blob: 59860f2f57fb9052c6762af17557eb5744209b33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#define ZX_IOMMU_MAX_DESC_LEN 4096
// Values for the |type| argument of the zx_iommu_create() syscall.
// Data structures for creating a dummy IOMMU instance
typedef struct zx_iommu_desc_dummy {
uint8_t reserved;
} zx_iommu_desc_dummy_t;
// Data structures for creating an Intel IOMMU instance
// This scope represents a single PCI endpoint device
// This scope represents a PCI-PCI bridge. The bridge and all of its downstream
// devices will be included in this scope.
// TODO(teisenbe): Investigate FIDL for this. Multiple embedded lists seems
// right up its alley.
typedef struct zx_iommu_desc_intel_scope {
uint8_t type;
// The bus number of the first bus decoded by the host bridge this scope is attached to.
uint8_t start_bus;
// Number of bridges (including the host bridge) between host bridge and the
// device.
uint8_t num_hops;
// The device number and function numbers of the bridges along the way,
// ending with the device itself.
// |dev_func[0]| is the address on |start_bus| of the first bridge in the
// path (excluding the host bridge). |dev_func[num_hops-1]| is the address
// of the device itself.
uint8_t dev_func[5];
} zx_iommu_desc_intel_scope_t;
typedef struct zx_iommu_desc_intel_reserved_memory {
uint64_t base_addr; // Physical address of the base of reserved memory.
uint64_t len; // Number of bytes of reserved memory.
// The number of bytes of zx_iommu_desc_intel_scope_t's that follow this descriptor.
uint8_t scope_bytes;
uint8_t _reserved[7]; // Padding
// This is a list of all devices that need access to this memory range.
// zx_iommu_desc_intel_scope_t scopes[num_scopes];
} zx_iommu_desc_intel_reserved_memory_t;
typedef struct zx_iommu_desc_intel {
uint64_t register_base; // Physical address of registers
uint16_t pci_segment; // The PCI segment associated with this IOMMU
// If true, this IOMMU has all PCI devices in its segment under its scope.
// In this case, the list of scopes acts as a blacklist.
bool whole_segment;
// The number of bytes of zx_iommu_desc_intel_scope_t's that follow this descriptor.
uint8_t scope_bytes;
// The number of bytes of zx_iommu_desc_intel_reserved_memory_t's that follow the scope
// list.
uint16_t reserved_memory_bytes;
uint8_t _reserved[2]; // Padding
// If |whole_segment| is false, this is a list of all devices managed by
// this IOMMU. If |whole_segment| is true, this is a list of all devices on
// this segment *not* managed by this IOMMU. It has a total length in bytes of
// |scope_bytes|.
// zx_iommu_desc_intel_scope_t scopes[];
// A list of all BIOS-reserved memory regions this IOMMU needs to translate.
// It has a total length in bytes of |reserved_memory_bytes|.
// zx_iommu_desc_intel_reserved_memory_t reserved_mem[];
} zx_iommu_desc_intel_t;