blob: ab85ee24fc0b9cd8dfd83d86c6b48da8a1d218b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits.h>
#include <ddk/protocol/pci-lib.h>
#include <hwreg/bitfields.h>
#include <lib/zx/object.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmar.h>
#include "igd.h"
#include "intel-i915.h"
#include "macros.h"
namespace {
// Register definitions from IGD OpRegion/Software SCI documentation. Section
// numbers reference Skylake Sept 2016 rev 0.5.
// The number of eDP panel types supported by the IGD API
static const uint32_t kNumPanelTypes = 16;
// GMCH SWSCI Register - 5.1.1
class GmchSwsciRegister : public hwreg::RegisterBase<GmchSwsciRegister, uint16_t> {
DEF_BIT(15, sci_event_select);
DEF_BIT(0, gmch_sw_sci_trigger);
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<GmchSwsciRegister>(0); }
// Entry half of Software SCI Entry/Exit Parameters - 3.3.1
class SciEntryParam : public hwreg::RegisterBase<SciEntryParam, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(15, 8, subfunction);
DEF_FIELD(4, 1, function);
DEF_BIT(0, swsci_indicator);
// Main function codes
static const uint32_t kFuncGetBiosData = 4;
// GetBiosData sub-function codes
static const uint32_t kGbdaSupportedCalls = 0;
static const uint32_t kGbdaPanelDetails = 5;
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<SciEntryParam>(0); }
// Exit half of Software SCI Entry/Exit Parameters - 3.3.1
class SciExitParam : public hwreg::RegisterBase<SciExitParam, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(15, 8, exit_param);
DEF_FIELD(7, 5, exit_result);
DEF_BIT(0, swsci_indicator);
constexpr static uint32_t kResultOk = 1;
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<SciExitParam>(0); }
// Additional param return value for GetBiosData supported calls function - 4.2.2
class GbdaSupportedCalls : public hwreg::RegisterBase<GbdaSupportedCalls, uint32_t> {
DEF_BIT(10, get_aksv);
DEF_BIT(9, spread_spectrum_clocks);
DEF_BIT(6, internal_graphics);
DEF_BIT(5, tv_std_video_connector_info);
DEF_BIT(4, get_panel_details);
DEF_BIT(3, get_boot_display_preference);
DEF_BIT(0, requested_system_callbacks);
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<GbdaSupportedCalls>(0); }
// Additional param return value for GetBiosData panel details function - 4.2.5
class GbdaPanelDetails : public hwreg::RegisterBase<GbdaPanelDetails, uint32_t> {
DEF_FIELD(22, 20, bia_ctrl);
DEF_FIELD(19, 18, blc_support);
DEF_BIT(16, lid_state);
DEF_FIELD(15, 8, panel_type_plus1);
DEF_FIELD(7, 0, panel_scaling);
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<GbdaPanelDetails>(0); }
static uint8_t iboost_idx_to_level(uint8_t iboost_idx) {
switch (iboost_idx) {
case 0: return 1;
case 1: return 3;
case 2: return 7;
LOG_INFO("Invalid iboost override\n");
return 0;
} // namespace
namespace i915 {
IgdOpRegion::IgdOpRegion() {}
IgdOpRegion::~IgdOpRegion() {
if (igd_opregion_pages_base_) {
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(igd_opregion_pages_base_, igd_opregion_pages_len_);
template<typename T> T* IgdOpRegion::GetSection(uint16_t* size) {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(GetSection(T::kBlockType, size));
uint8_t* IgdOpRegion::GetSection(uint8_t type, uint16_t* size) {
uint8_t* data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(bdb_);
uint16_t idx = bdb_->header_size;
while (idx < bdb_->bios_data_blocks_size - sizeof(block_header_t)) {
block_header_t* header = reinterpret_cast<block_header_t*>(data + idx);
uint16_t block_size = static_cast<uint16_t>(header->size_low | (header->size_high << 8));
