hash = NULL;
bin = MC_HASH(mpn, cache->num_mpgs);
if (cache->hash_tbl[bin]) {
entry->next_hash = cache->hash_tbl[bin];
cache->hash_tbl[bin]->prev_hash = entry;
} else {
entry->next_hash = NULL;
cache->hash_tbl[bin] = entry;
entry->hash_head = &cache->hash_tbl[bin];
// If map page write, mark entry as dirty and adjust dirty count.
if (new_ptr == NULL) {
entry->dirty = TRUE;
PfAssert(cache->num_dirty <= cache->num_mpgs);
// Return pointer to page data.
return entry->data;
// ftlmcFlushPage: Search cache for dirty page to flush
// Inputs: cache = cache handle
// mpn = MPN to flush
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
int ftlmcFlushPage(FTLMC* cache, ui32 mpn) {
ftlmcEntry* entry;
// Check if specified page is cached.
entry = in_cache(cache, mpn);
if (entry) {
// Move entry to LRU list head (LRU position).
CIRC_LIST_INSERT(&entry->lru_link, &cache->lru_list);
// Check if page is dirty.
if (entry->dirty)
// Mark clean, adjust dirty count, save page, and return status.
entry->dirty = FALSE;
return cache->write(cache->ftl, entry->mpn, entry->data);
// Return success.
return 0;
// ftlmcFlushMap: Flush all dirty map pages
// Input: cache = cache handle
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
int ftlmcFlushMap(FTLMC* cache) {
ftlmcEntry* entry = &cache->entry[0];
// Loop over cache entries, flushing each dirty one.
for (; entry < &cache->entry[cache->num_mpgs]; ++entry) {
// Break if all map pages are clean.
if (cache->num_dirty == 0)
// If this page is dirty, mark it clean and save it.
if (entry->dirty) {
entry->dirty = FALSE;
if (cache->write(cache->ftl, entry->mpn, entry->data))
return -1;
// No more dirty entries at this point. Return success.
PfAssert(cache->num_dirty == 0);
return 0;
// ftlmcInCache: Check if map page to be written is in the cache
// Inputs: cache = cache handle
// mpn = map page number
// Returns: Pointer to page data, NULL if page not in cache
ui32* ftlmcInCache(FTLMC* cache, ui32 mpn) {
ftlmcEntry* entry;
check_cache(cache, mpn);
// Check if specified page is in the cache.
entry = in_cache(cache, mpn);
if (entry) {
// Move entry to LRU list head (LRU position).
CIRC_LIST_INSERT(&entry->lru_link, &cache->lru_list);
// If dirty, mark page clean and decrement dirty count.
if (entry->dirty) {
entry->dirty = FALSE;
// Return pointer to cached page's data.
return entry->data;
// Page is not in cache, return NULL.
return NULL;