blob: d3600473a0590edf819cf127c6afb8a7990832d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <inc/config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ftl_private.h>
#include <sys.h>
#include <kprivate/ndm.h>
// Configuration.
#undef NDM_DEBUG
#define NDM_DEBUG FALSE // TRUE for TargetNDM debug output
#define RDBACK_CHECK FALSE // TRUE for metadata read-back check
// Symbol Definitions.
#define CTRL_SIG_SZ 7 // ctrl sig bytes
#define CTRL_SIG "NDMTA01"
// Location in control header of all header fields. A header consists of:
// - 2 bytes of current page number in this control sequence
// - 2 bytes of last page number in this control sequence
// - 4 bytes of sequence number
// - 4 bytes of CRC
#define HDR_CURR_LOC 0
#define HDR_LAST_LOC 2
#define HDR_SEQ_LOC 4
#define HDR_CRC_LOC 8
#define HDR_SIZE 12
#define CTRL_DATA_START 12
// Control scan flag value
#define PARTIAL_SCAN 2
// Actions that can cause a block to go bad
#define ERASE_BLOCK 1
#define WRITE_PAGE 2
// Layout for the spare area:
// - byte 0 - bad block mark byte
// - bytes 1 - 14 - reserved for the above layers - will be ECC-ed
// - byte 15 - NDM regular page mark byte
// - rest are left to the driver to place ECC codes in them
#define EB_BBLOCK_MARK 0
#define EB_REG_MARK 15 // NDM control page iff zero
// Type Declarations.
// <key, value> pair
typedef struct {
ui32 key; // vblk
ui32 val; // pblk
} Pair;
// NDM Control Block
struct ndm {
CircLink link; // linked list of NDM devices
ui32 num_vblks; // number of virtual blocks
SEM sem; // access semaphore
ui8* main_buf; // main page data buffer
ui8* spare_buf; // spare area buffer
ui8* tmp_spare; // temp buffer for driver transfer routine
ui32* init_bad_blk; // initial bad blocks list
Pair* run_bad_blk; // running bad blocks list
ui32 num_rbb; // number of blocks in running bad block list
ui32 num_bad_blks; // current total number of bad blocks
ui32 frst_reserved; // first block reserved for NDM
ui32 free_virt_blk; // next free block NDM uses for bad virtual
ui32 free_ctrl_blk; // next free block NDM uses for bad control
ui32 ctrl_blk0; // two blocks used for control info
ui32 ctrl_blk1;
ui32 frst_ctrl_page; // first page of control information
ui32 last_ctrl_page; // last page of control information
ui32 next_ctrl_start; // starting page of next control write
ui32 ctrl_pages; // number of control pages
ui32 ctrl_seq; // control information sequence number
ui32 xfr_tblk; // interrupted 'transfer to' block
ui32 xfr_fblk; // interrupted 'transfer from' block
ui32 xfr_bad_po; // bad page offset in 'transfer from' block
ui32 last_wr_vbn; // last virtual block number written to
ui32 last_wr_pbn; // last physical block number written to
ui32 last_rd_vbn; // last virtual block number read from
ui32 last_rd_pbn; // last physical block number read from
ui32 flags; // option flags
// Partition Information
ui32 num_partitions;
NDMPartition* partitions;
// Driver Functions
int (*write_page)(ui32 pn, const ui8* data, ui8* spare, int action, void* dev);
int (*write_pages)(ui32 pn, ui32 count, const ui8* data, ui8* spare, int action, void* dev);
int (*read_page)(ui32 pn, ui8* data, ui8* spare, void* dev);
int (*read_pages)(ui32 pn, ui32 count, ui8* data, ui8* spare, void* dev);
int (*xfr_page)(ui32 old_pn, ui32 new_pn, ui8* data, ui8* old_spare, ui8* new_spare,
int encode_spare, void* dev);
ui32 (*pair_offset)(ui32 page_offset, void* dev);
int (*read_decode_spare)(ui32 pn, ui8* spare, void* dev);
int (*read_spare)(ui32 pn, ui8* spare, void* dev);
int (*page_blank)(ui32 pn, ui8* data, ui8* spare, void* dev);
int (*check_page)(ui32 pn, ui8* data, ui8* spr, int* stat, void* dev);
int (*erase_block)(ui32 pn, void* dev);
int (*is_block_bad)(ui32 pn, void* dev);
// Device Dependent Variables
void* dev; // optional value set by driver
void* dev_ndm; // driver/ndm handle used with transfer page
ui32 num_dev_blks; // number of device blocks
ui32 block_size; // block size in bytes
ui32 max_bad_blks; // maximum number of bad blocks
ui32 pgs_per_blk; // number of pages in a block
ui32 page_size; // page size in bytes
ui8 eb_size; // spare area size in bytes
// Variable Declarations.
extern CircLink NdmDevs;
extern SEM NdmSem;
// Function Prototypes.
int ndmInitBadBlock(CNDM ndm, ui32 b);
int ndmWrCtrl(NDM ndm);
void ndmCkMeta(NDM ndm);
int ndmMarkBadBlock(NDM ndm, ui32 arg, ui32 action);
int printf(const char*, ...);