Static Typing

This document describes and motivates the use of static typing in the recovery netstack.

The recovery netstack makes heavy use of static typing largely for the same reasons that any program does - to catch bugs at compile time. But there are a number of benefits to static typing that are more specific to our use case that are worth calling out.

Guaranteeing invariants and preventing denial-of-service attacks

Often, there are invariants that we want to uphold which are not as simple as type safety. For example, consider the act of setting the address and subnet on an interface. Here's one way we might write a function to do this:

pub fn set_ip_addr(iface: Interface, addr: IpAddr, network: IpAddr, prefix: u8) { ... }

In this example, we‘ll assume that IpAddr is either an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address, just like the standard library’s std::net::IpAddr. We can observe a number of invariants which the caller must uphold:

  • addr and network must be of the same IP version
  • prefix must be a valid prefix length for this IP version (no more than 32 bits for IPv4 or 128 bits for IPv6)
  • network must only have its uppermost prefix bits set
  • addr must be an address in the subnet identified by network and prefix

Assuming we wanted to design the interface this way, the canonical way of enforcing these invariants would be a) to document them in a doc comment and, b) to verify them at runtime, panicking if they are not upheld.

Now let's assume that set_ip_addr is called at the bottom of a long, complicated sequence of function calls that originate with a request from a local application client. How can we ensure that the invariants required by set_ip_addr are bubbled all the way up through the application to the point of accepting external input? This is a crucial question because, if we get this wrong, a client of the netstack could pass invalid parameters, and have those parameters make it to set_ip_addr, which would panic and crash the entire netstack.

To address this problem, we instead write set_ip_addr like this:

pub fn set_ip_addr<A: IpAddress>(iface: Interface, addr_subnet: AddrSubnet<A>) { ... }

An AddrSubnet is a type which guarantees all of the invariants we listed above. Instead of having to worry about documenting the invariants and hoping that the caller upholds them, we can simply assume that, by virtue of the fact that the caller has an AddrSubnet value, the invariants must be upheld.

What's more, AddrSubnet has the following constructor:

impl<A: IpAddress> AddrSubnet<A> {
    pub fn new(addr: A, prefix: u8) -> Option<AddrSubnet<A>> { ... }

The caller must guarantee that prefix is valid for the IP version as described above. However, instead of panicking if prefix is invalid, new simply returns None. This forces the programmer to be cognizant of the potential for error even if they didn't read the documentation. If new panicked on an invalid prefix, we could write the innocuous code:

let (addr, prefix) = read_addr_prefix_from_client();
let addr_subnet = AddrSubnet::new(addr, prefix);

To someone reading this code, it‘s not at all clear that there’s a denial-of-service waiting to happen if a client passes an invalid prefix. Instead, with new returning an Option, this code becomes:

let (addr, prefix) = read_addr_prefix_from_client();
let addr_subnet = AddrSubnet::new(addr, prefix).unwrap();

The unwrap makes it clear what's happening, and will hopefully tip off a code reviewer to the issue.

There's one final benefit: Function authors are encouraged to take these types as arguments, rather than the raw inputs from which the types are produced. This has the effect of naturally pushing input validation as close to client-provided input as possible, which is exactly where we want it.

To summarize, using static typing to uphold invariants gives us the following benefits:

  • It allows us to express our invariants in code rather than documentation, making it much harder to violate them accidentally
  • It provides us with types whose existence proves that the invariants are upheld, meaning that any function accepting those types as arguments can simply rely on the invariants being maintained by the caller
  • As a result of the previous property, it becomes both trivial and natural to perform input validation as close to the client as possible, leaving the core of the application to simply operate on already-verified values