blob: 044472087d2dabc026b4b41f4a5841f821dc2d63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <inc/config.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ftl_private.h>
#include <fsprivate.h>
#include <kprivate/ndm.h>
#include <ftl_mc.h>
// Configuration.
#define FTLN_LEGACY TRUE // TRUE to be backward compatible
#define INC_ELIST TRUE // if true, write erased blocks list
#ifndef FTLN_DEBUG
#define FTLN_3B_PN TRUE // if true, use 3B page numbers
// Symbol Definitions.
// FTL meta-page information
#define FTLN_META_VER1 20180423 // current metapage version
#define FTLN_META_VER_LOC 0 // version location in page
#define FTLN_META_TYP_LOC 4 // page type location
#define FTLN_META_DATA_BEG 8 // starting data offset
// Meta-Page Types
#define CONT_FORMAT 0
#define ERASED_LIST 1
// Macro Definitions.
// Block Array Definitions
// A bdata entry is a 32 bit value that holds block metadata in RAM
// Bit 31 indicates if a block is free (1) or used (0)
// For free blocks:
// Bit 30 indicates if a free block is erased (1) or not (0)
// For used blocks:
// Bit 30 - indicates if a block is map (1) or volume (0) block
// Bits 29 through 20 - number of used pages in block
// Bits 19 through 0 - block read count
// 0xC0000000 - free/erased block
// 0x80000000 - free block
// 0x7XXXXXXX-0x4XXXXXXX - map block
// 0x3XXXXXXX-0x0XXXXXXX - used block
#define BLK_STATE_MASK 0xC0000000
#define FREE_BLK_FLAG 0x80000000
#define ERASED_BLK_FLAG 0x40000000 // applies only to free blocks
#define MAP_BLK_STATE 0x40000000
#define USED_MASK 0x3FF00000 // applies to map/vol blocks
#define RC_MASK 0x000FFFFF // applies to map/vol blocks
#define PGS_PER_BLK_MAX (USED_MASK >> 20)
#define IS_FREE(b) ((b)&FREE_BLK_FLAG)
#define SET_MAP_BLK(bd) (bd = MAP_BLK_STATE)
#define NUM_USED(bd) (((bd)&USED_MASK) >> 20)
#define DEC_USED(bd) ((bd) -= (1 << 20))
#define INC_USED(bd) ((bd) += (1 << 20))
#define GET_RC(bd) ((bd)&RC_MASK)
#define SET_RC(bd, n) ((bd) = ((bd) & ~RC_MASK) | n)
#define INC_RC(ftl, bdp, c) \
do { \
ui32 rc = GET_RC(*bdp) + c; \
if (rc > RC_MASK) \
rc = RC_MASK; \
*bdp = rc | (*bdp & ~RC_MASK); \
if (rc >= (ftl)->max_rc) \
(ftl)->max_rc_blk = (ui32)-2; \
} /*lint !e717*/ \
while (0)
#define SET_MAX_RC(ftl, bdp) \
do { \
(ftl)->max_rc_blk = (ui32)-2; \
*bdp = (ftl)->max_rc | (*bdp & ~RC_MASK); \
} /*lint !e717*/ \
while (0)
// Map Page Array Definitions
// Get/set the physical page corresponding to a VPN
#if FTLN_3B_PN
#define FTLN_PN_SZ 3
#define GET_MAP_PPN(maddr) RD24_LE(maddr)
#define SET_MAP_PPN(maddr, pn) WR24_LE(pn, maddr)
#define FTLN_PN_SZ 4
#define GET_MAP_PPN(maddr) RD32_LE(maddr)
#define SET_MAP_PPN(maddr, pn) WR32_LE(pn, maddr)
// Spare Area Access Definitions.
// Layout of Spare Area (Extra Bytes)
// - byte 0: bad block mark byte - unused by the FTL
// - bytes 1 - 4: virtual page number
// - bytes 5 - 8: block count (BC)
// - bytes 9 - 11 and MSH of 12: block wear count (WC)
// - bytes LSH of 12 and 13 - 14: page validity check
// - byte 15: NDM control page mark byte
// Get/set virtual page number from spare area (bytes 1 - 4)
#define GET_SA_VPN(spare) RD32_LE(&spare[1])
#define SET_SA_VPN(vpn, spare) WR32_LE(vpn, &spare[1])
// Get/set block count from spare area (bytes 5 - 8)
#define GET_SA_BC(spare) RD32_LE(&spare[5])
#define SET_SA_BC(bc, spare) WR32_LE(bc, &spare[5])
// Get/set block wear count from spare area (bytes 9 - 11 and MSH of 12)
#define GET_SA_WC(spare) (RD24_LE(&spare[9]) | ((spare[12] & 0xF0) << 20))
#define SET_SA_WC(wc, spare) \
{ \
WR24_LE(wc, &spare[9]); \
spare[12] = (spare[12] & 0xF) | ((wc >> 20) & 0xF0); \
// Type Declarations.