if (block_size > bdb_->bios_data_blocks_size) {
return nullptr;
uint16_t new_idx = static_cast<uint16_t>(idx + block_size + sizeof(block_header_t));
if (new_idx <= bdb_->bios_data_blocks_size && header->type == type) {
*size = block_size;
return data + idx + sizeof(block_header_t);
idx = new_idx;
return nullptr;
bool IgdOpRegion::ProcessDdiConfigs() {
uint16_t size;
general_definitions_t* defs = GetSection<general_definitions_t>(&size);
if (defs == nullptr) {
LOG_ERROR("Couldn't find vbt general definitions\n");
return false;
if (size < sizeof(general_definitions_t)) {
LOG_ERROR("Bad size in vbt general definitions\n");
return false;
uint16_t num_configs = static_cast<uint16_t>(
(size - sizeof(general_definitions_t)) / defs->ddi_config_size);
for (int i = 0; i < num_configs; i++) {
ddi_config_t* cfg = reinterpret_cast<ddi_config_t*>(defs->ddis + i * defs->ddi_config_size);
if (!cfg->ddi_flags) {
auto ddi_flags = DdiFlags::Get().FromValue(cfg->ddi_flags);
uint8_t idx;
if (cfg->port_type < 4 || cfg->port_type == 12) {
// Types 0, 1, 2, 3, and 12 are HDMI ports A, B, C, D, and E
if (!ddi_flags.tmds()) {
LOG_WARN("Malformed hdmi config\n");
idx = cfg->port_type < 4 ? static_cast<registers::Ddi>(cfg->port_type)
: registers::DDI_E;
} else if (7 <= cfg->port_type && cfg->port_type <= 11) {
// Types 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 are DP ports B, C, D, A, E
if (!ddi_flags.dp()) {
LOG_WARN("Malformed dp config\n");
if (cfg->port_type <= 9) {
idx = static_cast<uint8_t>(cfg->port_type - 6);
} else if (cfg->port_type == 10) {
idx = registers::DDI_A;
} else {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(cfg->port_type == 11);
idx = registers::DDI_E;
} else {
if (ddi_supports_dvi_[idx] || ddi_supports_dp_[idx]) {
LOG_WARN("Duplicate ddi config\n");
ddi_supports_dvi_[idx] = ddi_flags.tmds();
ddi_supports_hdmi_[idx] = ddi_flags.tmds() && !ddi_flags.not_hdmi();
ddi_supports_dp_[idx] = ddi_flags.dp();
ddi_is_edp_[idx] = ddi_flags.dp() && ddi_flags.internal();
hdmi_buffer_translation_idx_[idx] = cfg->ddi_buf_trans_idx();
if (cfg->has_iboost_override()) {
iboosts_[idx].dp_iboost = iboost_idx_to_level(cfg->dp_iboost_override());
iboosts_[idx].hdmi_iboost = iboost_idx_to_level(cfg->hdmi_iboost_override());
} else {
iboosts_[idx].dp_iboost = 0;
iboosts_[idx].hdmi_iboost = 0;
return true;
bool IgdOpRegion::Swsci(pci_protocol_t* pci,
uint16_t function, uint16_t subfunction, uint32_t additional_param,
uint16_t* exit_param, uint32_t* additional_res) {
uint16_t val;
if (pci_config_read16(pci, kIgdSwSciReg, &val) != ZX_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Failed to read SWSCI register\n");
return false;
auto gmch_swsci_reg = GmchSwsciRegister::Get().FromValue(val);
if (!gmch_swsci_reg.sci_event_select() || gmch_swsci_reg.gmch_sw_sci_trigger()) {
LOG_WARN("Bad GMCH SWSCI register value (%04x)\n", val);
return false;
sci_interface_protocol_t* sci_interface = reinterpret_cast<sci_interface_protocol_t*>(igd_opregion_->mailbox2);
auto sci_entry_param = SciEntryParam::Get().FromValue(0);
sci_interface->entry_and_exit_params = sci_entry_param.reg_value();
sci_interface->additional_params = additional_param;
if (pci_config_write16(pci, kIgdSwSciReg,
gmch_swsci_reg.set_gmch_sw_sci_trigger(1).reg_value()) != ZX_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Failed to write SWSCI register\n");
return false;
// The spec says to wait for 2ms if driver_sleep_timeout isn't set, but that's not
// long enough. I've seen delays as long as 10ms, so use 50ms to be safe.
