blob: 817261d1be7a720bbaf8c5e7900a53cd1e64d2a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
// clang-format off
#define OVL_STA (0x0000)
#define OVL_INTEN (0x0004)
#define OVL_INTSTA (0x0008)
#define OVL_EN (0x000C)
#define OVL_TRIG (0x0010)
#define OVL_RST (0x0014)
#define OVL_ROI_SIZE (0x0020)
#define OVL_DATAPATH_CON (0x0024)
#define OVL_ROI_BGCLR (0x0028)
#define OVL_SRC_CON (0x002C)
#define OVL_Lx_CON(x) (0x0030 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_SRCKEY(x) (0x0034 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_SRC_SIZE(x) (0x0038 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_OFFSET(x) (0x003C + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_ADDR(x) (0x0F40 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_PITCH(x) (0x0044 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_TILE(x) (0x0048 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_RDMAx_CTRL(x) (0x00C0 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_RDMAx_MEM_GMC_SETTING(x) (0x00C8 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_RDMAx_MEM_SLOW_CON(x) (0x00CC + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_RDMAx_FIFO_CTRL(x) (0x00D0 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_Y2R_PARA_R0(x) (0x0134 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_Y2R_PARA_R1(x) (0x0138 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_Y2R_PARA_G0(x) (0x013C + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_Y2R_PARA_G1(x) (0x0140 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_Y2R_PARA_B0(x) (0x0144 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_Y2R_PARA_B1(x) (0x0148 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_Y2R_PARA_YUV_A_0(x) (0x014C + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_Y2R_PARA_YUV_A_1(x) (0x0150 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_Y2R_PARA_RGB_A_0(x) (0x0154 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_Y2R_PARA_RGB_A_1(x) (0x0158 + (0x20 * x))
#define OVL_DEBUG_MON_SEL (0x01D4)
#define OVL_RDMAx_MEM_GMC_S2(x) (0x01E0 + (0x04 * x))
#define OVL_DUMMY_REG (0x0200)
#define OVL_SMI_DBG (0x0230)
#define OVL_GREQ_LAYER_CNT (0x0234)
#define OVL_FLOW_CTRL_DBG (0x0240)
#define OVL_ADDCON_DBG (0x0244)
#define OVL_RDMAx_DBG(x) (0x024C + (0x04 * x))
#define OVL_Lx_CLR(x) (0x025C + (0x04 * x))
// OVL_INTEN Bit Definitions
#define INT_FRAME_COMPLETE (0xe)
// OVL_FLOW_CTRL_DBG Bit Definitions
#define OVL_IDLE (0x1)
#define OVL_IDLE2 (0x2)
// OVL_SRC_CON Bit Definitions
#define SRC_CON_ENABLE_LAYER(x) (1 << x)
// OVL_Lx_CON Bit Definitions
#define Lx_CON_BYTE_SWAP (1 << 24)
#define Lx_CON_CLRFMT(x) (x << 12)
#define Lx_CON_HFE (1 << 10)
#define Lx_CON_VFE (1 << 9)
#define Lx_CON_AEN (1 << 8)
#define Lx_CON_ALPHA(x) (x << 0)
// OVL_Lx_PITCH Bit Definitions
#define Lx_PITCH_SRFL_EN (1 << 31)
#define Lx_PITCH_DST_ALPHA(x) (x << 20)
#define Lx_PITCH_SRC_ALPHA(x) (x << 16)
#define Lx_PITCH_PITCH(x) (x << 0)
#define NO_SRC_ALPHA (0x0)
#define SRC_ALPHA (0x5)
#define INV_SRC_ALPHA (0xA)
// Color Format based on OVL_Lx_CON Register definition
enum {
RGB565 = 0,
RGB888 = 1,
RGBA8888 = 2,
BGRA8888 = 2, // same as RGBA8888
ARGB8888 = 3,
ABGR8888 = 3, // same as ABGR8888
UVVY = 4,
VYUY = 4, // same as UVVY
YUYV = 5,
YVYU = 5, // same as YUYV
// Color Matrix Table based on OVL_Lx_CON Register definition
// TODO(payamm): This is only really needed if we ever support YUV
enum {
JPEG_TO_RGB = 4, // for YUV space
BT601_TO_RGB = 6,
BT709_TO_RGB = 7,