
Usage of symbolize: -build-id-dir value path to .build-id directory -color value use color in output, can be never, auto, always (default auto) -ids value (deprecated) alias for -ids-txt -ids-rel tells the symbolizer to always use ids.txt relative paths -ids-txt value path to ids.txt -json-output string outputs trigger information to the specified file -level value output verbosity, can be fatal, error, warning, info, debug or trace (default info) -llvm-symbolizer string path to llvm-symbolizer (default "llvm-symbolizer") -llvm-symbolizer-restart-interval uint How many queries to make to the llvm-symbolizer tool before restarting it. 0 means never restart it. Use to control memory usage. See (default 15) -symbol-cache string path to directory to store cached debug binaries in -symbol-index string path to the symbol-index file (default "/usr/local/google/home/kasiahayden/.fuchsia/debug/symbol-index") -symbol-server value a GCS URL or bucket name that contains debug binaries indexed by build ID -symbol-server-timeout duration Symbol server timeout for fetching an object from gs (default 5s)