int timeout_ms = sci_interface->driver_sleep_timeout ? sci_interface->driver_sleep_timeout : 50;
while (timeout_ms-- > 0) {
auto sci_exit_param = SciExitParam::Get().FromValue(sci_interface->entry_and_exit_params);
if (!sci_exit_param.swsci_indicator()) {
if (sci_exit_param.exit_result() == SciExitParam::kResultOk) {
*exit_param = static_cast<uint16_t>(sci_exit_param.exit_param());
*additional_res = sci_interface->additional_params;
return true;
} else {
LOG_WARN("SWSCI failed (%x)\n", sci_exit_param.exit_result());
return false;
LOG_WARN("SWSCI timeout\n");
return false;
bool IgdOpRegion::GetPanelType(pci_protocol_t* pci, uint8_t* type) {
uint16_t exit_param;
uint32_t additional_res;
// TODO(stevensd): cache the supported calls when we need to use Swsci more than once
if (Swsci(pci, SciEntryParam::kFuncGetBiosData, SciEntryParam::kGbdaSupportedCalls,
0 /* unused additional_param */, &exit_param, &additional_res)) {
auto support = GbdaSupportedCalls::Get().FromValue(additional_res);
if (support.get_panel_details()) {
// TODO(stevensd): Support the case where there is >1 eDP panel
uint32_t panel_number = 0;
if (Swsci(pci, SciEntryParam::kFuncGetBiosData, SciEntryParam::kGbdaPanelDetails,
panel_number, &exit_param, &additional_res)) {
auto details = GbdaPanelDetails::Get().FromValue(additional_res);
if (details.panel_type_plus1()
&& details.panel_type_plus1() < (kNumPanelTypes + 1)) {
*type = static_cast<uint8_t>(details.panel_type_plus1() - 1);
LOG_SPEW("SWSCI panel type %d\n", *type);
return true;
uint16_t size;
lvds_config_t* cfg = GetSection<lvds_config_t>(&size);
if (!cfg || cfg->panel_type >= kNumPanelTypes) {
return false;
*type = cfg->panel_type;
return true;
bool IgdOpRegion::CheckForLowVoltageEdp(pci_protocol_t* pci) {
bool has_edp = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < registers::kDdiCount; i++) {
has_edp |= ddi_is_edp_[i];
if (!has_edp) {
LOG_SPEW("No edp found\n");
return true;
uint16_t size;
edp_config_t* edp = GetSection<edp_config_t>(&size);
if (edp == nullptr) {
LOG_WARN("Couldn't find edp general definitions\n");
return false;
if (!GetPanelType(pci, &panel_type_)) {
LOG_TRACE("No panel type\n");
return false;
edp_is_low_voltage_ =
!((edp->vswing_preemphasis[panel_type_ / 2] >> (4 * panel_type_ % 2)) & 0xf);
LOG_TRACE("Is low voltage edp? %d\n", edp_is_low_voltage_);
return true;
void IgdOpRegion::ProcessBacklightData() {
uint16_t size;
lfp_backlight_t* data = GetSection<lfp_backlight_t>(&size);
if (data) {
lfp_backlight_entry_t* e = &data->entries[panel_type_];
min_backlight_brightness_ = e->min_brightness / 255.0;
zx_status_t IgdOpRegion::Init(pci_protocol_t* pci) {
uint32_t igd_addr;
zx_status_t status = pci_config_read32(pci, kIgdOpRegionAddrReg, &igd_addr);
if (status != ZX_OK || !igd_addr) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to locate IGD OpRegion (%d)\n", status);
return status;
// TODO(stevensd): This is directly mapping a physical address into our address space, which
// is not something we'll be able to do forever. At some point, there will need to be an
// actual API (probably in ACPI) to do this.
zx_handle_t vmo;
uint32_t igd_opregion_pages_len_ = kIgdOpRegionLen + (igd_addr & PAGE_SIZE);
// Please do not use get_root_resource() in new code. See ZX-1467.
status = zx_vmo_create_physical(get_root_resource(),
igd_addr & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1),
igd_opregion_pages_len_, &vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to access IGD OpRegion (%d)\n", status);
return status;
igd_opregion_pages_ = zx::vmo(vmo);
status = zx::vmar::root_self()->map(0, igd_opregion_pages_, 0, igd_opregion_pages_len_,
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to map IGD OpRegion (%d)\n", status);
return status;
igd_opregion_ = reinterpret_cast<igd_opregion_t*>(
igd_opregion_pages_base_ + (igd_addr % PAGE_SIZE));
if (!igd_opregion_->validate()) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to validate IGD OpRegion\n");
vbt_header_t* vbt_header = reinterpret_cast<vbt_header_t*>(&igd_opregion_->mailbox4);
if (!vbt_header->validate()) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to validate vbt header\n");
bdb_ = reinterpret_cast<bios_data_blocks_header_t*>(
igd_opregion_->mailbox4 + vbt_header->bios_data_blocks_offset);
uint16_t vbt_size = vbt_header->vbt_size;
if (!bdb_->validate()
|| bdb_->bios_data_blocks_size > vbt_size
|| vbt_header->bios_data_blocks_offset + bdb_->bios_data_blocks_size > vbt_size) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to validate bdb header\n");
// TODO(stevensd): 196 seems old enough that all gen9 processors will have it. If we want to
// support older hardware, we'll need to handle missing data.
if (bdb_->version < 196) {
LOG_ERROR("Out of date vbt (%d)\n", bdb_->version);
if (!ProcessDdiConfigs() || !CheckForLowVoltageEdp(pci)) {
return ZX_OK;