// The TargetFTL-NDM volume type
typedef struct ftln* FTLN;
typedef const struct ftln* CFTLN;
struct ftln {
CircLink link; // volume list link
// Driver Dependent Variables
ui32 num_pages; // total number of pages
ui32 pgs_per_blk; // number of pages in a block
ui32 block_size; // block size in bytes
ui32 num_blks; // number of blocks
ui32 page_size; // page size in bytes
ui32 start_pn; // first page on device for volume
void* ndm; // pointer to NDM this FTL belongs to
ui32 flags; // holds various FTL flags
ui32* bdata; // block metadata: flags and counts
ui8* blk_wc_lag; // amount block erase counts lag 'high_wc'
ui32* mpns; // array holding phy page # of map pages
FTLMC* map_cache; // handle to map page cache
ui32 free_vpn; // next free page for volume page write
ui32 free_mpn; // next free page for map page write
ui32 mappings_per_mpg; // number of phys page numbers per map page
ui32 num_vpages; // number of volume pages
ui32 num_free_blks; // number of free blocks
ui32 num_map_pgs; // number of pages holding map data
ui32 high_wc; // highest block wear count
ui32 high_bc; // highest map block write count
ui32 max_rc; // per block read wear limit
ui32 max_rc_blk; // if not -1, # of block w/high read cnt
ui32 high_bc_mblk; // last map block
ui32 high_bc_mblk_po; // used page offset on last map block
ui32 resume_vblk; // vblk in interrupted recycle recovery
ui32 resume_tblk; // tmp blk for interrupted recycle recovery
ui32 resume_po; // resume vblk's highest used page offset
ui32 elist_blk; // if valid, # of block holding erased list
ftl_ndm_stats stats; // driver call counts
ui8* main_buf; // NAND main page buffer
ui8* spare_buf; // spare buffer for single/multi-pg access
ui8 eb_size; // spare area size in bytes
ui8 copy_end_found; // vblk resume copy-end mark found
ui8 deferment; // # of recycles before applying wear limit
ui8 max_wc_lag; // maximum observed lag below hi wear count
ui8 max_wc_over; // # of times max WC (0xFF) was exceeded
ui8 assert_no_recycle; // test no recycle changes physical page #
char vol_name[FILENAME_MAX]; // volume name
// Variable Declarations.
extern CircLink FtlnVols;
extern FTLN Ftln;
// Function Prototypes.
int FtlnDelVol(FTLN ftl);
int FtlnWrPages(const void* buf, ui32 first, int count, void* vol);
int FtlnRdPages(void* buf, ui32 first, int count, void* vol);
int FtlnReport(void* vol, ui32 msg, ...);
ui32 FtlnGarbLvl(CFTLN ftl);
int FtlnVclean(FTLN ftl);
int FtlnMapGetPpn(CFTLN ftl, ui32 vpn, ui32* pnp);
int FtlnMapSetPpn(CFTLN ftl, ui32 vpn, ui32 ppn);
int FtlnRecCheck(FTLN ftl, int wr_cnt);
int FtlnRecNeeded(CFTLN ftl, int wr_cnt);
int FtlnRdPage(FTLN ftl, ui32 pn, void* buf);
int FtlnMapWr(void* vol, ui32 mpn, void* buf);
int FtlnMetaWr(FTLN ftl, ui32 type);
void FtlnDecUsed(FTLN ftl, ui32 pn, ui32 vpn);
int FtlnFormat(FTLN ftl, ui32 meta_block);
void FtlnStateRst(FTLN ftl);
int FtlnEraseBlk(FTLN ftl, ui32 b);
ui32 FtlnLoWcFreeBlk(CFTLN ftl);
ui32 FtlnHiWcFreeBlk(CFTLN ftl);
int FtlnRecycleMapBlk(FTLN ftl, ui32 recycle_b);
int FtlnSetClustSect1(FTLN ftl, const ui8* bpb, int format_req);
int FtlnFatErr(FTLN ftl);
void FtlnMlcSafeFreeVpn(FTLN ftl);
void FtlnBlkStats(CFTLN ftl);
void FtlnStats(FTLN ftl);
void FtlnShowBlks(void);
void FtlnCheckBlank(FTLN ftl, ui32 b);